Thank you, Cynthia, for this education in things I never knew about. I'm going to bookmark your lecture to include in a future episode on Reinventing Energy. You've changed my mind about many things so I don't assume I'm right but I have some questions.

The first consideration I'd look at is the spiritual. Geoengineering assumes that the world hasn't been designed optimally for humans in the first place. It also aligns (with space colonization) with the Great Reset agenda and that concerns me.

The second consideration is political--are these decisions that should be entrusted to a handful of people who control the world through gov'ts, media, economics, etc? Do we need to change the way we take responsibility to empowering communities rather than top-down, which will be used for whatever purpose they have. The same tool may be used for good or bad depending on the user.

And the last is a different suggestion. Regenerative ranching starts with the soil to retain water and reverse desertification. It's a literal grassroots movement that turns deserts into pasture in a way that's completely decentralized and provides local food sovereignty at the same time. Wouldn't that be more in alignment with a spirituality of equality and perfect design, therefore a perfect designer?

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What a great essay! Thank you, Cynthia Chung.

This reminds me of several or many realistic/optimistic books, I'll name just two:

Merchants Of Despair, by nuclear PhD engineer, Robert Zubrin.

Our Occulted History, by genius journalist Jim Marrs, RIP.

Occulted in the sense of deliberately hidden.


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