I had the pleasure of meeting Udo Ulfkotte in person years ago at a lecture and subsequent discussion in a villa in Cologne. His signed books will always have a place of honor on my bookshelf.

It is a great loss for us Germans to lose this brave man who had chosen truthfulness. His death, which has not been solved until today, still makes me stunned and sad.

All the more thank you, dear Cynthia, for reminding me and many others here of him in this place. ❤

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He was a man with backbone, a man among followers, cowards and paid claquers. My country is not my country anymore for a very long time. Nowadays they obey the government and protest against the opposition and feel good doing so. (Mao lässt grüssen) There is a saying „Nur die dümmsten Kälber wählen ihre Schlächter selber“ (only the stupidest calves choose their own slaughteres) Everything is rotten in the Country of Germany (yes Danemark too), inside and out. I say that even though I live in „rich“ Bavaria. You can't speak the truth anymore or have a different view on topics , well you can, but you have to stand being called a Nazi …and worse (loosing your job and more) The only way of being is the inner immigration, luckily surrounded by really good friends)

Good night everyone - and thank you so much Cynthia Chung for all you do.

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As the collective West's "500 Year Reich" of total world domination comes to an inglorious and inexorable end in the form of the much dreaded - "multi-polar world" - blatant and ceaseless propaganda will be more critical than ever in order to keep Western populations locked into our ongoing infantile state of clueless idiocy regarding anything that might be fairly described as - "objective reality."

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The depth and breadth of the corruption in nearly every institution beggars belief. We allowed the deep state to become so large, wealthy and powerful that, at this point, only total destruction and starting over could reign them in. That is never going to happen, as we know, since they own and control every institution that would be used to bring them down. Now we're stuck with trying to live in a thoroughly corrupt world in the best way we can, knowing that there is no way we can hide from them forever. And all this in furtherance of world domination by psychopathic monsters.

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Another quote from Shakespeare’s Hamlet comes to mind: “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”. Thank you for your analysis.

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Ich durfte Udo Ulfkotte anlässlich eines Vortrags und anschließender Diskussion vor Jahren in einer kölner Villa persönlich kennenlernen. Seine handsignierten Bücher werden immer einen Ehrenplatz meinem Bücherregal haben.

Es ist ein großer Verlust für uns Deutsche, diesen tapferen Mann, der sich für die Wahrhaftigkeit entschieden hatte, zu verlieren. Sein bis heute nicht aufgeklärter Tod macht mich immer noch fassungslos und traurig.

Um so mehr Danke ich Dir, liebe Cynthia, dass Du mich und viele andere hier an dieser Stelle an ihn erinnerst. ❤

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Just a headzup - "fear and paranoia" link to source is dead. Good essay so far!

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Unfortunately they are mostly dead links for countries that have censored Strategic Culture, originally they were links to my articles published with them. Here is one of the main articles referenced that is now hosted on Rising Tide, https://risingtidefoundation.net/2021/08/23/the-emerging-eurasian-alliance-as-an-opportunity-not-a-threat/

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another dead link - "Churchill"

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