One rabbit hole that could be mentioned in a side note is the Russell family (Duke of Bedford is a Russell, Bedford is not normally a person's name in Britain) and the Fabian Society which is recognised; Huxley, Russell, Wells territory. The Tavistock institute is probably going too deep ;-)

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I have to read the trilogy at some point. What never seems to surprise me is when peeling back layers of Darwinists/Eugenicists, they believe in religion, their religion. They believe in God, they are God. They even believe in a hierarchical structure, might makes right. The plebs will serve. But as Cynthia points out, they betray themselves when hiding the holistic harmonious relationship between man and the cosmos. They must hide (or occult if you will) the quadrivium from those who they wish to compartmentalize. And when the lower beings are compartmentalized in the macro they also self compartmentalize, unable to become a holistic well rounded human being inside. Why would an atheistic Darwinist need to hide the truth if they are so confident in its self evidence? Could it be that there is a metaphysical principle behind the universe? Today, when I was meditating outside on a gorgeous day, I heard birds harmonizing so beautifully. Each bird had their own unique sound that gave vibrancy to the whole. They were not a hive mind. They were one and many. I did not need some empirical evidence to scientifically sort out whether it was beautiful. It just was. Sorry Descartes but the truth was here before me.

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This morning my granddaughter wanted to know more about scorpions. And my daughter and I explained that like sharks, they’ve hardly changed their physiology since prehistoric times. But so called Modern scientists claim that humans have gone through many physiological changes since the same time Period. We told her ‘this is a major contradiction, disagreement, between those who believe Man is made in G*d’s image versus those who claim he’s in a monkey’s.

Maybe a bit heavy for a 5 year old still coming to grips with what are the animal kingdom’s major differentiations. She’s homeschooled so we go wherever she directs herself .

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Very insightfully stated!

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Thank you two so much you do such professional work and have such great support for us. It just seems so trite, just thank you. Please give each other a huge hug with great feeling and say this is from Debbie.

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How strange that you should write about this! I'm reading the C.S Lewis trilogy for the first time, currently almost finished with Perelandra.

A passage about Weston ripping up the frogs made me realize the destructive, irrational spirit surrounding Covid/The Great Reset has always been around and derives pleasure from the suffering of others. It was difficult to read yet strangely comforting. We are fighting a very old enemy indeed. The names and the institutions change but the motives are as old as time.

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Quite right!

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Very insightful, thank you! Julian Huxley was a major influence in academia during my early years, but I always found his views distasteful, and his atheism flat out stupid...Many others, including my parents, almost worshipped him....

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Very good read. Thank you

I’m sharing this far and wide. Excellent work!

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Dear Cynthia,

Thank you for these wonderful lectures on CS Lewis. You’ve ended this first lecture upon Lewis’ hope that there will at least be a few readers, of his fiction, to realise that his is not a treaty of pure imagination but of hidden truth.

I think many of us today, or at least those who are on substack, so in fact a tiny minority, have sensed that we live as if within a fictional scenery where the battle against the powers, principalities and spirits of the air are all too real.

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Alfred Korzybski - Science and Sanity

Marshal McLuhan - Gutenberg Galaxy

Douglas Hofstadter - Godel Escher Bach

These three guys cleared up a lot of things for me.

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Concerning the notion of space as empty being a relatively recent perception, the following aspect may be of interest to those who have been wondering about the possibilty for mankind to travel to distant planets in other star systems or even other galaxies.


The interstellar space is far from empty and may have something like 200000 hydrogen atoms/ cubic meter. From the point of view of physics that means there will be a drag force on the ship.

That force due to relativity may be proportional to v^2/(1-v^2/c2) and the power impinging on the vehicle will mean there is an additional factor of the speed v becoming proportional to

v^3/(1-v^2/c2) .


That power needs to be held below conditions that would melt or vaporaize the ship.

As can be seen from that expression when v->c the drag force increases without limit


In practise such a ship would probably be designed with a wedge shape to decrease the drag but due to so called relativistic Lorentz contraction the wedgeshape flattens more with speed.


Since there is a practical limit for how much of a wedge is workable the maximum speed in practise is likely to not be close to the speed of light. Thus there wont be any large gains from time dilatations to make it possible to stay young while travelling very far.


Thus we are effectively isolated to a local part of the universe.


That makes me think that the universe protects itself from expansive civilisations even if they exist.


If a civilisation has a finite lifetime t say the typical interval between catastrophic asteroid impacts, then that time frame defines a spherical region in space with a radius c times t wherein it is potentially possible that different civbilisations might encounter each others signals

If that time is 100M years that region would have a radius of 100M lightyears

Since the size of the universe is cited to be something like tens of billions of lightyears


One civilisation would then be less than a millionth of the volume of the universe.

Like a needle in a haystack.


And that only concerns the uncertain possibillity of even happening to capture some signals as signs of other civilisations within a time frame where both concerned civilisations exist in a way that means practical communication would be possible.


These numbers seem to mean we are not meant to experience any such encounters. It is still possible that information about long gone civilisations might reach us but we are probably alone in a practical sense.


Thus the negation of the universe being an empty black void implicates that we are alone.

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