“A Republic if we can Phoenix it” - Bret Weinstein’s Tavistock Cure to Save the “Demented” West by Burning the Village to Save the Village
And How Eric Weinstein is in charge of lighting that Fire through a Manufactured Migration Crisis
By Cynthia Chung
“When children absorb the content of their culture, it isn’t just facts and skills, the most important things we pass between generations are myths; stories that are so powerfully important they are encoded in a special sacred layer. And in our case, the myth we need comes to us from the Greeks, the founders of the ancient West. The one from which the modern West ultimately emerged.
It is the story of the Phoenix.
A mystical bird that instead of making chicks lights its nest ablaze and raises anew from the ashes. Watching the modern West burn, I believe it is no accident that this story points us to a hidden solution, a remedy for which we just so happen to have the ingredients.
In 1787 Ben Franklin was asked if the constitutional convention had produced a monarchy or a republic and Franklin famously replied “A Republic, if you can keep it.”
Today…What we must deliver is a Republic if we can Phoenix it.
… And so in closing I ask you to think about the job we must do to Phoenix our Republic…It is for such moments that the Hopi Elders tell us - we are the ones we have been waiting for.”
- Bret Weinstein’s closing of his speech at the Rescue the Republic event Sept. 29, 2024
“It became necessary to destroy the town to save it.”
- quote from an American Major during the Vietnam War, reported by journalist Peter Arnett
The shocking statement “A Republic if we can Phoenix it” was how Bret Weinstein decided to end his speech during the “Rescue the Republic” event in Washington DC this past Sept. 29, 2024 – followed by an unblinking audience who clapped and cheered loudly with clearly no understanding whatsoever of what Bret was in fact calling for.
Bret was prescribing a cure for the West’s “demented” “senility” - where death and destruction were the “hidden solution” and that we “just happen to have the ingredients” for. The ingredients for a crisis that is to see the West burn. And we have Bret’s brother Eric who has played a leading role in manufacturing the migrant crisis hitting the United States as we speak to thank for those very “ingredients”. But more on that later.
Let us first start with the relevance of Bret’s emphasis on the Phoenix as our myth, our story, that we now need to embrace in order to “save the Republic.” (a thanks to Uwe Alschner for calling attention to this disturbing speech by Bret in his paper.)
The symbol of the Phoenix within the United States should already be well-known, in fact, it should be infamous. It was the symbol chosen by the CIA to represent Operation Phoenix that was executed during the Vietnam War.
This is how the phrase “burn the village to save the village” became known around the world. After all, the program was named after the Phoenix for that very reason. According to the myth, the Phoenix obtains new life by rising from the ashes after it dies in a blaze of fiery flames before being born again.
Weinstein adds that it can only create anew by lighting its nest on fire – for which he is clearly calling for the West to light itself on fire in order to “save itself.”
That is, the Phoenix can only achieve Birth through Destruction and thus, so must we, if we accept this as our creation myth. [More on the Smithsonian’s role in utilising creation myths as cultural warfare weapons, to which Bret Weinstein is a student, shortly.]
When Operation Phoenix was exposed to the public, the American people were rightly horrified and disgusted that their government could have participated in such heinous acts of torture, illegal imprisonment into perpetuity, re-education camps along party propaganda lines and other forms of brutality. In fact, South Vietnam was used as the first lab experiment for executing such Orwellian techniques on a mass scale.
It was the CIA’s Edward Lansdale, who was put in charge of the Saigon Military Mission, and who used Orwellian titles for his programs such as the “Extended Arms for Brotherhood” program, “Operation Brotherhood”, “Citizens’ Retraining Camp” otherwise known as “Strategic Hamlets”, the “Civic Action Program”, “Peoples’ Arms of Brotherhood” and the “White Dove Resistance Sisters.”
According to Douglas Valentine, the author of “The Phoenix Program”, at its height Phoenix managers imposed quotas of eighteen hundred neutralizations per month. That is eighteen hundred executions per month. This does not account for those who were tortured and imprisoned for months to years before they were released.

Operation Phoenix was the beginning of a new form of warfare – counterinsurgency. Thus, the US Army, under the direct purview of the CIA in Vietnam, would indoctrinate the next generation of recruits (beginning in the 1960s and continuing to this day) who were taught that it was their role to not only neutralise the enemy through such “pacification” programs like the Phoenix Program, but to take part in that country’s reform on all levels, including politically, economically and culturally.
Increasingly anything that had to do with policing activity would also fall under the purview of the CIA. This included police activity within the United States as well, where Green Berets increasingly took over the management and directive of police forces within their own country, using tactics that were clearly not for the increased safety of the American citizen. (Let us also remember Bret’s deep fondness for the Green Berets which he made explicit on the Tucker Carlson Show after his “tour” of Panama from Michael Yon.)
Vietnam was to be the first experiment applying this on a massive scale. It was to be the first where there would be an attempt to create an entirely new nation that would be reborn out of the ashes, after having been severed from its cultural past along with its values and traditions.
Vietnam would be the first country to undergo shock-therapy as the CIA had done to individuals under the MK Ultra program.
It was their belief that they could wield the power to write history anew, to erase all memory of the past and have a blank slate to which they could write down whatever they wish, not just wiping out the memory of one person but of an entire people.
This rewriting of memory and identity by the CIA’s MK Ultra program under Allen Dulles was most certainly viewed in Orwellian terms; that the past is what the present dictates it to be, for if it were not, it could challenge the basis for the present.
Thus, to preserve the present, the past must serve the present.
Counterinsurgency warfare, and its executioners the US Special Forces, was never a friend to the American people, since these techniques were first practiced in Vietnam having always had the intention and purpose for application in the Americas, where today it has finally come home to roost.
And thus, it should come as no surprise that the origin of Operation Phoenix comes out of the Tavistock Institute, which launched the beginning of the era of “mind control” experimentation.
The Tavistock Institute’s ‘Operation Phoenix’
In their official overview of their own history, in “Fifty Years of the Tavistock Clinic” by Henry Victor Dicks (a Tavistockian himself), the Tavistock Institute makes no secret of their rebirth, which had risen out of their pact with the British Military during WWII to which they reference as ‘Operation Phoenix.’
During WWII, John Rawlings Rees- the Director of Tavistock- became chief of the psychiatric service of the British Army “which progressively involved more and more of the Tavistock staff”.[1]
With Tavistock’s close union with the British Army, they had shifted their focus from curing the individual of neuroses to the idea that possibly one could cure all of society all at once. Soldiers that were suffering from various forms of neuroses became the subjects that the Tavistock could perform their experiments on without the concern for red tape, consent, or even legal ramifications, since the military has it own code of law. It was through these group therapy experimentations, such as the Northfield experiments, that a cybernetics-like application of Tavistock-based psychology would begin to influence society on all levels.
H.V. Dicks writes in “Fifty Years of the Tavistock Clinic”:
“By 1942 we were already beginning, in such spare time as we had, to plan our post-war shape and policies…In 1942 JR [Rees]…[layed out] in the Tavistock report on future planning…the role of area psychiatrists as some sort of ‘medical officers for mental health’, covering the country from a military point of view, and other similar matters.
The trend of Tavistock thinking in terms of a broad mental health programme is clear: selection and aptitude for a job as a stress-reducing measure could beneficially be transferred from the Army to industry and civilian life in general… An increase and coordination of provincial work would lead towards a more satisfactory psychiatric service for the country as a whole.”
Everyone was now regarded as a patient of the Tavistock Institute whether they wanted to be or not, since the entire society had become “sick” and “neurotic” from the two world wars, and it was up to Tavistock to implement psychiatric policies that would affect all levels of society to ensure “mental hygiene” of its subjects.
[Note: Mental Hygiene is in fact a concept that was promoted by Tavistock and became central to the World Health Organization (WHO).]
Dicks continues:
“It was during this latter part of 1944 that the change, started through military service, in the relationships between official psychoanalysis and the Tavistock group was carried a long step further, with considerable repercussions on all our subsequent history. I had a private meeting with John Rickman and John Bowlby, both influential psychoanalysts [from Tavistock], and all of us in the Army at the time, to discuss possible collaboration and the shape of things to come.
… Rickman and Bowlby shared the common viewpoint of the ‘invisible college’ and saw in the Tavistock a ready-made centre for implementing the new dynamic social psychiatry.”
Here the reference to ‘The Invisible College’ is interesting when situated within the context of an inner sect of social engineers wishing to transform society in an alchemical reset.
Matt Ehret writes:
“The formation of the Invisible College run as an esoteric society of Rosicrucian Kaballists that took over control of the English government after the ill fated republican English Civil war (1640-1649) is another important consideration to hold in mind when trying to make sense of the vast influence that the British Empire and its Royal Society wields over the structures of scientific practice internationally.”
In order to see through this “shape of things to come”, there would have to be a purge within the Tavistock Institute itself, that would get rid of the older generation (except for a few who they considered allies) and any younger staff who did not agree with the new direction of “social psychiatry.”
Along with this purge came the entry of British Army psychiatrists. Anyone who remained in Tavistock would have to be supportive of the new symbiotic relationship between psychiatry and military.
The Rockefeller Foundation would play a central role in this purge and new direction, dictating its orders through threat of withholding donations which Tavistock primarily relied upon as financial support.
Interestingly, one of Tavistock’s greatest minds, at least from their point of view, was Wilfred Bion, who had made a name for himself in his group experiments within the military hospitals. From these experiments he came up with his concept of “Group Dynamics”. Bion asserted that whenever a group is formed, it seeks a leader to follow. Moreover, he claimed in his book “Experiences with Groups” that in the absence of a formal leader who satisfies the group, the most mentally ill member of the group will be treated as an informal leader: "In its search for a leader the group finds a paranoid schizophrenic or malignant hysteric if possible; failing either of these, a psychopathic personality with delinquent trends will do; failing a psychopathic personality it will pick on the verbally facile high-grade defective."[2]
There is no doubt that Vietnam was once again used as one large experiment in this. It is also no coincidence that we see such delinquent leaders in charge of their troops in Vietnam in the majority of Hollywood movies, such as in Platoon, and Apocalypse Now. It was a repetitive formula, since life was imitating art…and it appears that it was engineered to be that way.
Another noteworthy individual is Kurt Lewin, who was not directly a member of Tavistock but was another symbiotic partner you could say. Kurt Lewin is a giant in the field of psychology and was influential in the development of the Frankfurt School. It was Lewin who would first coin the term “group dynamics”.
He theorized that when a group is established it becomes a unified system with supervening qualities that cannot be understood by evaluating members individually. Lewin focused the study of social psychology of small group communication and created the founding research and training in group dynamics, including establishing the participative management style in organizations.
In addition to group discussions, he became increasingly interested in group membership. He was curious as to how perspectives of an individual in relation to the group were solidified or weakened. He tried to come up with the way identity was constructed from standpoint and perspectives. These were the beginnings of what ended up developing into "groupthink". Lewin started to become quite interested in how ideas were created and then perpetuated by the mentality of a group.[3]
H.V. Dicks sums it up as follows ‘The larger Tavistock organization of the last twenty years, with its clinical and its social research wings, thus became a natural nodal point for that transdisciplinary field we may call ‘community psychiatry (“sociatry”) and mental health’, ranging from the social development of the human infant to the dynamics of the largest human group, seen as evolutionary continuities.’[4]
(Note: these evolutionary continuities are in direct alignment with the philosophy of the Smithsonian Institute, to which Bret is a disciple… more on this in a follow-up paper.)
In other words, Tavistock had become ubiquitous.
One of their projects in the military, is described by H.V. Dicks as “a special Army research department called the Directorate of Biological Research, whence issued such things as operational research groups and many slightly ‘undercover’ operations, contributing to military statistical and epidemiological research. The military effort for which [A.T.M.] Wilson [Tavistock psychiatrist] should chiefly be credited was the development of the Civil Resettlement Scheme, the prototype of one aspect of the therapeutic community.”
The Civil Resettlement Scheme had already been implemented in Vietnam by the time H.V. Dicks had written those very words in 1970.
On January 20, 1954, the CIA authorized Edward Lansdale to create the Saigon Military Mission (SMM). This unit was led by US Special Forces under Lansdale’s direction and was in place by July 1954. The Saigon Military Mission, led by US Special Forces under the direction of Lansdale, recruited Vietnamese to take part in psywar tactics to provoke a mass migration of northern Vietnamese to leave their ancestral villages after centuries of having lived in this one location.
Over one million northern Vietnamese were herded into South Vietnam by Lansdale’s SMM, the largest mass migration to have ever been facilitated directly by another country ever. These northerners were convinced to travel to the South where they were promised security from whatever was presently causing them to frantically leave the North thanks to the US Special Forces SMM psywar tactics.
This was made possible by the Geneva Accords in July 1954 which established the 17th parallel as a temporary demarcation line separating Vietnam into North and South Vietnam with separate governments. On top of this decision to cut a country in two with no heed to what the people living in said country actually wanted, the Geneva Accords also laid out that “…any civilians residing in a district controlled by one party, who wish to go to live in the zone assigned to the other party, shall be permitted and helped to do so by the authorities in that district.”
It was sold to the western public as a “peaceful and humane transfer” of those who did not wish to live in Ho Chi Minh’s North Vietnam. It was in fact the kindling that would be used to light Vietnam on fire and justify the entry of the US military in a war with no declared military objective.

Col Fletcher Prouty served as a liaison officer between the Pentagon and the CIA between 1955 and 1963. He writes in his book “The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy”:
“These penniless natives, some 660,000 or more, were herded into Haiphong by the Saigon Military Mission and put aboard US Navy transport vessels. About 300,000 traveled on the CIA’s Civil Air Transport aircraft, and others walked out. They were transported, like cattle, to the southernmost part of Vietnam, where, despite promises of money and other basic support, they were turned loose upon the local population.”

The outcome of such a “mission” was predictable. Chaos would be unleashed in South Vietnam, with those destitute needing to resort to desperate measures, and those wishing to defend their villages also put in a desperate situation. Unbelievably, it was purposefully made even worse by Ngo Dinh Diem threatening any village that would help these displaced peoples who had now suddenly become the “communist enemy”. It was also used as an excuse for why the Diem government now had the right to enter any village and interrogate, remove to prison, or even kill on the spot any individual that was suspected in colluding with “the enemy.” It was the CIA’s Edward Lansdale who was the advisor and controller of Diem’s overnight government of South Vietnam.
So what is the relevance today with Bret’s calling for Phoenixing the Republic?
Enter Eric Weinstein.
Eric Weinstein’s “Great Replacement” aka Tavistock’s Civil Resettlement Scheme
Once again, Geneva would find itself in the middle of another manufactured migrant crisis. Johnny Vedmore writes in his paper ‘Eric R. Weinstein’s “Great Replacement”’:
“The United Nations International Labour Organization in Geneva set up “the MIGRANT Division” … To lead the unit, the UN appointed Manolo Abella to be Chief of MIGRANT, who is now linked with the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, the University of Oxford, and others.
Essentially the UN decided that the democratic voters of a nation-state would oppose unfettered economic migration, as we are experiencing today, and the folks at this globalist entity believed they knew better.
To achieve their goals, the United Nations needed to subversively introduce this agenda in an undemocratic manner without gaining the consent of the native citizens of the democracies that they were to target. The man they chose to analyse and map out this scheme, which many refer to now as “The Great Replacement” was Eric R. Weinstein, who has since become a central figure in the “Intellectual Dark Web” whose members include Ben Shapiro, David Rubin, Jordan B. Peterson, Sam Harris, Douglas Murray, Joe Rogan, and Eric’s brother Bret Weinstein.
Eric Weinstein was employed by the UN to produce a document entitled: ‘Migration for the Benefit of All: Towards a New Paradigm of Economic Immigration’ Weinstein was aware of the damage which economic migration was to do to the native populations in places such as the United States and the United Kingdom. In one part of the document he produced for this nefarious United Nations agenda entitled, “Preference for migrants, undercutting of natives”
The Weinstein plan was always going to cost the government money, as we see unfolding today. A meticulous and proactive plan would have to be enacted by the nation-state in question to deal with the impact of large-scale migration and the author makes this clear in the document, with Eric R. Weinstein stating:
‘In effect, the government would assume all the administrative and transport costs for a group of migrants, as well as calculating the additional external impacts of hosting them. To indicate these costs, the government would calculate the expected migrant impact cost as a function of the number of migrants. Such a function would be expected not only to grow as the number of migrants increased, but also to do so in accelerating fashion, because of concern for the environment, monitoring costs, societal stress, and security risks.’
The problems of “ghettoization” and issues relating to “long-term native shortages” are brought up by Weinstein as known consequences of the redistribution of income away from native populations, but at no point are these problems expressed as reasons not to force economic migration upon target populations.
In this United Nations document, Eric Weinstein specifically pushes Marxist ideology concerning the redistribution of income and wealth which benefits economic migrants at the expense of the native populations.
Eric Weinstein proudly advertised his work for the United Nations on his website at the time, as well as posing himself as an expert on the subject. Under the title of “International Migration”, Weinstein even had a special email address for issues concerning migration where it was written:
‘If you are interested in the creation of efficient markets for facilitating increased international labor migration, please contact me at migration@eric-weinstein.net regarding the article ‘Migration for the Benefit of All’ to appear in 2002 in the International Labor Review.
It is a pleasure to thank the MIGRANT division of the United Nations ILO in Geneva for sponsoring this work.’ “
Also check out Mathew Crawford’s paper Immigration LARP: Eric Weinstein's "Great Replacement"?
The work of Eric Weinstein in publicly working for the United Nations in facilitating an increase in migration to target native populations, despite the known detriment to the native population, including ghettoization, should seriously call into question Bret’s dramatic reveal on the Tucker Carlson show about the Chinese “parasites” in Panama who are presently building “bridges” and “roads” to facilitate trade… how evil indeed!
Bret, who was taken on a tour by Green Beret Michael Yon, attempted to convince Americans that one hundred Chinese men at a construction camp for said bridges and roads construction were secretly facilitating the migration crisis hitting the United States.
The Green Berets in fact have had a military base in Panama for several decades now as well as a centralised computer system COPECOMI/CONDORTEL which not only has access to all security information over Central and South American borders, but was used during Gladio’s Operation Condor to coordinate death squads (after they were trained at these very Panama bases by the Green Berets).
Yes, Bret and Michael Yon’s sounding the Paul Revere alarm is looking rather suspect indeed.
And Bret’s brother Eric is at the very center of this migrant crisis. Coincidence? Likely not.
But maybe Bret is innocent, despite the creepy reference to our need to “Phoenix the Republic,” maybe Bret doesn’t know about the sinister history of the Green Berets or the sinister activities of his very brother?
Well, Bret himself is a disciple of the Smithsonian Institute and had a close relationship with the US military bases, as he himself stated in his interview with Tucker, while he was in Panama studying…“tent-making bats”. Bret also has a direct connection to Game B which is interested in topics of catastrophic and existential risk, civilization and institutional decay and collapse as well as progress, collective action programs, and social organization theories.
Sounds rather on par with Tavistock’s Operation Phoenix after all. Let’s further explore that shall we?
Of “Savages” and “Scientists”: The Smithsonian’s Laboratory
Creation Myths as a Cultural Warfare Weapon
“In the inevitable course of human history the individual races will probably fade out and disappear, and the world will be filled to overflowing with a generalized race in which the dominating blood will be that of the race that today has the strongest claim, physically and intellectually, to take possession of all the resources of the land and sea.”
- William Henry Holmes “Random Records of a Lifetime” (1932), Chief of the Smithsonian Institute’s Bureau of American Ethnology (John Wesley Powell’s successor), head curator of anthropology at the U.S. National Museum, chairman of the Division of Anthropology of the U.S. National Museum, director of the Smithsonian American Art Museum.
In a recently published paper, I carry out a much more thorough overview of the Smithsonian’s legacy in manipulating creation myths of the Natives, who were put through many manufactured crises as well.
Through the 19th century, Native bands were continuously promised land and supplies to support their people. These promises were consistently broken to the point of causing mass starvation amongst those who found themselves bordered up in reservations, otherwise known as concentration camps.
The Native Americans were destitute and suffering from abject poverty and starvation. From this desperate situation, the Smithsonian “anthropologists” came in with their re-wrapping of old creation myths to fit what they now wished be promoted as a sort of new religion, or Great Narrative, as the technocrats managing the Great Reset call it today.
In other words, the Smithsonian Institute was promoting their select amalgamation of creation myths to convince the Native Americans that their suffering was happening for a reason and that there was a way out of this suffering - through them essentially being re-born again out of a cataclysmic event.
This rewriting of creation myths was led by anthropologist/social theorist Lewis Henry Morgan (1818-1891), who effectively wrote the bible for the Smithsonian Institute with his works The League of the Iroquois in 1851, followed by Ancient Society in 1877.
Morgan was to combine the symbols and lore learned or concocted in these interviews with Native Americans, with a certain amount of rewarmed Jesuitical embellishment. This was likely no coincidence.

Though vehemently anti-Catholic in his writings, Lewis Henry Morgan would nevertheless pay homage to the Jesuits:
“The privations, and hardships endured by the Jesuit missionaries, and the zeal, the fidelity and devotion, exhibited by them, in their efforts for the conversion of the Indians, are unsurpassed in the history of Christianity. They traversed the forests of America alone and unprotected…they passed the ordeal of Indian captivity, and the fires of the torture…but in the midst of all, they never forgot the mission with which they were intrusted. The fruits of these labors of Christian devotion are yet visible among the descendants of ancient Iroquois; for the precepts spread among them by the missionaries are still in the Indian mind, and many of them have been incorporate by them into their own religious systems. The intercourse of the French Jesuits with the Iroquois furnishes, in some respects, the most pleasing portion of their history.”
After all, the Jesuits had set the stage and written the manual on cultural and spiritual manipulation. Morgan was simply following the path already cleared by the Jesuits. It was the Jesuits who had gone to live among the tribes in newly occupied colonial areas (Canada, Paraguay, Asia), and who had been accepted as the brothers of the Indians. It was the Jesuits who had skillfully portrayed their religion as so value-free as to accommodate itself to any system of belief. Recall the Jesuit maxim “All things to all men.”
The Jesuits were so successful in this that they were even adopted into the tribal leadership. They then played a mediating role with the outside world of fur traders, liquor merchants, and colonial military officials.
The Jesuits educated the tribe about its ‘uniqueness’ and hence unsuitability to be integrated into Western scientific culture, or agricultural settlements. They were the ones who created the Master of Life religion which would lead to the infamous Ghost Dance Religion that led to the Massacre at Wounded Knee.
The Master of Life religion existed at least as early as the 18th century, where it made its appearance through French Jesuit manipulation of Pontiac, which created the myth of Pontiac’s Prophecy. This Master of Life religion would take many forms over the years, including influencing Tecumseh’s brother the Shawnee Prophet which led to the massacre of their people who were told that they would be invincible to bullets. This religion with its prophets who would lead their people to their doom would be repeated over and over again until the Ghost Dance Religion.
The prophecy would repeat that the people were suffering because they had accepted foreign influence, and in order to purge themselves they either must die and be reborn again or they would be granted powers and become invincible. They were promised that when the day of salvation arrived, through a cataclysmic event, all their dead would return, and everyone would live forever young.
The Ghost Dance Religion would be no different except this time, the prophet claimed he was Christ returned. Interestingly, the Mormons had a great deal of influence in this particular religion. The prophet once again promised his people that they would be invincible to the white man’s bullets which led to the Massacre at Wounded Knee in 1890, but was followed by many massacres all across the United States for the religion had inexplicably traveled within a short time from west to east across the entire country and adopted by various tribes.
It was a promise of salvation through one’s own destruction.
[Note: You can read more about this story from my series which is the size of a book and is behind a paywall titled “The Shaping of a World Religion: From Jesuits, Freemasons & Anthropologists to MK Ultra & the Counter-Culture Movement”, however, I do plan on doing a more condensed version with free access soon.]
I suspect that the Smithsonian Institute also played a role in nudging this process as well as gleefully documenting its effects, which we see arising most transparently today.
This is why Bret ended with reference to the Hopi Elders, who have a prophecy that we need to go through purification (just like the prophecies of the Master of Life religion) and this will bring us lasting peace over the world’s people.
But before this can occur, we will have to go through a cataclysm.
This is what Bret Weinstein is attempting to bring about again today… a new Ghost Dance Religion. Where we are told that our salvation lies in our embrace of our very destruction with the promise that we will rise from the ashes and be reborn again.
Cynthia Chung is the President of the Rising Tide Foundation and author of the books “The Shaping of a World Religion” & “The Empire on Which the Black Sun Never Set,” consider supporting her work by making a donation and subscribing to her substack page Through A Glass Darkly.
Also watch for free our RTF Docu-Series “Escaping Calypso’s Island: A Journey Out of Our Green Delusion” and our CP Docu-Series “The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs”.
[1] H.V. Dicks. Fifty Years of the Tavistock Clinic. Pg. 95
[2] W.R. Bion. Experiences in Groups - and other papers. (2001). Bruner-Routledge, New York. Page 123.
[4] H.V. Dicks. Fifty Years of the Tavistock Clinic. Pg. 300
Your research and writing capabilities are astounding ... and much appreciated!
I've been watching the "mainstream" alternative media with interest, as the big players reveal themselves and their role in the agenda to raze the West and re-create it in their own image.
In an interview with Tucker Carlson entitled "Bret Weinstein Exposes the WHO Dark Agenda," Weinstein made a comment that is, I think, revealing of his belief system. At about the 20 minute mark, he says:
"Let's face it, we have a large global population. MOST PEOPLE HAVE NO USEFUL ROLE through no fault of their own. They have not been given an opportunity in life to find a useful way to contribute."
Sounds like he's describing "useless eaters." SOME people may have no useful role, but MOST have jobs - useful ones. Who does he think grows, harvest and sells the food he eats? Who cooks, serves and does dishes in his favourite restaurants? Who fixes his car, maintains the roads he drives on, looks after his kids while he's busy being useful? Who unclogs his sink, installs his high-speed internet and answers the phone when he calls to complain about his slow connection?
As for Michael Yon, I say once a green beret, always on the government's payroll, albeit covertly. Very few actual "former" CIA agents, operatives and the like. They just age into different roles.
And if that wasn't enough to go on, immediately after the US presidential debate - when Trump decided to stir the melting pot by saying immigrants in Springfield, Ohio were eating people's pets - Yon jumped on the bandwagon. His column was about cannibals and satanic child sacrifice. Then he cited an incident where a child was killed in Springfield by an illegal immigrant, making it sound as if the child was killed ritually when in fact it was a car accident.
It's fascinating to watch how we've traded one form of co-opted media for another. Yet the shiny new well-funded media personalities are perhaps even more dangerous than the old in that many of the "awake" see them as truth tellers when in fact they're masters of the limited hangout and the well-planted seed. Discernment is the skill most needed in this war of the words.
There were quite a few red flags in the rescue the republic rally. The phoenix reference stood out to me. It is disturbing to hear freemasonic (ordo ab chao) doctrine and symbolism spoken from ‘the right’ to the undiscerning (or uninitiated). The dialectic of duality is in play and entrenched in both wings of the phoenix 🦅 thank you for writing about this.