I read this trilogy back in the sixties as an assignment in an English literature class, and although I enjoyed reading it, I never connected it to current events and the constant struggle between good and evil. After reading your articles, I'll be digging it out and rereading it. I'm amazed at how thoroughly you research and understand the topics that you write about, and I'm really enjoying your writing. Thank you.
I think Lewis was Intel-connected. That was how he knew. The elites dont seem to mind so much when revelations come in the form of fiction.
It may be that those elites themselves want to keep track of it and that it sometimes is better summarised by a talented author.
The MI6 MI5 etc are said to use collectives of talented authors to create various settings. Myths or plans used for psychological operations.
The blogger Mileswmathis claimed Lewis had intel connection. That isnt proof but I noted that he and Tolkien were friends but Mathis went to lengths to compliment Tolkien but not Lewis.
In my view Tolkien wrote a variant of what Richard Wagner did in his ring trilogy but although he didnt finish and publish it after many decades he was working on it in paralllell with Houston Stewart Chamberlains career in Germany.
That doesnt prove that Tolkien was intel-liated and somehow involved in a way related to what HSC was doing.
But the fact that Tolkien's work was delayed for so long raises my curiosity I must say.
Was it perhaps the case that Tolkien actually was part of an intel project related to HSCs role?
And was that why it wasnt published earlier.
The dwarfs of Wagner as well as Tolkien are interpreted as related to the jews and for both Wagner and Tolkien they are negatively pictured.
And I believe a great part of Britains intellectuals have been involved with intel.
Those elite organisations have to recruite from talented creative layers.
Where else than among endowed authors?
That may be how those organisations come up with their intrigues.
Remember how Larouche has pointed to Edward Gibbon and Arnold Toynbee as crucial contributors for intel. Toynbee had a leading role in British Intel and is said to have been instrumental in connection with the decades when Britain organised the middle east.
The journalists since at least 1909 were deeply involved with intel. There was a conference in 1909 and the theme was government by journalists and MI6 and MI5 recruited journalists as agents from the start.
When I encountered your quote about what HardCastle said about the handling of the media I came to think of a passage in British Panorama that preceeded the so called terror attack in London in 2005 referred to as 7/7. In that program the audience was given a not very discreet hint about acceptable politically correct response if and when a terrorist attack of the kind described might happen later.
In the earlier conference in 1909 the lectures persuaded the participants about it being a natural development that
journalists would play this role. So very different from the conception of investigative journalism.
Without Lyndon Larouche and associates much less would be known by most of us web-dwellers.
And You and Mathew keep serving us with more and more of little known important material.
Wow! Fantastic insight. When I do read the trilogy (I skipped analysis a little bit for no spoilers) I will gladly come back to this series. I like what you said about mankind being the caretaker. We are the microcosm and macrocosm. The Managerial class psychopaths would want us to be their kind of caretaker, like Jack Torrance in the Shining. Sweeping over a bloody history and pretending they aren’t doing so in real time. Instead, we need to be caretakers of the Earth and not in a green sense, Gaia worship. We need to get back to Natural Law, understand it and live it out in our lives.
Fantastic analysis! My husband and I have both read this trilogy three times and loved it. Thank you so much for your perspective and expounding on how it relates to life then and now.
It is a pity that much of Lewis's un published work was burnt.
I read this trilogy back in the sixties as an assignment in an English literature class, and although I enjoyed reading it, I never connected it to current events and the constant struggle between good and evil. After reading your articles, I'll be digging it out and rereading it. I'm amazed at how thoroughly you research and understand the topics that you write about, and I'm really enjoying your writing. Thank you.
I love the beautiful credit you give to Cynthia's amazing work. It's quite an attractive masculine trait.
I think Lewis was Intel-connected. That was how he knew. The elites dont seem to mind so much when revelations come in the form of fiction.
It may be that those elites themselves want to keep track of it and that it sometimes is better summarised by a talented author.
The MI6 MI5 etc are said to use collectives of talented authors to create various settings. Myths or plans used for psychological operations.
The blogger Mileswmathis claimed Lewis had intel connection. That isnt proof but I noted that he and Tolkien were friends but Mathis went to lengths to compliment Tolkien but not Lewis.
In my view Tolkien wrote a variant of what Richard Wagner did in his ring trilogy but although he didnt finish and publish it after many decades he was working on it in paralllell with Houston Stewart Chamberlains career in Germany.
That doesnt prove that Tolkien was intel-liated and somehow involved in a way related to what HSC was doing.
But the fact that Tolkien's work was delayed for so long raises my curiosity I must say.
Was it perhaps the case that Tolkien actually was part of an intel project related to HSCs role?
And was that why it wasnt published earlier.
The dwarfs of Wagner as well as Tolkien are interpreted as related to the jews and for both Wagner and Tolkien they are negatively pictured.
And I believe a great part of Britains intellectuals have been involved with intel.
Those elite organisations have to recruite from talented creative layers.
Where else than among endowed authors?
That may be how those organisations come up with their intrigues.
Remember how Larouche has pointed to Edward Gibbon and Arnold Toynbee as crucial contributors for intel. Toynbee had a leading role in British Intel and is said to have been instrumental in connection with the decades when Britain organised the middle east.
The journalists since at least 1909 were deeply involved with intel. There was a conference in 1909 and the theme was government by journalists and MI6 and MI5 recruited journalists as agents from the start.
When I encountered your quote about what HardCastle said about the handling of the media I came to think of a passage in British Panorama that preceeded the so called terror attack in London in 2005 referred to as 7/7. In that program the audience was given a not very discreet hint about acceptable politically correct response if and when a terrorist attack of the kind described might happen later.
In the earlier conference in 1909 the lectures persuaded the participants about it being a natural development that
journalists would play this role. So very different from the conception of investigative journalism.
Without Lyndon Larouche and associates much less would be known by most of us web-dwellers.
And You and Mathew keep serving us with more and more of little known important material.
Wow! Fantastic insight. When I do read the trilogy (I skipped analysis a little bit for no spoilers) I will gladly come back to this series. I like what you said about mankind being the caretaker. We are the microcosm and macrocosm. The Managerial class psychopaths would want us to be their kind of caretaker, like Jack Torrance in the Shining. Sweeping over a bloody history and pretending they aren’t doing so in real time. Instead, we need to be caretakers of the Earth and not in a green sense, Gaia worship. We need to get back to Natural Law, understand it and live it out in our lives.
Fantastic analysis! My husband and I have both read this trilogy three times and loved it. Thank you so much for your perspective and expounding on how it relates to life then and now.