Elon Musk as Tesla 2.0: The Legacy of Technocracy Inc. and the Push for a North American Technate
From Matthew Ehret's new book series "Revenge of the Mystery Cults"
The following is a chapter from Matthew Ehret’s new book trilogy “The Revenge of the Mystery Cults” which you can find out more here:
“Accelerating Starship development to build the Martian Technocracy”
-Elon Musk, 2019
The following is part 14 of a series on The Occult Tesla. Parts 1-13 can be viewed here.
Part 1: Newton, Rosicrucianism and the Imperial Control of Science
Part 2: Tesla’s Eugenics (and other Black Magick)
Part 3: Tesla and his Nazi Friend… The Strangest Friendship
Part 4: Tesla’s Martians and H.G. Wells
Part 5: Tesla: From Extreme Empiricist to Father of A.I. Gods
Part 6: Why Tesla Flattened Space and Attacked Einstein
Part 7: Tesla Evolves a New Species!
Part 8: Bulwer’s Dream and the Coming Race
Part 9: Thomas Huxley’s War on the Soul and the Rise of Social Imperialism
Part 10: Tesla’s Mentor Sir William Crookes: Scientist at the Service of the Occult
Part 11: Harry Houdini vs the Society for Psychical Research
Part 12: Kristian Birkeland: Promethean Scientist and Debunker of False Mediums
Part 13: The Tesla Myth- Just Another Magic Show?
By Matthew Ehret
There are many things to say about Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors, as some people believe him to be a godlike savior of mankind with Billboards across America featuring the image ‘In Musk we Trust’.
Others have become convinced that Elon Musk is the anti-Christ, brandishing the imagery of the androgynous demon Baphomet in public, extolling the virtues of merging with machines to stay relevant, producing mRNA vaccines with 3D printing [1], and promoting a libertarian variation of 15 minute cities under a new name (‘Bitcoin Freedom Cities’ run by private corporations such as Palantir).
Certainly his mother’s proclivities to Satanic symbology, and his latest wife’s open devotion to transhumanist witchcraft didn’t help to convince his detractors that he isn’t the anti-Christ.
Most people, however, simply think of Elon Musk as a self-made Libertarian genius who genuinely invented all 18 patents attributed to his name, and exerted his personal skills and entrepreneurship to build multi-billion dollar businesses such as Tesla, Paypal, SolarCity, Starlink, SpaceX becoming the second most richest person on Earth by the age of 50.
This popular image tends to explain away Musk’s inability to carry out public debates or even speak cogently about his motives, or methods as simply due to his Aspergers syndrome and nothing more.
His multi-billion dollar contracts with the US military, his role in pushing regime change operations against nationalist leaders of Latin America [2], and his role in advancing Universal Basic Income to manage useless eaters [3], while pushing an everything app that will centralize all banking, biometric data/Digital IDs, social media and more [4] are either ignored by his fans, or brushed off as non-relevant facts unworthy of consideration.
However, I don’t believe these disturbing facts should be brushed off, or explained away superficially.
I also don’t believe that Elon is either the anti-Christ, or a savior.
Nor do I believe that he is a self-made genius, although I do recognize that extremely influential forces have worked very hard to craft this image of Elon for his followers to be awed by.
In this sense I would tend to identify Elon, as I would most of the Silicon Valley ‘self-made billionaires’ enmeshed in the Pentagon’s global surveillance and military dragnet as a type of a spiritual robot, mimicking human behaviour, convinced he and all human nature is simply a complex algorithm bouncing around in a virtual reality simulation.
In this sense, I believe that Elon is a carefully curated projection not dissimilar to impressive imagery of the Wizard of Oz with an array of perception managers lurking behind a curtain. While I don’t deny that Elon is equipped with a high proficiency for memorizing certain arrays of facts and lines of logical syllogisms that can be deployed in controlled environments, I don’t believe that there is much going on behind the mask.
It is thus no surprise that Elon Musk appears to be filling the same shoes as those worn Nikola Tesla nearly a century ago.
Like nearly every other Silicon Valley Transhumanist billionaire operating on either Left or Right side of the political spectrum, we will learn alot about Elon by examining his peculiar family roots and the Technocratic Agenda which has mis-shaped world history and which has shaped his entire life from a very early age.
To begin this exercise, let’s start with Elon’s mother Maye Musk (nee “Haldeman”).
Maye Haldeman had been born into a wealthy Canadian family in Regina, Saskatchewan in 1947. Maye’s father Joshua Haldeman was an aviation enthusiast, chiropractor, and also a devout social reformer who found himself leading the Saskatchewan branch of the newly created Canadian Fabian Society in 1933 as a response to the Great Depression.
The Fabian Society of Canada
When the Fabian Society of Canada (formally named ‘The League of Social Reconstruction’) established a political party called ‘The Cooperative Commonwealth Federation’ in 1933, it was Joshua Haldeman who was assigned to establish the Saskatchewan branch in the Assiniboia Federal Constituency where he would have interfaced with some or all of the five Oxford Rhodes Scholars who founded the organization. [5]
The Cooperative Commonwealth Federation published its Regina Manifesto in Haldeman’s hometown of Regina in 1933 while Joshua ran the Saskatchewan CCF. The Regina Manifesto called for a technocratic order managed by experts to emerge out of the fires of the Great Depression:
“WE AIM TO REPLACE the present capitalist system, with its inherent injustice and inhumanity, by a social order from which the domination and exploitation of one class by another will be eliminated, in which economic planning will supersede unregulated private enterprise and competition… The [Co-operative Commonwealth calls for the] establishment of a planned, socialized economic order, in order to make possible the most efficient development of the national resources and the most equitable distribution of the national income.
"The task of the Commission will be to plan for the production, distribution and exchange of all goods and services necessary to the efficient functioning of the economy; to co-ordinate the activities of the socialized industries; to provide for a satisfactory balance between the producing and consuming power; and to carry on continuous research into all branches of the national economy in order to acquire the detailed information necessary to efficient planning… It is now certain that in every industrial country some form of planning will replace the disintegrating capitalist system.”
Disappointed that the population of Canada was not embracing ‘scientifically managed governance’ under the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation, Haldeman shifted gears in 1936, and joined another organization which he felt had better chances at overthrowing capitalism. The name of this new organization was ‘Technocracy Incorporated’.
An Introduction to Technocracy Inc
Formed in New York in 1932 under the leadership of a figure named Howard Scott (a snake oil salesman who lied about being an engineer for his entire adult life), Technocracy Inc promised to reorganize both human society and human nature itself around a top down ‘Technate of America’ of experts untainted by the filth of democratic institutions, or capitalist ideas of ‘profit motives’.
Under this world government, sub-technates would be organized around a simple formula: Prices, markets, and other practices would be illegalized, as a new world order would be established on “energy credits” assigned equally to all individuals in the world.
On the surface, Technocracy Inc. advocated pacifism and the non-participation in foreign wars. However, this appeal to peace was more than a little disgenuine, since the borders of this promised Technate stretched far beyond the limits of the 50 American states, encapsulating all of Mexico, Canada, Greenland, Central America, and a major portion of South America… and no one assumed that those nations would give up their sovereignty to join the Technate peacefully.
Members of the Technate were given numbers to use in official meetings instead of their birth names and often infused the letter ‘x’ within their sequencing.
For example, Joshua Haldeman’s Technocracy name was known by fellow Technocrats as “10450-1”, and one speaker at a Technocracy rally in California introduced themselves as “1x1809x561”.
One wonders if Elon Musk’s choice to name the first of three children fathered with Claire Boucher (“X Æ A-Xii” in 2018 followed by Exa Dark Sideræl and Techno Mechanicus) were an homage to his grandfather’s Technocracy movement, which may not have died after World War II as some have been led to believe.
Howard Scott and other technocrats believed that automation, computers and robots would soon render most jobs worthless meaning the majority of human kind would not be expected to either work, or (god forbid), participate in government, as those privileges would be reserved for initiated technicians alone.
CBC News described Technocracy Inc during this period: “While other political parties and protest groups were touting plans for putting people back to work, Technocracy’s response was: don’t even bother. The world has changed and the jobs destroyed by machines were not coming back”.
Howard Scott described his view of work: “One of the lowest social diseases is the belief in the morality of work”.
And what was to be the solution to this problem of a new era of mostly useless eaters created by unbounded automation and thinking machines?
Launch a ‘universal basic income’… or in Technocracy’s words ‘energy credits’ assigned to all people regardless of their employment or lack thereof.
Under the Energy Survey of North America led by Scott’s organization, an effort was made to measure literally all energy associated with the production of consumable and capital goods on the continent. It was believed that after this survey was made, an accounting procedure would become possible such that the total energy used to sustain production could be divided by the number of citizens over the age of 25.
Under Technocracy Inc, no one would be allowed to accumulate more energy certificates than others, no one would be permitted to invest into the society, start a personal business for profit, or save their credits, as that would lead to inequality… but despite this apparent suffocating determinism, it was assumed that the new humanity would be very content.
And why not?
Technocracy Inc promised their followers that if they were successful, then each person would need only work 16 hours per week and would retire at 45. The obsession with ownership, property rights, entrepreneurialism were relics of a past age which was no longer valid in the technological age of engineers.
Although under-appreciated today, Howard Scott had created Technocracy Inc out of a previous organization which he had joined in 1919 dubbed ‘The Technical Alliance’.
The Technical Alliance: Fabians in America
The Technical Alliance was itself created by a social engineer named Thorstein Veblen as part of his founding of the New School for Social Research in Greenwich Village, New York.
Veblen had created a New School study group which Scott joined after WWI and soon received contracts with the International Workers of the World and Railroad Brotherhood in accumulating voluminous data on America’s agriculture, industry, raw materials and workers (their behavior, psychological profiles, and other relevant data). Despite having no advanced computers, Veblen (and Scott’s) organization became obsessed with the challenge of mass data collection and surveillance of all elements of the economy as well as worker behavior in order to acquire sufficient information to ‘scientifically’ control society like Gods lording over mortals in a 1920s game of Dungeons and Dragons.
Thorsten Veblen was also the creator and leader of something called ‘The Soviet of Engineers’, meaning a new world order founded upon a centralized network of engineers who would monopolize the levers of world power forever. Veblen imagined a world organized around Darwinistic principles of survival of the fittest and a radical determinism that posited that engineers were the highest expression of evolution attained during the ‘machine age’. Meaning it was a scientific necessity for engineers to rule society.
Thus, Veblen proposed that his Soviet (aka: Collective) would be managed by a central directorate which would manage a global array of “sub-centers and local councils”. This was the root of Howard Scott’s Technate developed a few years later.
In Veblen’s equation, this organization of elite technicians would first need to carry out a controlled disintegration in society using their controls of the levers of industry and production. Veblen used the Marxist term of a ‘mass strike’ of technicians to grind global industry to a halt. With this forced reset, the technicians could then “take over the economic affairs of the country…[and] take care of the material welfare of the underlying population.” [6]
While Howard Scott would deny it in later years, historian William E. Akin wrote in ‘Technocracy and the American Dream’: “Scott absorbed many of Veblen’s fundamental themes. Veblen’s scientific positivism and technological determinism was basic to Scott’s subsequent thought. He adopted the technological tenor of Veblen’s thought, seeing society as a mechanical operation.” [7]
The New School of Social Research: Fabian Society USA
The New School set up in 1919 received funding from the Rockefeller Foundation and became a hub for a vast array of misanthropic academics seeking refuge from Nazi Germany in 1933 who became known as ‘The Frankfurt School’. Among those most influential figures infused into the elite American academic system of New School were Erich Fromm and Max Wertheimer, political philosophers Hannah Arendt and Leo Strauss (to name a few).
Historian Jeffrey Steinberg writes of the Frankfurt School:
“In Germany of the 1920s and 1930s, there were Jews who were Nazis, but who, like Strauss and the Frankfurt School gaggle of left-wing Nietzscheans (Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Leo Lowenthal, Herbert Marcuse, et al.), had no chance for party advancement because of Hitler's anti-Semitism; and so they chose to leave Germany, to pursue more "universal" fascist ideas and policies abroad, particularly in the United States and Great Britain.” [8]
The other founders of New School were John Charles Beard, John Dewey, and James Harvey Robinson, which served as an entry point of Oxford ideologues and London School of Economic Fabians into the USA. Beard, Dewey and Robinson were all radical followers of the theories of John Ruskin and William Morris (British imperialists who ironically advocated Guild Socialism under a world control).
In this sense, the Fabian Society of Canada (aka: The Cooperative Commonwealth Federation) which Joshua Haldeman was associated, was part of the exact same agency as that which managed Howard Scott in New York beginning in 1919.
Technocracy Rebranded under the Rockefeller Foundation
For the rest of the chapter refer here:
It would certainly appear that the top down "controlled disintegration of society" has been underway for some time now - leaving the populace much less grounded in terms of not only collective shared "values," but even to the extent of not being able to identify basic biological material reality. i.e. (the "what is a woman") gender nonsense. It should be clear that at a societal level we are well primed for the top down imposition of new "narratives" that will be promoted as "saving us" from the intentionally created quagmire we find ourselves in. What could possibly go wrong with such plans? We will all find out in due time one suspects.
Well written. A great defense of this in America the time -- well one of them, but each of the defenses went hand in hand, it seems -- was the intellectual diversity we had, for example, most engineers didnt go to college, its not that they werent highly trained, they were, it was just that there was a very diversified and pluralistic ecosystem of education/training and most would go through one element or another but not college, things like this, along with the other defenses, made for a great defense against "intellectuals" like the men mentioned in this essay (and Macroeconomists as well, we didnt start to have to worry about them having any serious input until the 1960s/1970s once those defenses were torn down!)