It would certainly appear that the top down "controlled disintegration of society" has been underway for some time now - leaving the populace much less grounded in terms of not only collective shared "values," but even to the extent of not being able to identify basic biological material reality. i.e. (the "what is a woman") gender nonsense. It should be clear that at a societal level we are well primed for the top down imposition of new "narratives" that will be promoted as "saving us" from the intentionally created quagmire we find ourselves in. What could possibly go wrong with such plans? We will all find out in due time one suspects.
Well written. A great defense of this in America the time -- well one of them, but each of the defenses went hand in hand, it seems -- was the intellectual diversity we had, for example, most engineers didnt go to college, its not that they werent highly trained, they were, it was just that there was a very diversified and pluralistic ecosystem of education/training and most would go through one element or another but not college, things like this, along with the other defenses, made for a great defense against "intellectuals" like the men mentioned in this essay (and Macroeconomists as well, we didnt start to have to worry about them having any serious input until the 1960s/1970s once those defenses were torn down!)
It would certainly appear that the top down "controlled disintegration of society" has been underway for some time now - leaving the populace much less grounded in terms of not only collective shared "values," but even to the extent of not being able to identify basic biological material reality. i.e. (the "what is a woman") gender nonsense. It should be clear that at a societal level we are well primed for the top down imposition of new "narratives" that will be promoted as "saving us" from the intentionally created quagmire we find ourselves in. What could possibly go wrong with such plans? We will all find out in due time one suspects.
Well written. A great defense of this in America the time -- well one of them, but each of the defenses went hand in hand, it seems -- was the intellectual diversity we had, for example, most engineers didnt go to college, its not that they werent highly trained, they were, it was just that there was a very diversified and pluralistic ecosystem of education/training and most would go through one element or another but not college, things like this, along with the other defenses, made for a great defense against "intellectuals" like the men mentioned in this essay (and Macroeconomists as well, we didnt start to have to worry about them having any serious input until the 1960s/1970s once those defenses were torn down!)
And Elon is cozying up to trump because his family (anglicized from Drumpf) is in possession of all the missing Nicola Tesla files.
So "Drumpf" is going to give Elon the coveted "Tesla files"?
That's why Elon, David Sacks and the crypto bros supported the Trump campaign?
Very interesting. Well researched.
I haven't heard 90% of this about Tesla