Great article, thank you!

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Eye opening stuff!

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Wow, this is very impressive. I've come across many of these threads, but never had them woven together in one place. Thank you. I will check out embedded vids and re-read! So well done.

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Nazis segue to new positions. How? Watch this film. For good Eng. subs try English 10.


The same director did “Lives of Others”.

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What a tour de force! Thank you.

What, please, is your assessment of why Hess flew himself to Britain in May, 1941? Did Hitler send Hess to make peace so that Hitler could focus on attacking Russia unhindered? Who was betrayed by Hess's flight to Britain? America? Wasn't it immediately after Hess flew to Britain that FDR flipped his position on not wanting to enter the war?

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rather than the US it might have to do with Churchill's position in 1941 as well as a major post-war cover-up of Hess's proposal - https://www.realclearhistory.com/articles/2021/08/01/why_rudolph_hess_was_the_last_casualty_of_ww_ii_788057.html

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I love yours and Matthew’s writings on these subjects. You have both got a good grasp on the continual (illegal) global powers of the British Crown.

However, I have recently come across the writings of Larry Romanoff https://www.unz.com/author/larry-romanoff/ He has some very controversial articles that cast a different light on Germany’s situation prior to WWII. I’m not anywhere close to forgiving the Nazis but Romanoff does put an interesting spin on the situation. Would love to hear your opinions on what you think the role of the Rothchilds clan is in all this.

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Hi Anneke, I know of Larry Romanoff from his c*vid writings and his material on China but am not familiar with him, as I understand you, promoting a more sympathetic light on the Nazis. As for the Rothschilds both Matt and I are very critical, and they did play a sinister role in WWII but the historical angle you have possibly been told about Nazis vs Zionists (such as the Rothschilds) is not true. I have written about this in my book "The Empire on Which the Black Sun Never Set" https://cynthiachung.substack.com/p/my-first-book-is-now-outthe-empire that goes through this, and I think a thoroughly prove my point. One particularly important chapter is Chapter 2 on Kalergi which you can read as a paid subscriber on my substack here: https://cynthiachung.substack.com/p/a-crusade-for-pan-europe, my other chapter on "Nazis in the Middle East" is also very useful on this subject which I will be sharing soon on my substack for paid subscribers.

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Exactly what is happening. So many people refuse to believe this is what has been ruining and running the world for the last 100 plus years. And why deconstructing it has to be done with care so that the sheep will be fully awakened. Or it will all happen again. Humans always have the greedy lurking about.

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Wow! I had the hardest time trying to share this. I think I was able to get it through. Lots and loads of blocking on my phone.

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NB typo: "...wining 10% of parliamentary seats in 2019..." = winning

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I don't believe that the RB were part f the "secret armies of NATO", with all due respect to you, Cynthia, Matt and Daniele Ganser.

Roberto Zanconi.

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Great summary taking us to exactly where we are today----wasn’t as cut and dried as many, without the time!?!, would prefer in our instant gratification society. Can’t wait to see where the next path leads! God Bless!!!

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A fine fine article that contains enough information that should allow one to conclude that maybe what we all have been told, schooled to know, believe is closer to a lie than a truth.

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Thank you for this.

More and more, whatever the European war started as, it finished as a hostile take over of Germany by the USA, and the rest of Western Europe allowed it because the implication was, “You’ll help, or we’ll take you as well, because you are in no shape to stop us...”

Dirty deals, masked as “liberation”.

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