'Freedom' is one of those abstracts nouns that can mean different things to different people. For example, are women free to terminate a pregnancy? Some would say so, and yet the loudest voices for 'freedom' these days seem to think not. As a man, am I free to imagine I'm a woman and insist I be treated as one, including the use of female facilities and competing in women's sports? Where's the line and who gets to decide? Every one of us operates with some set of principles, however loosely defined. Korzybski called them 'belief systems' which I think is a far more accurate term. Freedom is just too slippery a word to nail down with any real sense of objectivity.

All the same, good luck. At least it's being discussed. Sorry I can't be there as it sounds like a great opportunity to make people feel uncomfortable, which I'm told is what I do best:)

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I will surely not be there since so far, but i am certainly with you by heart and soul. I am so for freedom that the free in me separated from the dom and mod’s of society long ago.✌️😜👋😁

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