Jolly good.

I was transfixed ( not in a brainwashed way Ha ha).

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Well that was fucking brilliant. Thank you.

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With regards to what Cynthia has written here it is interesting to read Viktor Frankls "Will to Meaning"

From memory he survived, I think it was, time in 3 of the worst concentration camps. Inmates could get it into their heads that a particular event would occur on a specific date. One example was that the war would be over at Christmas. The prognosticator died within 3 days when the event failed to materialise. Frankl found that those who were most likely to survive had a long term objective of something in their life they wished to achieve before their life ended.

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A very astute point Norm. Victor Frank's "Will to Meaning" is a must read for all.

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Thanks to you and to Matt during these difficult times.

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Excellent, as usual.

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Right on target, Cynthia!!

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Thank you, it was a nice read.

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The 800-lb gorilla in the room Westerners don't want to talk about is capitalism-fascism and its Big Lie Propaganda Machine.

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In some ways it’s become easier, knowing who Ms. Dismal is, and that I am mad.

Thanks. I was curious where the suddenly ubiquitous term ‘gaslighting’ had come from; I may have even seen Cukor’s film. Now it’s back on the list of too many things to do, but Ingrid Bergman seals the deal.

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The quote you use for Goebbels is a false quote. This as stated by Calvin University, propaganda archive "false Nazi quotes", Goebbels always stated that "The truth is always stronger than the lie". A fair number of web citations are to “Joseph M. Goebbels.” That wasn’t his middle initial.

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The only cultural/social anthropologist ever to be allowed into Hollywood was Hortence Powdermaker, a Jewess from an activist syndicalist family with clear socialist/human value ground, and who completely slaughtered the hierarchy within Hollywood from banker down to studio executive, producer, directors and playwriters.

She showed Hollywood to be run by a cabal reproducing a pathological culture internally called "kibbutzin", and who through blockbusters created the world in their image and defeated foreign and independent competition by the idea that "any movie below $1 million in budget (1948) was a B".

Interesting is to through Hegelian dialectics understand Hollywood's self-imposed taboos like the censorship of not showing nudity and love making was to denaturalize Life, that which is given among peoples of nature who live in huts, tents and igloos. The closeness and naturalness that modernity has eradicated.

Most importantly, she ended the book by giving profound suggestions for reconstruction of Hollywood (and thus the world through nickleodioums).

Powdermaker's shortcoming was that she was a secular Jew without insight into the beauty of the Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah as two of the occult esoteric schools of the ancient elites. I myself have shown that the Foucaultian governmentality of the hegemon/occult elites to be spiritual. An example:

"A Jew may desecrate a non-Jewish girl when she is three years and a day."

- Babylonian Talmud, Aboda Sara 37a

Remarkable about the Talmud is not only what it says but its abundance of repetitions due to being a 'discussion,' which of course familiarizes the reader.

* http://www.come-and-hear.com/kethuboth/kethuboth_11.html

Hence we have the governmentality of the ancient elites which constantly expose each other to MK ULTRA and Monarch Mindcontrol programming, and which the defector Katy Groves has great short videos of on her YouTube channel. Read page 33-35:

* https://www.academia.edu/88836523/A_Lot_Has_Happened_Oct_7_2020_

Above article is a whistle blowing that the ancient elites in 2019 through the New Age movement managed to reprogram the Cosmic Constitution from Dualist to Monist, and Natural Law from moral dualist to utilitarian hedonistic moral nihilist. It contains exclusive information and methodology but most importantly it ends with 65 pages of reconstruction, how we quickly emancipate all of Humanity by imploding the global system.

It is a blueprint for non-violent global Revolution and is more theoretically developed here:

* https://www.academia.edu/92288341/The_Postbullshitistic_Manifest

I love yours and Matthew's work, we are in to the same thing although like Foucault (who was into BDSM) I have used my body as tentacles to scout the subtle structures of liberal societies and therefore, as he used to say, "it is not text." I am a whistleblower from within the New Age movement after in 2012 having realized that a fourth semantical shift was being staged (to the previous three shown by Foucault) and that in 2019 led to the rewriting of Cosmos.

How this is possible is developed in deapth in the article "A lot has happened..." which is a personal letter to the school board of Södertörn University but that sadly never sparked the Revolution (due to Spirit which is explained in the article and developed in a 2022 article).

Cynthia/Matthew, I have this autumn sent all my work to Professor Emeritus Seyla Benhabib at Yale who in 2021 read two other of my articles because of her sharing my revolutionary, geographical and general background, but it is 12 years of work within a wide range of fields which you to a part might be able to help her verify.

Please help Benhabib with whatever you can and spark the revolution because we only have a few months. Matthew's position in Moscow is crucial fro this. The hegemon is out to implode itself while hiding in DUMBs (spaces that Katy Groves has extensive experience of).

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“The result of a consistent and total substitution of lies for factual truth is not that the lies will now be accepted as truth, and the truth be defamed as lies, but that the sense by which we take our bearings in the real world — and the category of truth vs. falsehood is among the mental means to this end — is being destroyed.”

Hannah Arendt: Between Past and Future: Eight Exercises in Political Thought. New York: Penguin Books 1977, pp. 252 - 253.

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What I feel is scared! How susceptible many can be as now no doubt with NLP and subliminal messaging it’s fairly sophisticated to those as you say who care not to question or even if there is a doubt not to research and then merely fall back in line with the mainstream narrative. Those of us who saw the truth at the beginning of 2020 were berated, told we were mad etc. I even had to face my own kids calling me far right or a Trumpist which was agony I can tell you! However they have not been able to maintain the control and therefore any new drama they now want to insist no longer is believed in the same way. Thank God we found a way to be able to share information outside of the main platforms as this has made all the difference. Thank you for such a brilliant thought provoking piece.

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Great article on all these themes, as well as , "Through a Glass Darkly" which I need to read again. This is so frustrating, particularly when it breaks down relationships or becomes a career obstruction; such as working in a community setting, schools and care etc. Being a contrarian is not easy.

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This article can't suit better for this woman Cynthia Chung and her husband Matt Ehret, they manage a shady SINO-RU think tank organization in Canada with the purpose of doing exactly that GASLIGHT about them and downplay their role in the NWO whitewashing them, interesting enough in just several months they've been able to infiltrate a lot of "alternative'' media posing like intellectuals.

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And they’re so good at it! I’m really impressed by how adroitly they support their gaslighting with well-documented facts, unlike the mad Gregory who makes stuff up.

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Not sure what either of you are talking about - "shady SINO-RU think tank"? Do you mean tell the other side of the story (that's alot closer to the truth) rather than the NATO MSM propaganda gaslighting about the Russia-Ukraine conflict??? From briefly looking, it seems like "Cynthia Chung and her husband Matt Ehret" both have some interesting writings on Substack...

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Writing nonsense prose completely devoid of standard punctuation serves what purpose? Are you posing? Surely not as an intellectual! Granted “intellectuals” as you would have it are credentialed. But what worth are these thousands of producers of the empty pouring into the void? I have know my share of intellectuals in my day. These talking heads — the designated hitters the establishment trots out whenever a particular big lie needs gilding — merely spout out the usual received nonsense the inculcated memorize in todays universities.

Maybe some of them, honest brokers, after discovering the artful way their comments were clipped out of context, were dismayed and after attempting to have the clip rescinded or after offering to enlarge the context came to understood the stakes. …If you don’t accept the price of subservient interlocutor while continuing to fulfil the role of propagandist, tenure could be denied.

Implicit in your comment is approbation of the MSM while deprecating what you indict as “alternative.” Though it is evident that it is the true intellectuals whom are abandoning the role of gaslighter. “Alternative” media is rapidly gaining audience share while MSM is recognized as the sham it is — their audience share rapidly declining.

You mention Canada. MSM in Canada is owned and controlled either by corporations or like the CBC irrelevant appendages of the Liberal party. Post Media owns dozens of media properties. Post Media is 66% owned by media conglomerate Chatham Asset Management, headquartered in New Jersey. The Globe & Mail is owned by Woodbridge, the investment arm of the Thomson family. Of course they speak for the establishment, whom with their billions, share and promulgate the aims of the World Economic Forum.

The G&M has an opinion section in the Saturday edition. The articles are larded with various memes, like raisins in a pudding, referring to events like COVID or the Ukraine, when the article is about something completely unrelated to COVID, Ukraine, or some other ongoing event where manipulating public opinion serves certain political interests.

During the enquiry into the trucker protest in Ottawa the Prime Minister lied about what he said denying he said things he obviously said, caught while being interviewed on TV. That is gaslighting! Of course the newspapers reported, not that Trudeau lied, but that the emergency measures were necessary. Trudeau could have talked to the truckers on day one. But he used the truckers to demonstrate the power of the Lie. The facts were buried, i.e. that the truckers had a legitimate reason for protesting and that thousands of Canadians supported them.

By the time Trudeau was finished Gaslighting, the truckers were written into history as violent obstructionists — seeking to overturn the government. Masked men on horses trampled on protestors as though they were committing an insurrection. Maybe the woman with the walker trampled while the protestors were unceremoniously corralled like cattle had some sort of weapon concealed in a hidden compartment of the aluminum tubing used to make her walker?

Trudeau did that! He was not riding the horse. But he gave the orders. He claimed to be absolutely serine about his decision. Not different in principle than Madeline Albright’s serenity when asked whether or not 500,000 dead Iraqi children was worth the outcome of the American invasion of Iraq.

But you would approve, wouldn’t you?

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