TY so much for your scholarship shared online. This is so very encouraging to all to identify what we’re up against. It’s a long fight this a short stick. Your article makes our stick a bit longer. 🤗

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big TQ for connecting the dots! as a teacher I often find myself admiring the potential of the human mind, our ability to grow and adapt to unforeseen, adversial circumstances. and the lessson from Auschwitz? it demands we seek healing and create strength, not weakness and fragmentation. what strange notions....

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Excellent article, Cynthia. I really enjoyed reading your take on how gaslighting has effected so many people over the past 100 years by the Tavistock organization. Their influence on modern music has forever changed the culture we live in as this article details. You'll be quite surprised to see what level and what role they played in the British Invasion of the 60s.


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great link, needs close reading, and explains a lot of the gruesome take-over of some of our best-known, usually 'trusted' institutions.

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Excellent article! Thank you

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<begin quote>As John Milton would say in his Paradise Lost, “The mind is its own place and, in itself can make a heaven of hell or a hell of heaven.”<end quote> I wonder why Milton put those words into the mouth of the devil.

Love the LORD with all of your mind. Love the LORD with all of your heart. Love the LORD with all of the might and strength of your soul. Overt global totalitarianism (aka imperialistic socialism) is on the rise and the sovereignty of nation-states is on the decline. There are powerful occult forces engaged in gaslighting, menticide, brainwashing, indoctrination, propaganda (aka public relations), mass formations of psychosis, the worst delusions & deceptions possible. These occult forces have captured governments. Don’t be fooled.

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They've captured the universities and now have teachers in k-12 using these techniques against the children.

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Fantastic work, Cynthia. I recently read Wendy S. Painting's "Aberration in the Heartland of the Real: The Secret Lives of Timothy McVeigh" and volumes 1-3 of Mark Devlin's"Musical Truth" series. We see these concepts immortalized in pop culture and fictional works, but they have very real world implications and uses.

A video of Dr. James Giordano, (https://gufaculty360.georgetown.edu/s/contact/00336000014Tm4oAAC/james-giordano) giving an alarming lecture at West Point will be of interest to you, https://youtu.be/N02SK9yd60s?si=vLuuK1K_tExPl350

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Healing the Wetiko - Healing the Mind Virus that plagues our World!


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I'm not a philosopher and don't have a philosophical mindset (I'm not smart enough). But I'm smart enough to recognize evil and evil intent and evil people. And you are correct, we not only need to stay strong and positive, we need to continue to fight the evil.

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The relationship gaslighter and the gaslighted moves to the next level when the victim starts to accuse (with conviction) the gaslighter of gaslighting.

The control mechanisms move from emotional and psychological to physical and violent and the gaslighter will accuse the victim of gaslighting.

Often feels like a no win situation.

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Gaslit via MKUltra, Doors of (Mis) Perception.

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Great work! Absolutely amazed by the depth, length of the thread (that can have you going for yunks!). Not sure what the rest of humanity is waiting for but .... This is real work, artistry, free knowledge and pieces of the puzzle not commonly told. Well.... we are but a few hoping the many can lock into this light which is so uplifting. Another thought-simulator!

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Well-structured and informative essay, thank you for writing and publishing it.

I can heartily recommend Stoddard's "Adaptive Learning and Behavior" for more insight into the subject.

We see examples of rats returning to their "Skinner box" in ourselves, every day and in myriad small ways. Habituation is a powerful incentivizing force.

Read Stoddard, and then return to Allen's "As A Man Thinketh" with a much deeper understanding of mental hygiene.

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In their gaslight world it’s hard to imagine anyone of intelligence could be happy unless he was a complete fool.

Warped by Warrior psychosis?


Certainly stopped any discussion about intelligence, creativity, and what it is.

They just wanted to use it for a tool to enslave the free spirited.

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Great stuff all along, especicially for Sargant, Not usual to cite forgotten folks like Adorno or Laing. Maybe somewhat eclectic. But all those whithstanding guys had a certain sense for things to come. And well, here we are.

Wondering about mankinds sudden madness. It was always a timeline of human kind to fall apart to the dark side, as great subjects like Blake, Goethe, Spengler, Arendt, Sebald, Kertesz always were aware of. By now this worst case is no more fiction, but bloody real.

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Jan 16, 2024
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Yes, the "normalizing" of cannibalism is a trend that is having a disturbing level of success, just from the mere fact that people are not revolted to begin with. It seems the logical next step after the zombie fetish and further apathy towards the sacredness of a human life.

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