Oh my God! Cynthia! Your article here has just single-handedly transformed my world view! Lol(Joyful Laughter!) Thank You!!!

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Good optimistic piece that needs to be highlighted further and discussed further and researched further and trialed further---and maybe one day implemented further. Still waiting for the multiple road blocks and road blockers to be removed to get sane people on the right/same page so furtherance can begin(in earnest), propaganda-free. God Bless!!!

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Cynthia, as usual you cover a huge amount of ground in your work. I was surprised in this case that although there is obviously examples of scientific research it can seem to have an understanding of an interconnected world but lacks this and in some cases is decidedly linear. For example, wanting to 'solve' the dry lake Chad issue does not consider the benefits the dust have provided for years to the Amazon rainforest (See The Bodélé depression: A single spot in the Sahara that provides most of the mineral dust to the Amazon Forest). The models being worked on have data, but not sufficient interconnected data as we don't understand all the interconnections and so we cannot collect data on interconnections we don't know about. We all are frustrated with where the world is today but we can end up creating more problems unless we see firstly how limited our view of what happens around us. We are only beginning to unpack the level of interconnection and that's at a local scale, at a global scale will come next.

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Why are their people against this?

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There's been an alchemy going on to literally destroy the soul, mind, spirit and cause massive vulnerability to addictions and more is what looks blatantly obvious. A deconstruction through poison and rebuilding of a dark conscious at the same time. The EMF all part of it. Otherwise who can explain the horrific number participating in the most heinous parts of this biblical moment in time. Their time is coming to an end and they know it and I thank God for that.

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Cynthia, as research into my own writing who would you identify as the three or four greatest Asian leaders/intellectuals of the last hundred years.

Your input will be greatly appreciated.

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Can I chime in and say that Professor Hamamoto of UC Davis who's expertise on cultural studies covers a great deal. He's got videos all about.

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Thank you I will look him up!

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"we entered a place that was never meant for us."

Well, well, indeed we did!!! Yeah, I should have entitled my book How Great the Blindness!!!!

Good luck and O interesting what E. Michael Jones said found here in a comment is very true I'm afraid.

https://www.unz.com/aanglin/the-chinese-are-not-stupid-in-fact-your-dad-is-stupid/#comment-6548271Good, luck world

but because of your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when God's righteous judgment will be revealed.

6 He will render to each one according to his works: 7 to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life; 8 but for those who are self-seeking[a] and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury. 9 There will be tribulation and distress for every human being who does evil, the Jew first and also the Greek, 10 but glory and honor and peace for everyone who does good, the Jew first and also the Greek. 11 For God shows no partiality.Good luck world, Romans 2

Again good luck!

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You know when I wrote my book on Climate Change the Work of God I looked at the scientific explanation and was satisfied upon coming across a quote from the scientific community who were terribly perplexed as to why certain abrupt meteorological events pop up from time to time. The full on quote is:

"We don't understand certain abrupt meteorological events that pop up from time to time."

I came across this one morning in the newspaper and said too myself well, if that doesn't beat all because what they don't understand fully is explained in many places and in great detail throughout the entire history of the Bible, past, present and future. Just the book of Job alone lays the entire foundation of understanding climate change as Divine Communication. Take for example the recent tornado's Oklahoma and Texas? What again I say too myself? Again? Why is it always Oklahoma and Texas? The Bible describes tornado's as Whirlwinds. And the hail that accompanied it WOW even that's in the Scriptures and God in first person no less!!! But it is what Christ Jesus, said Himself, that is the single greatest statement ever said or written on Climate Change period in the entire history of mankind!!!!! And it came if one can believe it while He was on the road to Golgotha. Turning to the woman who were crying for Him He said to them:

For if people do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?” Luke 23:31

For those of us who know and understand the holy scriptures on climate change this was a direct quote back to the verse in Deut. 11:17

Then the Lord’s anger will burn against you, and he will shut up the heavens so that it will not rain and the ground will yield no produce, and you will soon perish from the good land the Lord is giving you.

Imagine this God promises droughts to the people? And what will the people do when the tree is dry is the more important question? The worst of mans behavior is what? Cannibalism yes? Instead of returning to God which is the real solution to climate change, its actually written in the bible, man chooses to do what? Play God themselves by thinking they can change the meteorological pattern themselves and today what they are actually trying to do it? He filled a dam did he?

Droughts? Looking further though for the scientific explanations I was staring in disbelief that the world of archaeology discovered what the bible has been saying for thousands of years.

Recently, a landmark study was published in the journal Science entitled “What Drives Societal Collapse.” In it, anthropologists Dr. Harvey Weiss of Yale University and his colleague Dr. Raymond S. Bradley from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst have discovered, along with many others, that Climate Change is not unique to our own day and age, but rather it’s been ongoing in one way or another throughout mankind’s history. So much so, in fact, that many past societies and civilizations collapsed under the weight of it all. This startling discovery has stirred the halls of academia with questions and concerns, for it was always believed that the collapse of such societies was the result of social, political, and/or economic factors. This, however, is no longer the case.

“That perspective is now changing with the accumulation of high-resolution paleo climatologic data that provide an independent measure of the timing, amplitude, and duration of past climatic events. These climatic events were abrupt, involved new conditions that were unfamiliar to the inhabitants of the time, and persisted for decades to centuries. They were therefore highly disruptive, leading to societal collapse—an adaptive response to otherwise insurmountable stresses… Climate during the past 11,000 years was long believed to have been uneventful, but paleo climatic records increasingly demonstrate climatic instability. Mulitdecadel- to multicentury-length droughts started abruptly, were unprecedented in the experience of the existing societies, and were highly disruptive to their agricultural foundations because social and technological innovations were not available to counter the rapidity, amplitude, and duration of changing climatic conditions.”1

“In the Middle East, a ~200-year drought forced the abandonment of agricultural settlements in the Levant and northern Mesopotamia. The subsequent return to moister conditions in Mesopotamia promoted settlement of the Tigris-Euphrates alluvial plain and delta, where breachable river levees and seasonal basins may have encouraged early Mesopotamia irrigation agriculture. By 3500 B.C. urban Late Urak society flourished in southern Mesopotamia, sustained by a system of high yield cereal irrigation agriculture with efficient canal transport. Late Urak “colony” settlements were founded across the dry-farming portions of the Near East. But these colonies and the expansion of Late Urak society collapsed suddenly at about 3200 to 3500 B.C. Archaeologists have puzzled over this collapse for the past 30 years. Now there are hints in the paleoclimatic record that it may be related to a short (less than 200 years) but severe drought… Following the return to wetter conditions politically centralized and class-based urban societies emerged and expanded across the riverine and dry-farming landscapes of the Mediterranean, Egypt, and West Africa. The Akkadian empire of Mesopotamia, the pyramid constructing Old Kingdom civilization of Egypt, the Harrapan C3 civilization of the Indus valley, and the Early Bronze III civilization of Palestine, Greece, and Crete all reached their economic peak at about 2300 BC. This period was abruptly terminated before 2200 BC. by catastrophic drought and cooling that generated regional abandonment, collapse, and habitat-tracking. Paleo-climatic data from numerous sites document changes in the Mediterranean westerlies and monsoon rainfall during this event, with precipitation reductions of up to 30% that diminished agricultural production from the Aegean to the Indus.”1

Talk about having a eureka moment!!!

Now I can go on and on but I'm going to stop here with asking a question about the recent flooding of Dubai. What an "abrupt meteorological event" that was yes? And if one goes back to the flooding just before the Gaza war in Israel well wasn't that just another "abrupt meteorological event?"

Is God communicating? Or maybe it was these scientists playing God themselves?

Wow, one of the great pains in my life is to realize that all of the wars and sin of the past 100 hundred it could all have been prevented if only the human race had paid closer attention to what the bible says. How it affects the mind and heart no one can imagine and now this man's hubris to think they can and are trying to play god with what is in the Creators own domain? Yikes, I say to that because in the book of Revelation one will find man going to war with its own Creator. Yeah, if Stalin had the kind of MIC technology and power that exists today he would have been the first to fire a sidewinder towards the Throne of God.

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