The "interpreters" did not always get it right in spite of insights that may have been helpful; you explain your position very well and point to why we are dominated by the "wokeism" of today's culture; at the root is the failure to trust human instinct, intelligence and trust in the sovereignty of one's own identity; and thus we look for answers outside of ourselves and follow "leaders" of theories, philosophies, movements, etc. without trust in one's own critical abilities or powers of discernment; we have always had the "sacred cows" of which you speak and today I call them the "new gods" of technocracy and medical science who continue to dupe the masses just as the charlatans of old did; there are no genuine scientists or revolutionaries such as Antoine Bechamp or Florence Nightingale; but we are very familiar with the plagiarist Louis Pasteur who falsified the results of his own experiments and knew that his germ theory was not only wrong but proven wrong in his own time; I look forward to reading your upcoming book!

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Great Article!! Loving Wisdom, fulfillment of the higher hypothesis, Plato's description of perfect forms, Divine Logos, All Transcendental Wisdom, Beauty, Goodness and Truth. This is Jesus Christ, Messiah. One who seeks will find. As Cynthia says, what you are seeking is the most important thing. Is it a new age guru, twisting true-ism's and giving an undefinable moving goalpost goal "self-liberation" or some new age like (luciferin confusion-ism). Which reminds me of how the modern intelligence deep state created forever wars on non-definable goals, example "the war on terror". Funny to battle a word whose definition is not legitimate can be continually redefined. Anyway Thank You for your efforts in being a Beacon of Light on the Hill! I Think The Tides are Turning!! God Bless :)

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Well said!

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Adornos' analysis of modern music, "modern music is the final message of despair from the shipwrecked" is spot on. This is especially true of Hard Rock and Hip Hop. These genres reflect the reality of the world as it truly is, a world filled with violence, immorality, injustice, pain, suffering, and hopelessness. It is for this reason that many object to these genres. It is much easier to take refuge in various means of escaping reality.

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I completely agree with you on this.

I hope I'm not getting too far off on a tangent here, but I thought this might interest you. A large part of the counter culture movement of the sixties and seventies was of course the music. I stumbled across this about a year ago. The author makes a very good circumstantial case that the entire Laurel Canyon flower power music scene was either created - or at the very least co-opted - by the CIA and military intelligence. They intended to tie the hippie movement to the antiwar movement (which was largely libertarian and conservative to begin with) in order to discredit it. The author points out many rabbit holes - far too many to be coincidental. This is a book, about twenty chapters long, and hard copies are also available. Here's a link to chapter one, and links to the next chapter are at the end of each.

Thank you for everything that you write.


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I would like to suggest that if we are seeking the authentic spiritual current for our time and place we not necessarily consult the "big names" everyone has heard of, follow the well-beaten paths, stick with "buzz words," or make the assumption that people writing in English have the answer. So for this reason I would like to make the modest suggestion that people reading this blog check out a German spiritual writer from the last century named Bô Yin Râ. See http://www.kober.com/

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Brilliantly written!!!

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Cynthia, I can't tell you how much you have elucidated Jung for me. I'm not a therapist, but I had a considerable popular understanding of him over many years, nonetheless you opened a huge window of insight, maybe the great "missing link" of his hidden agenda. Of course, both you and Matt have been opening these hidden windows over and over, along with the other contributors of US and Canadian history, every week in a stunning revelation of the "dark hand" lurking behind every arras or agenda of the modern world. How have such deep historical truths remained hidden for so long, and why are they suddenly leaping into the light at this moment, through such unknown and unassuming researchers? Well, who knows why, but it's been such a gift to the world. My contribution from my wide reading in the Christian prophetic realm is that many more such revelations are coming in this next year to vindicate all that you and your contributors have written.

I do see evidence, however, in Jung, as we also see in Dr.Fauci for instance, of a simple-minded and trusting researcher, who is being manipulated by forces he does not perceive, to serve someone else's nefarious ends. I simply don't sense that Fauci, or Jung for that matter, had any nefarious intention, but were somehow being led unknowingly by an incubus of evil down the most destructive path for the general public. You did address this question, and it is certainly true that the ends were nefarious, but I just don't feel that these researchers understood that. They really thought they were doing good, which we could even say about Bill Gates or Pope Francis or Obama or Klaus Schwab or Woodrow Wilson. Yet, their intentions still were and are terribly deluded. I think we can say that this is a big pattern that we observe, of the heartfelt but clueless public servant, whose candid mind cannot fathom the dark agenda he is serving, and that these type of people are sought and placed in positions of influence intentionally. In Fauci's case again, he has been lauded, and highly paid, for forty-plus years as a beloved national hero, and he believes this all in his heart to be truth, even to the point that I worry for his sanity or his suicide if he is now accused of being a mass-murderer. And I can't help but feel that Jung also saw no dark side to his musings about a secular or humanist pursuit of divinity, or some external force drove him on to it. That does not make your or our job any easier to understand the source of such a level of mind control, especially if the source is indeed demonic in nature. When you consider the genius behind the choosing of perfect foils like Fauci, Trump or Obama, you could only say that the level of insight or intellect to choose just the right person from a generation would have to be angelic or demonic intelligence in caliber, which puts this intelligence outside of our human ability to grasp. Therefore maybe only God in the end can furnish us with some of the answers for which we are seeking.

As for the ex-hippie/aquarians, yes we all want world peace and love, but how much was malevolent social experiments? We need to know, and they need to know what has been used to divide and conquer us, socially and individually, as you point out. Also as you say, the more we look, the more organized malevolence is there to see. It is necessary to collect these thousands of pieces of scattered evidence into a comprehensive and coherent picture of our TRUE history. And there are so many branches to explore: Saxe-Coburg, East India Company, "Nazis", Brown Brothers, NATO, Permindex, and now Dominion. And really we might say that all the crypto-religious cults going back, templar's, masons, were all born of the same root and dream of elite control, always with a backdoor to the demonic, maybe that's a hidden staple of human society in all generations. The only real difference today is that the cult has gained an infinite control through technology and the emergence of nuclear weapons, which completely and suddenly tilts the whole playing board to the elite side. Otherwise, it is the same people and the same cult that it has always been, the iron law of oligarchy.

Beyond this I only want to emphasize that the great insight of theism is that the source of peace and truth cannot be just an "energy" in the universe, but that it must be a living Person, both infinite and perfect, just and merciful. Because how could it be otherwise? Humans cannot be wiser or more aware than their own source of being, therefore logic forces us to posit an omniscient and omnipotent but living and personal Source. Maybe you know this, and like Shakespeare, are wisely avoiding leapfrogging your subject with a foregone conclusion, which short-circuits the spirit of sincere intellectual inquiry. In the end, all inquiry leaves us in futility, and enforces an attitude of humble subjection before the infinitely incomprehensible but infinitely loving source of our being, "our Father who art in heaven".

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On Fauci, have you read RFK, Jr.'s book about him by chance? Might want to take a peek.

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Having come to a similar conclusion via a psychosomatic breakdown/through, as a result of realizing we've been living life as a lie, that the conscious spirit of being human has much greater multi-dimensionality than the limiting doctrines we've been fed.

I so appreciate your words here Cynthia! I will schedule myself in to get on board with the platonic humanist work you both offer - with grace!

I also realize so deeply as a practitioner of healing arts the embodiment of the psychological indoctrinations that has moved us far from being on track with a creative spark ingenuities' we humans are designed to be.

I would even go further to say not only psychological, but also religious interpretations and 'religion' can be even at bay with the opening to nefarious directives... for example cults...

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