Excellent. And thus the seeds of the Islamic Revolution of 1979 were sown, which led to the funding of Saddam, the Iran-Iraq war of the '80s, and onto the Gulf Wars and all the misery and destruction that left behind.... what a wonderful world!

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I think this behavior way pre-dates FDR. The Americans were drilling oil in the 1920s--maybe before that. Colonialism is all about disempowering the countries you are stealing from. The Brits' wealth does not come from Britain. It comes from all the countries they colonized, including the U.S. which produced huge amounts of raw resources early on which were shipped to the U.K. where they processed them and sold to other countries for value added prices. That is pre-Pilgrims, by the way. The labor in the U.S. was provided by slaves and indentured servants (who came from Britain and other parts of Europe and from whom most "White" Americans are descended, whether they acknowledge it or not). The financial system post-WWII has kept the so-called Third World in extreme debt. I'm sure if they defaulted, the US and other European countries would just sit their fat asses in those countries. (The U.S. already has something like 900 military bases and/or installations around the world. Who does that?) And Bill Gates, with the help of USAID and the CIA, et al. have been wiping out native agricultural systems as fast as they can. GMOs are not for feeding the world. They're for stealing from the world the ability to be self-sufficient. What they did in Iran was take a basically self-sufficient country (agriculturally, in any case) and turn it into a dependent state. They made big deals with the Shah such that Iranian farmers--owned by old wealthy families--would produce one crop which was promised to a Western client state. So there were frequent food shortages of basics, like rice, or meat, or onions. The food Iran bought from the West was, of course, jacked up in price. There were a LOT of reasons for the Iranian Revolution. It had nothing to do with "jealousy".

If you have lived in India for any period of time, you will notice that unless you stay at 5-star hotels, it is very hard to find decent quality basmati rice for cooking yourself. The reason? It is sold to the West.

This is a very old economic model. It did not start with FDR or Truman. The U.S. wouldn't exist without it. And frankly Britain would be a country of peat-burning peasants. Americans like to think of themselves as being exceptional. They're exceptional only in their hubris. It's all coming down now. My advice is you learn to garden, if you don't already.

Israel wouldn't exist but for the American/British conspiracy to support a "Jewish homeland". The British did not agree to taking land from indigenous people--aka Palestinians. But the U.S. made a condition of helping the Brits during WWI that they would support creating this state. And the U.S. has been funding Israel to a much greater degree than is publicly acknowledged. In fact, a lot of their nuclear weapons came out of our silos whose doors were left unlocked, conveniently, on certain nights so the warheads could be removed. The guards conveniently went missing, too.

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1. Iran's fight for sovereignty pre-dates Nasir Al-Din Shah by many centuries. It suffers from abundant natural resources, a resilient population and very adaptable culture, as well as prime real estate vis a vis other nations' neurotic attempts to control the entire globe.

2. I know for a fact that Kermit Roosevelt was making MONTHLY visits to Iran from January 1946 on so he was probably making what Persians call "party bazi" and extreme "sholough" many, many years previous to that. I suspect historians attempt to color Kermit as an ineffectual fool as camouflage for what was actually going on. I have never believed the official American history of their time in Iran.

But this is a very interesting post. Thank you for that.

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Do you think that FDR was already operating as Truman later did, to undermine the governments of other countries, in league with the British, in order to keep those countries ‘backward’ and effectively steal their resources?

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Perfidious Albion has been a demon worshipping crew since Anno Domini 1066. It should be tossed onto the ash heap. Doing so will require breaking the back of the Rhodes conspiracy to destroy American independence.

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Excellent article. It gives a depth in background I have seen nowhere else, although I have read of US involvement in the 1953 coup in many places.

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History can be fun for the bold and curious . Children in reading this news of a true perceptual reality may discover the reasons for their impoverishment.

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