I have wondered lately if what the British Empire did was get ahead, sending out agents to study every culture and religion, reformulate some (Brahmo Samaj) to their liking, and then have cybernetic control over race and culture relations in a world that was already moving in that direction. That way they could choose the most divisive (divide and conquer) version of the future possible.

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I have been afraid to say that out loud. It seems like after it was understood that to win the long game would be to seize the technology of culture , it could not be left to mere chance.

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The divide and conquer method is a very old model, which rose into manifestation as soon as food was converted toward commodity... Sad indeed.

The article below introduces the commercialized model. >>> East India Company (Formally known as East India House) The British East India Company, was founded in 1600 as a trading company. With a massive private army and the backing of the British government, the EIC looted the Indian subcontinent from 1757 until anarchy necessitated that government step in and take over EIC possessions in 1858.” Further: “A royal charter created the English East India Company on 31 December 1600 as a limited joint stock company (people invested capital and received part of the profits) managed by a group of 215 merchants and investors headed by the Earl of Cumberland. Awarded by Elizabeth I of England (r.1558-1603), the charter granted the EIC the exclusive right to trade with India, in fact, it granted a monopoly on all trade east of the Cape of Good Hope. To conduct this trade, the EIC was permitted to 'wage war'. Although the EIC did not hold sovereignty in its areas of operation, it was permitted to exercise sovereignty in the name of the English Crown and government.” Complete text: https://www.worldhistory.org/East_India_Company/

Corporate *Charter* forms the basis for all modern laws of trade and commerce. The *Charter* simply registers the terms of racketeering and extortion.

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What is your interpretation of that documentation?

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this document proves that the united states is a corporation under the control of the city of london corporation

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I think we have different definitions of proof. It's certainly an interesting link. I've seen it once before. But I would need something like a legal framework that interprets it. And, if it remains unacknowledged, does that announce the U.S. as an entity under a separate claim? No one legal framework exists without conflicts of interest.

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ok fair enough i can agree to that

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I have come to the realization that much of popular art has been co-opted by the globalists and there is very little resistance art that is allowed to flourish. I hope that more artists would realize they are being played and will be under the bus as soon as they are no longer needed and start batting for the citizens team instead of the globalists but it is few and far between and the conversions are often strange enough that I suspect chaos agents and deep undercover infiltrators.

You have probably left out much more than I will ever learn on this topic but it is interesting to read how the powerful and the peoples resistance has been at it since as far back as we can look.


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Sep 4·edited Sep 4

great post i fully agree with you. i hope to see more art, literature ect. that isnt so hijacked soon

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I discovered this documentary many years ago. It is an insightful documentary into the prosperity Islam engendered in Europe during its 700 year reign. After the Catholic Monarchs took control of Granada in 1492 AD, they began to destroy all evidence that the Moors had been in Spain since 711 AD. Over the following century, the Spanish authorities persecuted and expelled 300,000 Muslims and burned as many as one million Arabic books. However, the Catholics could not bring themselves to destroy the amazing Al Hambra castle.

Modern archeologists are today rediscovering the role of the Moors in preserving important works of Classical Greek, Roman and Renaissance literature and others. The photography and quality of presentation is remarkable. When the Moors Ruled in Europe | Bettany Hughes | Released November 5, 2005 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oafKyRDagsY

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Interesting points. However, your characterization of requiring conversion to become a full citizen of society as a uniquely Christian practice, is incorrect. The source of that doctrine was the Mosaic law of the Jews, which allowed non-Israelites to naturalize by converting and being faithful for three generations. The third generation could become members of the national assembly. The Jewish state of Israel today follows a similar practice, allowing only Jews the right to become citizens by immigration. (Yes, Israel also grandfathered in citizenship for residents of Palestine prior to 1948, but by bureacratic means make it practically imlossible for Arabs or Muslims to be citizens.) Muslim nations follow the same practice. Why are Christians alone called out for recognizing the reality that all law is fundamentally religious?

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As long as the cultures don’t promote hate and death.

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