I considere a great disadvantage that your publications can't be translated to other languages, specially now that we can have translators on line. I am a Spanish speaking old man, who likes everything Cithya write but in English I can not take the real sense in many writing things. Please make a favor to the me and the world and let the translator work as Global research and Voltaire did .


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Thanks Juan, I would gladly work with a Spanish translator if I knew one. I will be sending out a request soon asking if someone can possibly translate my book into Spanish. If you know of anyone who could this well, I would be very interested and of course this would be a paid project.

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You and MelK are an amazing team.

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Great interview - would like to continue the thread on your series development and hind story... if possible!

Consider posting your series on https://www.prageru.com

A new freedom channel.

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Caught this on Bitchute and again hats off Louis you and Clark just keep bringing it. Ho[e you can get the filling for the Spanish request and that the requester spreads the word like butter in the sun lol!

Happy New Year to you guys and Thank You!

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Sullivan Co. Commission & SEC Pass Resolution/Change of Venue for KrisAnne Hall event/TN Informer with Robert Brown/Sasha Latypova/Who Is King of America


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