This article needs to be placed on public notice areas and billboards, and of course emailed a far and wide as possible.

People still do not realise the extent to which these UNELECTED PSYCHOPATHS shall go too - how it can affect their entire life, in the weirdest ways possible..

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022

Amen! May your sentiment flow From your keyboard to G_d's "adjustment bureau" !

Check out the industrial evil psychology of this new fangled, rushed-through "gun bill". All "our top DNC reps" keep saying "it's not perfect but it goes in the right direction"...right? well.....what kind of "right direction" is that? This new gun bill CODIFIES that the damn MSM will NEVER talk about "banning guns" ever again! It codifies "red flag" thought crime. Any time someone will go nuts and start shooting (you can be assured the bill won't do ONE thing to reduce shootings IMHO), the media will start going down the "thought crime" rabbit hole! "What was the shooters motivation?" "What did shooter say on forkbook?" "What did shooter google"? and the KICKER......"why was the shooter's gun NOT taken away earlier"..because NOW we have "red flag" laws in place!

SO we irrevocably morph from the concept of "taking guns away", to "why was the red flag not raised"...SEE?!!! A totally different talking point ! It's a completely different psychological mindset, as Cynthia mentions in the post above....the new Gun bill is so well crafted, they've been working it for years to juuuuuuust position it psychologically and cunningly into the new frame.

Recap: the venal upshot of the so called "gun bill"....NEVER will any news media talk about banning guns again.......it will permanently use the next shooter's news cycle to narrow focus on "why was a red flag not raised"

.....so thank the gun lobby for not only now killing innocents, but also for FURTHERING the panopticon dot com orwellian era. Murica!

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What is interesting here is that The State’s own people are it’s enemies.

The final stage of this mindset as it’s implosion is underway.

I’m celebrating for this is beyond any conscious reason we may have in the elites understating of who we are.

Bertram Russell said to hate is to be foolish and we are seeing why.

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I'm so glad that you reposted this brilliant and (darkly) funny update to 1984, since I wasn't a subscriber at the time and I would have hated to miss this. Orwell would be so proud, you've made his concepts even more recognizable, and Minitrue is terrific. Although I wasn't subscribed, I was thinking in parallel lines at the time with episodes like the following:

Calming the Fears of the Tyranny-Hesitant: https://youtu.be/nEa9Vv0Jc6M

Domestic Truth Agents Unite!: https://youtu.be/kOIVjqS2-ms

and The Reality Puzzle & Propaganda Playbook: https://youtu.be/X__TdauN95M

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Beautifully written

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The average goodthinker seems to be incapable of seeing the parallels between current reality and Nineteen Eighty-Four. They're so good at doublethink that they don't even realize that they're doing it, nor do they realize that they're speaking and thinking in Newspeak.

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Income tax in the US was never ratified-- Maybe if we STOPPED "paying our taxes on time" we'd do better with all this legal bullshit they're handing out... ?

Good post!

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Bravo! Excellent article!

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its not about viewpoint discrimination anymore. It is about total control.. mihd, will, emotions, physical action. WE will have our way

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It is all in preparation for the Moshiach.

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022

We have as close to an empirical social science experiment as could ever be run (social science experiments are always strange, they rely on "counterfactuals"), but take a look........abortion has just been struck down.

Now if this ROE v WADE decision was done to the "baby boomers" generation, you can bet there'd be thousands, camping out white house grounds etc. protests, non stop like an "occupy wall street". You can imagine the photojournalism from such an event in the baby boomer context, the picket signs, the tents all round, hippies protesting, shouting...... the self drive, and ego of the baby boomer generation is LEGEND. I'm not the first person saying this.

So here we are in the millennial generation and Gen Z. THe propaganda arts are far far far above the boomer level (they had cronkite et al), today we have Rupert Murdoch's Faux News. (That man could normalize lynching if he had to.... a virtual pox on the Murdochs in my humble opinion). The 2 party collusion system is running "Jan 6 hearings" kabuki (I hope it's not kabuki but it all synergizes so well for the same dirty agenda), and the SCOTUS ruling pops out like an unwanted baby during this Jan 6 news cycle........it's a total chilling effect. No one wants to protest. Faux is already poo pooing the dirty "antifa"...keeping the 2 party nonsense going. With this industrial psychology level of brainwashing, funded by the same corporations behind the scenes, the ordinary people are literally FORKED i tell you. There will be NO protests. THey've already taken away Miranda rights in soft form.....did the corporate nightly news inform you......'course not! CHILL..........

Military level psychology. We're forked.

As an addendum: let me add, this is not a local US-only issue. It's coordinated Orwellian policy throughout the ango sphere: In the UK Priti Patel has put in a draconian "policing bill" before parliament that literally applies Patriot Act level repression to simple domestic Protests. In Australia, "Penalties for peaceful action are now the same as for aggravated assault" (this is in quotes for a reason, google it for today's Guardian headline). Canada....whaddyou expect? The entire Anglo-SPhere....they pretend to be "democracies", so how does hidden coordination like that happen, i ask you?

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