Do another reading author Chung so we can spread more and pleeeeese! https://www.bitchute.com/video/gY3YehLwsTwo/

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Hi eltv, thanks for creating a video of my audio! I made a verbal typo unfortunately and spoke 24,000 American dead at Pearl Harbor rather than what I had written which was 2400. If you could include that note in the description box of the video that would be good, in case anyone is confused. As for Part 2, sure I can do a reading of it soon, however, there is not Part 3... It is the only series I have not finished since other subjects kept piling up. But I agree it is an important subject, that others have asked me to finish, so I will make you a promise that Part 3 will be the first paper I work on as soon as I have completed this present series on the Jesuits, Freemasons and Anthropologists. etc. Thanks again for your work on the video!

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Will do and respond in full shortly. Thank you Cynthia, the real work comes from you not excluding Matt. Chat more soon!

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One of Mathew’s best articles to date from what I’ve read. The seemingly polar opposites of Smithsonian and Marxist ideologies actually working hand in hand to dehumanize mankind and makes us expendable as mere human resources as we’re been labelled in the corporate world already for some time now. This explains clearly the constant practice of creating division in society to weaken us and keep us from scientifically advancing in beneficial and collaborative ways as a people - as a human race.

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I wonder how exactly this is related to the depopulation agenda.

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I learned a little about this watching one of Jay Dyer’s videos, but this is far more detailed. Thank you!

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This is a long and slowvtead--a lot to absorb (I haven’t finished)--but I did have a curious thought when I read “directed by.....Huxley’s X Club, at this point entirely in charge of imperial science policy.” I’m probably looking for connections where there are none, but I couldn’t help but think of Elon’s X… Twitter is a sort of club empowered to maintain the hold on Imperial Science policy. Silence opposing views.

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Sorry for typos

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