Brilliant 👍

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This journalism is a breath of fresh air, succinct, relevant, and conclusive.

We much appreciate your good work Cynthia.

Will shift to paid subscriber this month.

God bless.

Truth, Beauty and Goodness reign forever!

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We're you aware of William Sargent's role in the destruction of Paul Robeson the singer?

Check it out.

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No I am not aware of his direct connection. I knew that Paul Robeson had gone to a party, I believe in Moscow and had been clearly drugged. They found he trying to slit his wrists apparently and he was sent to I believe a London Clinic (Tavistock connected no doubt) and underwent countless sessions of electro-shock. The family was apparently no allowed to visit him or release him from this psychiatric institute. When they finally released him after years of "treatment" he was a shell of a person.

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Excellent piece. Thank you. What a trip down memory lane. I knew one of the heroes of my younger self in the early 1970's - R.D. Laing - was part of Tavistock - but it has only been in more recent years that I've began to understand just how important Tavistock has been to the larger social shaping and social control efforts of Western oligarchy. Great to see the discussion of the connection made between Lemnitzer - Operation Northwoods - and Operation Gladio. That most Americans remain blissfully ignorant of both Northwoods and Gladio speaks volumes about the effectiveness of present day social control efforts in managing the public mind.

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Control of the historical presentation of events in many aspects came out of Texas education, what was to be taught and how. Perception managers for decades now. The truth is what we tell you.

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This is a fantastic article. Thank you.

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strange times indeed. but this is brilliant.

I'm buying your book.

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ukgoiing to get bad bad

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Fasse pandemic, false every thing. And Dr Reiner Fuellmich is still in prison

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Send him a card or letter.

the address to write to Reiner:


JVA Rosdorf

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

Am Grossen Sieke 8

37124 Rosdorf


postcards and cards allowed,

no glitter on the envelops,

no stamps or money in the envelops,

no books or other objects - not permitted,

nothing to be mentioned about the case - though now, according to the latest information, his mail is no longer scanned,

put your name of each page of the letter, just in case - though at present letters are no longer taken out of the envelops.



To donate, here is the link for donations for legal and other expenses: https://www.givesendgo.com/GBBX2



2 MUST-READ PIECES. 2 EXCELLENT OVERVIEWS OF "The Unjust and Evil Prosecution of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich"


Sept 5, 2024

MORE SUPPORT FOR REINER! Including from one of the last people he interviewed


Sept 6, 2024

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The issue discussed at length here and in several articles written by Lyndon Larouche over time, I like to summarise as the problem of how many genuine independent thinking minds there may exist in the world.

Is there a finite limit?

Somehow logically resembling Malthusianism's concept of carrying capacity.

Does the universe have a finite carrying capacity for independent minds?

The reason I raise that question is that so much difficulties have stood in the way for mankinds liberation to a condition where we may fulfill our potential in the way desired by the 'Platos' of the world.

I suspect that our brains may not be the whole story regarding our minds. If the brain is instead like an interface it's full capacity may be much larger than is apparent from the size of our sculls.

And our thoughts might be processed in a structure common to all living phenomena.

Such a structure would presumably have a finite capacity.

If we reach the limits the structure would not be able to add more independent minds.

Under such conditions it would be expected that collective phenomena took the place of individual highly developed minds.

The world seems to me to show signs of that.

If the oligarchy is responsible for this it may be because they are evil or because the universe really has a finite capacity.


There are other aspects of the universe where seemingly a finite capacity may limit the universes potential for achieving Ideal conditions with unlimited refinements to handle minute details.


For example at velocities approaching the speed of light all objects appear compressed in the direction of motion.


Likewise time as measured on such an object is dilated, slowing down to a halt when studied from an observer. This would be expected if the universe has a limited capacity for updating its configuration.


Several aspects of quantum mechanics add to this way in which a finite capacity limits it's potential.


For high frequencies Max Planck discovered that the empirically known distributions of radiative energy could be brought to agreement between theory and experiments if it was assumed that radiative energy may only be transferred in the form of quanta with an energy proportional to the frequency. Thus high frequency energy only comes in big chunks.


Since high frequency ought to be more difficult to update if the universe has a limit for how fast it may operate, the universe would save a lot of work by rationalising away high frequency data.


There is the technicality of quantum computations and philosophically it may be understood in one interpretation as a multiplication of worlds for every observed microprocess.


Note that observation is a decisive feature. In consequence the nonobserved parts may not contribute any workload for the universe.


On the other hand the more we think and observe the greater the workload for the universe.


The more creative original people the greater the workload.


While collectivism would have potential to spare resources for the universe.

One more item.

The black holes of astrophysics could be yet another example of how the universe saves itself from having to update its configuration for dense matter.


Too much work so by rationalising away the need to refine the details at high densities the universe would save resources for other tasks having higher priority.


It is conceivable that the universe would simply discard information in order to spare it's finite resources for more important tasks such as for making the rest of it's rendering of the world according to some aesthetically pleasing norm. More beauty, less boring detail.

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Google “ Aldous Huxley/ Mike Wallace Interview 1958” and prepare to question whether there are prophets placed here to warn us of a dystopian future to prevent coming to fruition. Huxley laid out a series of events so incredibly, inexplicably prescient it will rattle your bones. He was frantic, Mike Wallace was condescending and patronizing. And Huxley was spot on. Every detail.

In a 1961 interview on French television, Huxley was even more profound. Brave New World Revisited had just been published and Huxley stated that his sardonic opus, Brave New World c 1931 was being used as a playbook, the technology being developed was happened much more quickly than he’d imagined and if the Pharma and tech development was not thwarted, by 2030, we’d have already reached the point of no return. AI,Transhumanism, total control. That we were walking into willfully slavery- a One World Government ruled by an elite cabal of powerful sociopathic tyrants. Where the genetically, behaviorally modified , medicated serfdom would.. drumroll..” Own nothing, have no privacy and love your servitude”.

Huxley stood against eugenics, psychotropic medications used to make one susceptible to suggestion by playing on primal, Pavlovian reflexiveness combined with and interface of technological/ human fusion.

He was brilliant, but not malevolent. He’s been my object of absolute fascination since age 17. And many decades have since passed.

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Actually Gail, Aldous Huxley did promote eugenics along with his brother Julian Huxley who was also pro-transhumanism. As published in The Guardian, “Huxley was in favour of genetic breeding programmes to arrest the multiplication of the unfit. In a particularly unsavoury article, published in 1930 in the Evening Standard, he confessed anxiety about the proliferation of mental defectives and called for their compulsory sterilisation.” source: https://www.theguardian.com/books/1994/jun/15/fiction

Brave New World was written one year later in 1931.

For more on this vein you can refer to my paper "Who Will Brave in Huxley's New World: The War on Science and the 20th Century Descent of Man" https://cynthiachung.substack.com/p/who-will-brave-in-huxleys-new-world?utm_source=publication-search

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You’re extremely bright, Cynthia. A pleasure to have come across. Serendipitous.

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His brother, Julian , was a eugenicist. Huxley became very skeptical and then concerned where it might lead. He wrote Brave New World to make that statement.

What starts out with some hint of good intent.. combating hereditary diseases,the UN, CIA, ACLU, SPLC, NAACP, breakthrough discovers, ie penicillin, diagnostic radiation, splitting the atom, the internet/social media, the space race, vaccines, fluoridated water,multiculturalism, globalism, taking in massive amounts of “ refugees” from conflict zones, wind turbines, preservatives, leaded gasoline- until it turns to shit in corrupt, nefarious hands.

When Einstein split the atom, he didn’t intend to annihilate entire populations and create a nuclear arms race. Marie Curie wasn’t hoping for radiation poisoning , cancer and rendering Holocaust victims sterile. Harry Truman didn’t foresee the UN and CIA becoming enemies both foreign and domestic. Nixon didn’t see a rising China so strong it would be the global power, Trump didn’t want to lockdown America, but was guilted and assured it would only be two weeks or “ everybody would die”…

We’ve crossed nearly every red line. Must have been 8 years ago or there about that I watched an interview with a social scientist who posited humanity had peaked 10 years prior and we were on the downslope of the evolutionary scale. Seems he was onto something.The law of physics is empirical. It takes a very long time to reach the top and a very short time to hit rock bottom . At this rate, we’re snowballing to the nadir.

Watch the Huxley/Wallace interview. Let me know your thoughts.

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Much of this depends on whether you believe our society is naturally evolving or being led towards particular outcomes. As Cynthia's article highlights, it appears to be the latter.

It also depends on whether you believe that what appears to be a politician's perspective is reality or part of an act that is necessary to lead the public down the path that will accomplish the objective of devolving society.

We have no idea what Truman, Nixon and Trump actualky foresaw or wanted. We only know what they wanted us to think.

Personally? I believe, again as the article highlights, there is evidence that this is a decades long plan and that those in prominent positions know exactly what the ultimate objective is. They go along or don't live to regret it.

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Of course we’re being led down the path of a planned outcome that’s been decades in the making. What is most disturbing is how few see it and how many refuse to see it or even entertain the notion. Worse, is that we’ve been amply warned. Most succinctly by Aldous Huxley. A 1958 interview with Mike Wallace is the most riveting and chilling example. Huxley so presciently and explicitly laid out a sequence of events that would achieve the goal of creating a tyrannical New World Order Technocracy using propaganda, technology, pharmaceuticals and distractions in the form of global conflicts and interventions,created pandemics, climate events, constant fearmongering , division and chaos, psychological manipulation, tech surveillance, psychotropic drugs, gene editing and population/behavior control.

A powerful cabal of elites were creating a single central government devoid of sovereign nation states and cultural identity via mass migration resulting in a feudal system with a ruling class controlling every aspect of life. Digital passports, digital currency, a central bank. The elites would lord over an enslaved serfdom and it would happen without having to use military force because we’d be so conditioned to obey, we would walk into our own prison, believing we needed the government to protect and provide and that anybody who wasn’t on the “ right side” were less than human. By isolating and loathing the resisters, the resisters would fall in line because they didn’t want to be the “ bad people”. They would be emotionally worn down and “ comply”. We would “ own nothing, have no privacy and in our medicated, mentally decayed state “love our servitude”( sound familiar? The Great Reset”). He described the technocracy as a Communist type of despotism, but worse.. and it was happening faster than he could anticipate…. Mike Wallace was patronizing, as though humoring a loon or errant child. Huxley didn’t even notice.

But it was his 1961 interview with a French journalist that sealed the deal. “ Brave New World Revisited had just been published and Huxley was certain that his epic fictitious opus, “ Brave New World”, published in 1932 was in fact being used as the playbook. The technology and medication, genetic manipulation were not even a possibility. The book was a sardonic work of fancy aimed at the science of eugenics that his brother was involved in. His brother had good intent.Eradicating diseases and genetic anomalies that caused birth defects, chronic progressive , incurable ,degenerative diseases … Huxley feared that like most ideas predicated on good intentions would be hijacked by evildoers. He was right, of course as evidenced by the Holocaust. He was haunted by the possibilities of AI and transhumanism. His warnings were frantic. Nobody took him seriously ( but for the evildoers he describes) and here we are. The WEF Great Reset/ UN Agenda 2030 /Event 201 Covid /WHO Pandemic Treaty and the orchestrated , funded Red/Green Alliance of Marxist-Jihadists. Organized Chaos.

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Seems “ devolving” better encapsulates it.

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Superb Cynthia, is not `the world one thought one knew but did not` the more fascinating world in all.

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As usual.👏👏👏

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all from the tv. the great persuader

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"Adorno insisted that all forms of beauty had to be purged from our culture. He wanted to encourage a mental breakdown of society on a mass scale to effectively reboot the system." Why did he think the system in the first place needed to be rebooted and secondly rebooted to then do what? That point was not clear to me.

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Excellent work. Reminds me of the research I did for Dope Inc. over 40 years ago. Thomas Pynchon’s Gravity’s Rainbow is largely based on the effects of the London V-2 bombing on the British population and how British Intelligence used it as a model for mind control.

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Project for the New American Century

Rebuilding America's defences

A new Pearl Harbor:

“the process of transformation” that PNAC envisioned, “even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor.”

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