here's an interview with a man w first hand knowledge / evidence of massive, methodical, coordinated collusion of various "non profit" organizations such Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Endowmt, Guggenheim Fellowships, etc colluding in Tavistock style social engineering to deliberately undermine and repurpose the entire American educational system as well as rewrite the historical narrative of the US


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If you want to go down the rabbit hole further, google "hitler self portrait bridge" Hitler was probably programmed by the Tavistock clinic, during the end of and post WWI . That bridge is very unique, it is postbridge near Tavistock on Dartmoor.

Francis Drake (Draco/Dragon) was a son of Tavistock and is reputed to return in 'endtimes' to save Albion, you just have to beat his drum, which is saved for the purpose.

One odd thing probably not relevant is the sheep on the crest of Tavistock, if the go to St Augustine fort in Florida you will see the same motif.

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Brilliant. I read That Hideous Strength when I was maybe 16 or 18. Back then I saw it as great Sci-Fi / Fantasy. I had no clue of the implications going on - the sinister Tavistock Institute and so on. As you say, very real implications for the future... certainly our time. In the end, these technocrats can't leave well alone, they have an innate urge to shepherd humanity towards a far better future - which always turns out to be hellish. It's the conceit of the human I think... which works via a mix of internal dialog and emotions, a feedback loop... as they likely have no conscious awareness or what I call "higher I" they are about as aware as a Jerry Springer guest was, just a more "upmarket" demographic. That to me is the issue of the human species.

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Amazing the parallels between what Lewis describes in "That Hideous Strength" and what we see happening today in the aspirations and machinations of the Davos crowd!

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Yes, but it's not only that the parallels are amazing but that what was "hideous" then is a direct continuation of the same perversions in the name of science that we are witnessing today; it's the same nefarious actors at work only using modern technocratic means but with the same goals...all in the guise of creating a better humanity but in reality destroying what makes each of us uniquely human...

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Thanks Cynthia. Fascinating post on so many levels.

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This is fascinating- we are indeed fortunate to have you as the piper presenting this sinister Cobra as it weaves, hypnotically out the proverbial information basket. I was totally unaware of CS Lewis’s sci-fi books. Even less so, his recognition of these demonic agents and his fight of faith against their hypnosis of society with his inspired literary genius.

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"Satanism is not a 'belief in Satan' but the false pursuit to self-deify oneself." (Dr.Taylor Marshall in "Antichrist and Apocalypse") Your insightful analysis illuminates these "social workers" for the wannabe "gods" they imagined their roles to be; undoubtedly today's descendants think and behave in the same manner and have the same goal of the one world order, with, of course, as the elites in total control.

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Brilliant and insightful analysis, as usual!

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