Your posts on the psychological warfare against humanity are essential to raising awareness and discernment in the public. Without the knowledge of these warfare tactics, the cognitive dissonance more easily manipulates people through emotions of fear. Thank you.

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Great post, thank you. It will take me awhile to process all this. But initially I too am impressed by this sort of schizophrenic nature demonstrated in our culture historically. As I am also impressed by the quite schizophrenic nature of these times and of the nature of schizophrenia in fascism and totalitarianism this is something I plan to further explore.

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Thank you for this inpiring post. Love the Schiller reminders. There is much here to inspire further research, and much to just savor. I'd just finished your recent book and had indeed wondered where one might find a redemptive approach to the vast corruption we find ourselves swimming in societally. I particularly appreciate your noting the importance of IMAGINING a better future, free of slavery, etc.

I would say that not all the counter culture should be written off. I think of Paul Kantner the founder of Jefferson Airplane, who responded to an ealry interview on the impetus for him to create the band. I paraphrase his reply: " We all knew they got away with murdering JFK, and there was no going back to normal. Someone needed to do or say something..." He would later be criticized as a naive idealist for spending time in Nicaragua and supporting the revolution..

On gaslighting, are there any resources out there on the massive psyop known as NPR?!? Who runs this clown show? Of all the gaslighting operations going on, this is the one no one is talking about, but I would say it is the most insidious - it is vast and subtle, the voices soft, their shows mildly interesting at times. But their news feed is utter wall-to-wall propaganda of the highest order - from which stories are chosen and the way events are framed, to the cloying manipulative interviewing and highbrow tsk-tsk-ing of any dissenting viewpoint... to the utter lack of historical contexts provided, etc. I run into a brick wall every time I try to discuss this with so many of my former lifelong friends who mainline this stuff all day every day.

Thank you for all you are doing!

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Hi Michael, did you mean NLP rather than NPR? Dave Gosselin (Age of Muses substack) writes a good deal about NLP, here is one essay he did on Tavistock https://davidgosselin.substack.com/p/the-fall-of-the-tavistockians-defeating, he writes about NLP more directly in this one for the Canadian Patriot https://canadianpatriot.org/2022/01/05/breaking-the-spell-mindspace-trance-warfare-and-neuro-linguistic/.

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I think he’s talking about National Public Radio.

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Thank you for the clarification York!

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Yes I realized after I posted the comment, thank you. National Public Radio is deemed an infallible treasure by nearly all liberal folk in the US, reliable and objective at every turn. Meanwhile, for but one example, they will present tearjerking interviews with on-the-ground Ukranians... and if the interviewee is not particularly stressed at that moment, the interviewer will ask leading questions to emphasize how devastating it must be for them, etc. And liberals unquestioningly lap it up. Now I am not saying there isn't great suffering going on there, I just never heard ONE on-the-ground interview during the Iraq War over twenty years.

It is the number one source of gaslighting in the US, because it is considered "the voice of the people" - friends inevitably offer the argument it is PUBLIC radio after all (despite the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundation et.al. underwriting. In short., it is obviously some CIA cutout operation, that I have seen very little research on over the years. I know Bob Nichols, former NPR senior voice (editor?), was one of the last strong public voices against the Iraq War. And he was moved out in 2003 after being too public with his views. Ever since then, there has been nary a peep there against the military empire machine. It's all been identity politics and pronouns.

The DOD/NIH covid narrative, including "safe and effective" shots could not have flown without their ongoing "reporting." And I am sure they do utilize NLP also!!!

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<-- digs the character of William Tell's character.

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It's another feature of "A Clockwork Orange" that the William Tell overture is used during one of the more positive scenes in the film.

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Marvel and Hollywood teach ordinary people that they are powerless to effect change, and that they can only be saved by an external force, a Superman. They have no agency and are powerless. They must wait for a superhero, who will reward them with no effort on their part.

Likewise, CRT teaches that whites are oppressive and blacks perpetual victims. The implication is that blacks have no agency and are powerless to improve their lot unless some external hero with super powers rescues them. It teaches blacks to be passive, dependent and irresponsible, that no matter how talented they are, society will not allow them to succeed. Nor are they responsible for their own failure. The black person captured by that ideology thinks, "Why bother. Nothing I do will improve my lot."

We need to realize that the Frankfort School was itself an elite institution and often used its cultural hegemony to foster ideologies that have served the elite class and have been damaging to all non-elites. Thus, CRT is itself an elite-supremacist, racist ideology fostering a slave mentality, designed to keep blacks subservient. Of course racism exists, but it is not the cause of all black failures. Bullies will always find an excuse to bully, but the excuse is never the real reason and does not pervade society.

As Frederick Douglass explained, he found the power and the freedom within himself. He did not need a superhero.

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Very well said!

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Loved your personal story Cynthia - it really made the plot to what you were conveying in this...

Much gratitude... now to make the seeking of beauty and peace to become all our inspirations!

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Brilliant presentation. Shared widely.

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There are many thousands of authors, artists, and inventors I know personally who are for freedom and decency and beauty. We are building new civilisations. It's not easy but we have a great power on our side, the power of love. God is love. We are in the act of overcoming tyranny.

Let us pray: Eternal Father please help us free the slaves, stop the wars, and end tyranny. Please help with guidance, resources, ingenuity, endurance, fortitude, and patience. Please show us the little fires so we may pass by them. Please bring love into our lives so we remember what we have to live for. Amen.

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have you read 'The enslaved Queen' by Wendy Hoffman? she was born into a satanic family and exposed to trauma based mind control since birth, one of her 'trainers' being Dr Mengele of nazi fame. my impression from her book is that the practice of mind control a la MK Ultra has been more successful and effective than you seem to suggest(?).

there are also other books by mind control survivors I found readworthy, particularly I would mention Brice Taylor's 'Thanks for all the memories' and Cathy O'Brien's 'Trance formation of America'. both were primarily used as sex slaves for high up politicians. then there is 'Unshackled' by Kathleen Sullivan, who claims to have been used primarily as an assassin. her book, although I found the first part well worth reading, gives me the impression she still had a lot of processing and digesting to go through.

and thank you for the informative and uplifting lecture!

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Looking at it from another perspective, the Frankfurt school (FS) was always known to be a Marxist offshoot. FS after World War I expected that the working class would rise up worldwide and sweep aside existing government to institute a communist regime. When this didn't happen, FS decided that it was the trappings of national culture that retained the worker's loyalty and which swept aside their (supposed) impulse to institute Marxism in the face of (supposed) oppression.

Therefore, FS determined to dissolve national cultures that stood in the way of communism. This is the basis of the extreme individualism FS pushes. Transgenderism is a perfect example. Dissolve the cultural stereotypes of males and females; remove the sense of safety women have in their safe places like restrooms or locker rooms. Invalidate the entire culture, which is based on different sex roles. Once there is no more culture left, the path for Marxism is cleared.

What Cynthia pictures is the role of the individual within a common culture, acting as part of the culture. Robert Putnam's studies (Bowling Alone) showed that individuals are happiest and most productive in a common shared community with a homogeneous culture. Note this does not claim one culture is superior or inferior; it claims that individuals do best in a homogeneous environment familiar to them.

FS wishes to dissolve any common culture and leave individuals without a common reference group. I don't know if they have evolved to where this has become their primary objective, or if they still have the further goal of acceptance of a Marxist system.

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What I have observed over my years on this planet is that as a child I never did all the things that were expected of me. I was fully rebellious to the norms. The music I listened to, the way I dressed, etc. I was never a 'normal' kid or adult. I always viewed this as my shield. For, as it turns out, it truly was a shield. Try as they might, they tried to indoctrinate me; I wasn't having it. For a time, I did fall into the trap and lost everything- twice. Home, family, friends, and all the things that people had defined themselves by. However, when you've been homeless twice and you feel like there is no hope for you at a good life its when you start to think about what a Good life is. When you start to think about that you start to think about your Freedom in a different way. The trap is falling into the box that "They" want you to be in. I thank God for giving me the wherewithal and the armor to resist. Not ONE single time have I ever succumbed to the "shock treatment" of this whole engineered crisis we are living through. Everyday, I question my ability to continue to resist or in another reality will I simply choose the steak because it tastes good? If the steak represents slavery, I would prefer the bitter sweet taste of Freedom and do without. But, boy is it exhausting. thank you Cynthia.

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If people are confused about the choices available in viewing the reality one can’t say they are truly conscious.

To say one doesn’t know how to reach an alternative reality means they don’t know how to go there and play.

To think for oneself isn’t for everyone.

Your topic describes the social reality of the accepted known rules up to now.

The unknown ?

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It's so much more fun when I have to take from here to the other window on the other screen, people forget often that patience & effort is more akin to self security than merely relying on convenience of single device & it's "inherent cybersafety".

This article is now on "Minds" platform for my fellow oarsmen on our meme drakkar, I thank you for them. Skol.

https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1577685555657838594?referrer=flyingaxblade <~~ found here

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Kantian ethics is not based on ‘duty’, but on rationality. In short, our highest value must be humanity because to prioritise any other value is contradictory and self-defeating (The Categorical Imperative).

The idea that Culture is our proper basis for understanding of reality is provably false. Rationality, which amounts to the 3 laws of logic is the structure of meaning/sense, and the the sole basis for construction and discernment of reality from non-reality, objectivity from subjectivity, sense from nonsense. Culture/tradition is the most irrational aspect of every human being insofar as it is a bundle of dependencies imposed and accepted without rational evaluation.

In view of this we can start understanding writers like Adorno, Marcuse, Fromm, and of course the father of modern Tavistock: W.R. Bion. The author of this lecture asserts that these individuals were bent of destroying human freedom, on controlling our minds, but the content of this ‘lecture’ implies otherwise. They claimed that the freedom of the traditional man is an illusion, a lie, and that genuine freedom is possible only if we would lose our psychological dependency on tradition and culture. This was explicitly manifested in the work of Bion, who created a space without authority for individuals not to become dependent on his views as the ‘therapist’. He negates his own authority in order to participate in the group, as simply one of its members, and demonstrated the almost insurmountable drive of the group to appoint a totalitarian leader, who was invariably the most psychiatrically disturbed individual that the group could produce. By allowing the group to go through this process they were able to become aware of something they would not accepted without the experience, that they are not free, because they refuse to assume authority over their own thoughts and actions. Only once aware of this they can conquer this instinct and begin to collaborate as autonomous individuals, each taking full moral responsibility for their actions. http://freudians.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Wilfred-R.-Bion-Experiences-in-Groups-and-other-papers-1991.pdf

In contrast, calling an essay or speech a ‘lecture’ does the opposite. It assumes authority over the audience and asserts the speaker as the subject-matter expert. This is serving the desire for dependency on a totalitarian leader.

While there may well be a link between Tavistock intellectuals and the Great Reset, their (Bion, Marcuse, Fromm, Adorno) motivation did not at all appear to be based on the desire to control the minds but on the opposite: seeking to revolutionising freedom, liberating us from unseen dependencies that ultimately lead to genocide. I am of course speculating because we cannot possibly know what motivation drives Tavistock today; the aims may have changed over time, but one thing is clear that the present article presents no evidence to support its conclusion tha the aim is mind control on mass scale.

For those interested in researching this topic in more depth, you may wish to participate in our community project: https://t.me/NormalParty/2362

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What a load of crock that entirely ignores how Cynthia Chung has clearly demonstrated the role of the CIA's MK Ultra and Tavistock's role on the attack on culture. You are clearly a dishonest player and the fact that you have the arrogance to discount Cynthia's work because she referred to her presentation as lecture, as if this somehow makes her a wannabe authoritarian (the common definition of lecture by the way is an educational talk to an audience) just further demonstrates not only how dishonest you are but how you are not actually able to defend your position against what Cynthia has so clearly exposed in her presentation.

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I understand.

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Your definition of Kantian ethics is a dichotomy based on the properties of the Divine Feminine (here Understanding) while neglecting the other side of Duality, the properties of the Divine Masculine (here Wisdom; Knowledge put to practice).

I do not argue against you regarding rationality being the factual basis of understanding albeit the ontological one is the culture of subjectivity (by millennia old elitist design).

Adorno was part of these millenia old Talmudic and Kabbalist (or otherwise Monist/Trinitist/subjecitvist as opposed to moral Dualist) elites who have created philosophies meant to pervert and distort All That Is. Hence they have added the Pillar of Subjectivity that ovverides the Pillars of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, and thus have flipped Holy Trinity into the distortion of the trinity of subjectivity. This has been done through the New Age (Order) which is playing the role of opposition to the New World Order but in fact is the spiritual order of the NWO. In 2019 they managed to rewrite the Cosmic Constitution and Cosmic Law (I know this because I am a whistle blower from within the NAO) and we now have a Monist Constitution and a utilitarian hedonistic moral nihilist Cosmic/Natural Law.

* https://www.academia.edu/74112833/The_Monist_Cosmic_Constitution_of_2019

Authority = knowledge put to practice for the highest and greates good of all. The opposite is a negation of it, either from a point of position or from the lack of position but nevertheless a lack.

The Great Reset is Illuminati semiotics of two types. The spiritual Great Reset occured on November 17-18, 2021, where the DNA of all of us, meaning our Souls and Soul Families, was reset from all their previous karmic penalties. The worldly meaning of the Great Reset is global cataclysm; the End Times; the Long War/Seventy Year War officially and ceremonially initiated on September 11, 2001.

Do not confuse the form of the presentation of a research with its actual intent. What is problems for Humanity is solutions for Adorno, Manley P. Hall and all the other Illuminati actors. Their concern is of course a charade since deception is a pillar in warfare, as Sun Tzu taught. Aldous Huxleys 1962 lecture The Ultimate Revolution is about our current End Times, the hedonist Utiopia that follows after the rewriting of the Cosmic Constitution and the Law while cosmic energies since December 21, 2012, are ushering us into the new Golden Age; 2160 years; one Eon out of twelve constituting a Great Platonic Year/Big Eqinox.

* https://www.academia.edu/88836523/A_Lot_Has_Happened_Oct_7_2020_

You are speculating and that is fine since we cannot have studied or lived everything but please try showing some humbleness for all that is. There are others that have studied other things complementing your own, and who have lived what the NAO and NWO elites live for, and hence know both their public and their private Foucaultian governmentality.

The hegemon hides exactly where they do not want us to look, in the most ridiculed or abstract things of all.

Now the question is not the every (albeit interesting) detail but how do we create a non-violent global revolution that implodes the powers that be - in a jiffy?

* https://www.academia.edu/92288341/The_Postbullshitistic_Manifest

* https://www.academia.edu/92289225/Erdogan_An_Illuminati_stooge_PLAYing_the_Antichrist (pages 121-144)

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This is fascinating as a story, but I am getting the impression that you got lost in the maze. Leaps of inference from ungrounded propositions, combined with an otherwise competent narrative construction (this criticism would be defeating even if the premises themselves were grounded). I will nevertheless do you the courtesy of reading at least some of your work.

The metaphysical footprint of your integrity will last forever, whereas all aberrations will perish because they are contrary to the metaphysical order of being, its generative symmetry. Our task is therefore only to preserve our integrity; the rest will work out itself. https://philpapers.org/rec/KOWODO

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