As always your research and analysis are top notch Cynthia. You made me want to go back and re-read Prouty's work. Given this largely "hidden history" - one cannot help but wonder what the absurd quite fantastical border / migrant crisis is really leading toward. Our decades long training and support for those many "death squad democracies" such as El Salvador, Colombia, Guatemala, etc. not only certainly ended up providing plenty of skilled tradesmen for the drug cartels to use for their own torture and murder operations - but also destroyed the social fabric of those societies leading to large numbers of people migrating. That such basic historical observations about the impacts on Latin America of our illegal immoral clandestine counter-insurgency operations simply can't be articulated in any MSM reporting on the border issues - I dare say is testament to the level of CIA/intelligence control that remains at play in controlling and manipulating narratives and the public mind. But yes, there is certainly a "reason" that millions of people are being allowed to cross our borders unimpeded at a time when homelessness among citizens and basic lack of resources plague the nation as a whole.

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Feb 29Liked by Cynthia Chung

My God. They finally must’ve decided to torch all of America and rule over the ashes. Totally, totally Insane:( St Micheal the Archangel, Defend us in battle……✝️🇺🇸

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Feb 29Liked by Cynthia Chung

Agreed Matt, mind blowing. And reading the details about just how they infiltrated the military makes it clear how they also used the same techniques against civilians. Over a decade ago, I had a jaw dropping conversation with a government civil service employee, a guy fairly high up (GS15.) We were on the topic of freedom and he said this: "The government is the entity that enables Americans to be free. Therefore, we have to protect the government. Not the American people. The government." Very specific. I remember staring, waiting for him to crack a smile, but he never did. When I pointed out the absurdity of his stance, he got angry and doubled down. Over the years, I wondered about how an otherwise reasonable person could tilt so far in the wrong direction, what was wrong with him. Now I understand; what was wrong is the CIA got hold of his "curriculum" and "taught" he and others of his ilk. The rot goes SO deep.

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Thank you for this concise and thorough elucidation of post ww2 defeat of America. It is hard for Americans to see this for reasons that are perfectly understandable. As it is difficult for victims of abuse from their parents or clergy to identify their abusers. I commend and thank you.... for saving me the effort. A few days ago someone asked me what are the most dangerous conspiracy theories. Could be either the (non) conspiracy theory that Oswald killed JFK, or that 9/11 was done by Arabs. When you see through those veils, the illusion of America as a sovereign state comes crashing down.

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I appreciate the research that you have put into this topic. What you have written already has helped me integrate events that I thought were independent occurrences. I look forward to the rest of the series.

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Mar 1Liked by Cynthia Chung

I have a signed copy of The Secret Team

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This is absolutely mind boggling! So this is how they continued WWII - after China loosing more than 32 million people(fighting their own civil war and being attacked by Japan) and Russia loosing 27 nor 28 million people, and after reigning in America what remained of the German military leadership to in fact continue their attempt at world domination - Absolutely amazing! We can only think now in terms of the world having a unique major problem - a sort of cancer - that has to be eradicated somehow or rendered absolutely inoffensive.

I'm looking forward to your next article and I sincerely think that we, ordinary people, have to start being proactive.

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Mar 24Liked by Cynthia Chung

The enemy within- Indeed!

Great paper / research Cynthia, can’t wait to read more. From this perspective we can see the pieces on the Devil’s chess board being moved into position, strategically from a very long range …

Well done!

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Of particular interest as in 1968 I was deployed “behind the lines” in Vietnam with the Army Security Agency (NSA), to MACV (which absorbed MAAG in 1965), under the auspices of the “Radio Research” with the Signal Corp, and imbedded with the 101st Airborne Division in I Corp. Thanks for the insight into this sordid and complex history.


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So I'm wondering who's funding this influx of migrants. I find it very hard to believe this is nothing but another plot by the cabal and that many in the millions have debit cards in their pockets given them by the cabal's minions and are told what to do. This does not feel authentic in the least.


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For Heaven’s sake; “Study War More!”

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Susan Hojdik you are getting it however not just America though the US is probably the major problem for them. They intend to destroy they entire world to build-back in 'their' image and likeness?!

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How do you continue a world war(I and II and before) by “clandestinely” not calling it a world war, just a bunch of other little wars with other names(but still with worldly implications)!?! Keep bringing it cause I’m consuming it---whether it makes me angry, lost, scared, etc.... Take care and God Bless!!!

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Thank you for compiling the data that would take me years to find. At 80 and having more miles traveled behind me than I have laying ahead, appreciate the efforts and time done for research. I, now realize the time I have spent unaware of the actions of both government and outside forces have on America both north and south. I still don't see who will be the beneficiaries for all this control. Who gains? why so much planning for the future when they have nothing to gain. what am I missing?

-------I, Grampa

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After referencing some of your videos in which rather inane statements are made in regard to energy, such as the allegation that the world's population would fit in a land with the size of Texas, your husband was asked about the funding of the Rising Tide Foundation, which he hasn't bothered answering.

Would you kindly provide information on where you get funding from? Possibly a link to an annual report with details to that effect?

The public ought to know who is behind your operation.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1Author

Paul, the Rising Tide Foundation is a non-profit that is funded by donations from the people. If you go onto our website or our substack page there are options to make a donation. We are funded by these small donations. Other than that, we have received funding (which doesn't fully cover the cost btw) to both of our documentary series "Escaping Calypso's Island" and "The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs" from YOW Media which is mentioned as a "special thanks to" at the end of our videos starting at episode 2 for both series. That is our funding. I am not sure if you are American, and think there is an obligation for us to make our funding public, this is not the case for a Canadian non-profit nor do I think it is appropriate since, like I said the funding we receive is from individuals who make small donations. Why do you think you have a right to know these individuals identities? On substack for instance, an individual can use any name they wish, for instance you are simply Paul. You have no obligation to show your full name and that is your right to privacy. Nor do I have a right to ask you for a list of all of the organizations you have subscribed to. If this is not a suffice answer for you, my apologies but I am under no obligation to violate other's privacy since you appear convinced that we must have some sort of sinister intention. As for the statement about fitting the world population into Texas with a townhouse each, this is not an insane statement and in our video we show the calculations for this.

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Perhaps not insane, but utterly inane. Such a hypothetical claim entirely disregards the fact that people - surprise, surprise - need to eat and that food comes from somewhere, like land for example on which stuff is grown and livestock kept. People also need also sorts of other things that also come from somewhere out there. So on, so forth. It might be worth it to think through your calculations more thoroughly.

As to funding, apparently you are associated with the Russian-backed American University in Moscow, which makes one wonder whether you get cash from them. Frankly, I can't imagine that you'd be able to run such a fancy operation just on donations.

I don't suspect that you have sinister intentions, but some of the claims you make regarding energy and population size are so naive, myopic, and misinformed that makes me wonder what's up. You are clearly highly intelligent and I find it difficult to believe that you would put out the stuff unintentionally.

Anyway, it doesn't really matter. Your prerogative to do as you wish. My prerogative to think what I think.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1Author

Your level of toxicity is quite something Paul. It appears anything I say to you is going to be disregarded because you have convinced yourself that we have a sinister motive. We do not receive any funding from any Russian institution Paul, in fact, I believe that it is illegal since the past year due to Canadian sanctions. As for our "fancy operation" what exactly have you seen to conclude that it is impossible for us to operate. There is no overhead cost for us running a website except for the cost from word press. Otherwise, all lecturers who have participated in our symposium do so for free. That may be hard for you to believe Paul since perhaps you do nothing that does not reward you with money. Lecturers who are invited to give a class do so because they feel strongly about the subject they are presenting and care more about this message getting out and participating in a dialogue rather than a financial reward. As for our articles, again, the vast majority have been written without any payment, also a good deal of this content comes primarily from Matt and myself who also, especially at the start of our non-profit did for free since we had no income at all coming in. Again perhaps someone like you finds that strange that people would work on something without the expectation of a profit. Thus there is no overhead cost to our "fancy operation" and our documentaries are made by a three person team, myself, Matt and Jason Dahl, thus the only one who needs to get paid in that arrangement is Jason. Thus we are able to do these productions for a very small cost since it is simply for Jason's excellent video and audio work. You keep mentioning that we are making "insane" claims about energy and have yet to actually mention anything specifically. As for the fitting the world population into Texas example, this was not advocating that people live such a way which would be impossible agreed. The example is stating you could fit everyone in a townhouse each back to back, there would be room for nothing else. Obviously people cannot be expected to live in that situation. The point of the example was solely discuss amount of space. You have clearly not watched the actual video that you are harassing me about. As for your approach to lecture me on my prerogative to do as I wish and yours to think what you think. Fine Paul but why are you asking me questions and then rejecting my answers as if I am being dishonest? You came here and asked your questions which I am answering, not the other way around. If you continue this level of toxicity, you will simply be blocked Paul since you appear to think it is your "right" to write whatever garbage you are "thinking" let me be clear here, this is not your right, hence my right to "block" you since any community guidelines whether it be substack, facebook etc. give this option so that people need not have to deal with harassment which is what this is becoming Paul. If you choose to reject my answers to your questions, that is clearly your choice but that is that. Stop writing garbage on my page as if you are saying anything intelligent or useful.

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Mar 2Liked by Cynthia Chung

Cynthia, this guy is NOT worth your energies... As a follower for the past 4 years, I prefer you to save it for the beauty and art you create and the research that expresses things divinely...

I will definitely be making another donation towards your videos especially.

AND Paul FYI - it's due to their popularity that the nickel and dimes they receive from us contributors that makes it worthwhile I'm sure!

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Toxicity? Do you have any control over what you allow yourself to spout? Block me? Go right ahead, as if I cared. I've asked you a few questions that have obviously hit a nerve.

Your video is highly manipulative and your statements are inane, perhaps insane too. One possible explanation would be that you have zero knowledge of natural sciences or suffer from a severe case of cognitive dissonance.

People like you are the reason why I left Canada a long, long time ago. You go apeshit when told something you don't wanna hear. That's not how it works in the neck of the woods where I'm now

You know what? Fuck you!

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Mar 2Liked by Cynthia Chung

Yes Paul, if it don't jibe you can fly... you are free to go!

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Whose nerve did you hit? LOL Anyone who embedded in the great Russian paranoia propaganda that has been taken to 11 for years now is clearly not well control of one's faculties.

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And a bigger Fuck You to you.

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If the facts and narrative are correct why does it matter where the money comes from?

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Is this the same "Paul" the genocide supporting ashkeNAZI Zionist that is all over Larry Johnson's blog?

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