I've heard that if you wave the yellow and blue flag reallly, really fast, it produces green energy ;-)

Loved the film Kiss the Ground! Thank you Cynthia for putting so many pieces together here. Nuclear is something that I'm having to rethink.

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Cynthia Chung

Thanks, Cynthia, for this objective analysis. (I was thinking, “So where’s Maurice Strong when it’s time to pay the piper?” Then he comes riding in for your conclusion. Well done!)

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We are in big trouble. The people with the most power and influence are fools.

The US Navy has been using small nuclear plants to power the submarines and aircraft carriers for more than 30 years. This is safe and reliable power, and over time, a less expensive source of energy.

Wouldn't it be nice if some people with practical, real world experience were to run things?

Wouldn't it be nice if before blowing up the world's energy an honest analysis of cause and effect and unintended consequences could be argued and analyzed?

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It doesn't appear that the data in this article take into consideration the incredible cost of Transmission and Distribution losses for centralized electric production. I read in one article that the T&D losses are around 67%. The data doesn't mention the environmental, health, and financial cost for the transformers, transmission towers, wire, buildings and repair and upkeep. Solar PV is the only electric generation that is able to be used on a house and if all the costs are included Solar PV wins.

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I am planning on installing an off grid solar system on my house. Even without any tax credits and at today's electric rates I will break even in eight years. Since the electric rates will go up, break even will come sooner. So, in-spite of the propaganda put out by corporate energy off grid solar is by far and away the cheapest and will get cheaper and better.

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tax credits? interesting. You're welcome. that is welfare. and about the time you breakeven you will find the panels are failing and need to be replaced. pass the kool-aide to this chap.

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