Feb 2, 2023Liked by Cynthia Chung

The English fraud by M16 . Reminds one of Newfoundland’s bid to be a Independent nation yet foiled by the English conspiracy in conjunction with Canada.

M16 most likely has taken over its own Democracy without anyone realizing it!

They are so clever yet ultimately so unsupportive of democracy conspiring against it.

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Excellent stuff! I did not know about Camp X - Matthew fills yet another gap in my timeline of the empire's progression. I am curious about the statement in the penultimate paragraph regarding regime change in the US since 2016. The link did not work, and I am curious of the specifics he is referring to. Thank you!

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Hi Michael, which link and what specifics were you referring to?

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Not your Pierre Berton variety of history, eh?

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The enemy of the free world is our elected governments and we the people are the enemy of our elected governments.

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I knew about all these monsters (Camp X, etc.) for about thirty years. But not in the context you place them today. In a stance that these people want to cull most of us now.


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