In this first episode of the new eight part series 'The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs' produced by the Canadian Patriot Review and co-created by Cynthia Chung and Matthew Ehret and edited by Jason Dahl, the ancient mystery religions of the pre-Christian world are introduced in order to set the stage for the growth of the UFO disclosure movement and alien mythos in the 20th century.
This is very good work and a very worthy topic for our time. The rapture of Christians will be blamed on aliens, and most will fall for it.
Beautifully done Cynthia!
I'm looking forward to your continuance of the Journey out of the Green Delusion series...
Thank you! Episode 2 of the Escaping Calypso's Island should be out by the end of this month. Glad you are looking forward to the next installment!
Excellent first episode, keep up the excellent work!
yes...yes... great reminder Cynthia must watch again and again and 'The Green Delusion'?! Well need anyone say more.
You guys are really doing sterling work, and I am deeply grateful.
Very interesting topic