wow, what a tour de force.

And thank you for educating me on Madame Sun Yat-sen.

That clears up so much.

Keep singing!

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Thank you dear Gerry! :)

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Your articles are like music to my ears.

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I want to say thank you for this comprehensive breakdown of this history. I'm still learning about the history of these regions, as I enjoy and am a student of history, and I appreciate the work folks like you, your husband, as well as Berletic at New Atlas does. I learned a great deal here and will read more. I even picked up the book you mentioned written by the early leader Sun who stepped down to maintain the peace. Nobody knows or even mentions this history in the West, yet it is important in how China should be viewed properly. I use to believe China was this all encompassing evil looking to destroy America in some universal struggle of good versus evil that is constantly messaged here in America. Yet my curiosity and questionings brought me here because that bizarre and sacrosanct version of reality is omnipresent in America and the West.

I'm just a young guy that comes from Brooklyn, NY. A black guy living in the West. I'm American, and frankly, it bothers me greatly with how far gone this nation is. I'd probably be considered a person on the Right out here, but this subject, and frankly foreign policy and history, is a disaster not just on the Right but throughout the country. I can't even discuss this history in right wing circles because they've gulped down propaganda for so long. Where they should have serious people like you and Matthew on for serious discussions, which would undoubtedly contradict alot of criminally incorrect and undercovered information, we get rehashings of state department versions of current and past events without any introspection or critical thinking.(ie; Russia is evil; Putin is the devil; Cold War forever; China is evil as they hold slaves, and other such bizarre messaging)

I write all this to say what people like you do is bastion of peace for me in what is an insanely corrupt West and America. I question greatly even my own circles, many of them good people, who don't even want to entertain this information. This is where I learn by myself and hope to make a difference where I can with the information I have. Things may be dark, but the truth remains a source of light and hope to those who tell it and receive it.

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Wow Jonathan, that was incredibly moving! And I think you ended it insightfully. Understanding always occurs within a minority first, and can feel like a lonely and isolating position during times of great change. But stick to the path of learning, and it will pay off in leaps and bounds in the long run.

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Fascinating. Thank you

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It took me a few days to read and really digest this. I would read, and get to the subscription link at the bottom of the page and think, this added so much new information. What a magnificent piece! and then I'd realize there was a whole new section in a different (related) topic. By the Sunflower Revolution, I could only laugh. Cynthia, there are so many things I thought I was on the forefront of--insider knowledge from years of reading and watching independent journalism. And so much I'm having to rethink. Layers upon layers of deception. And the answer certainly isn't going back to what I would have thought if I'd stuck with MSM all along. But I think there's a way I've been prepped to see the truth of what you're saying because I was in the middle of that alt-left propaganda and, while some of it had places where I could see the cracks in the logic, most of this I fell for. Thank you for this!

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Excellent article. Incredibly informative.

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Timely, informative, revealing analysis, Ms Chung; thank you.

Now, to lift the veil on the Cartel In Action’s way too many, way too dark Colorful Agitations.

Democracy has become a euphemism for choosing your own poison.

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Extremely impressive detailed explanations. Very much appreciated.

Having associated and studied with Tibetans for some 50 years, I must offer one suggestion: just because NED supports or influences some group, does not mean that group has been tricked into having desires for autonomy and, FFS, their own country back. NED will use and abuse anyone they can in any way they can. Calling Tibetans "separatists" would be like calling Indians who wanted the British out of THEIR country "separatists." Or ANY people whose country has been taken away from them by force.

Granted, it can be deduced by numerous things the Dalai Lama has said, that he's been propagandists by Ugly America. If your countrymen had been slaughtered etc, and someone from an opposing side offered sympathy and advice, would you not tend to listen?

By his own admission, in his book titled Dzogchen, the DL has not had an experience of advanced repair, ie is not fully enlightened. I don't know if that means he was falsely installed by intrusive foreign powers, like the other highest spiritual leader in the country the Panchen Lama, or what. Regardless, that does not make China's invasion, genocide, culture-cide, or resource theft excusable in any way shape or form. And I'm fed up with people parroting something they read somewhere to try and make Tibet sound problematic in some way so as to excuse China's imperialist bullying.

There are photos of Tibetan masters who were imprisoned and tortured, whose mouths in death were just a big burnt hole. I met a Rinpoche with a huge scar across his face where some Chinese prison guard had smashed him with a rifle butt; you could still see its shape. He said he'd told the Dalai Lama, after his release, "There were times I had real fear." HHDL asked, "Fear that you would be killed?" and he replied "No, fear that I would lose my compassion." This is the height of character we're talking, among this amazing people.

Tibetan nuns were tortured with electric cattle prods shoved up their vaginas. Were they such a threat to the Chinese military?

If I understand correctly about the Uyghur situation, what we're told by the western media about them is the typical lies.

Conversely, I am personally acquainted with two highly respected, spiritually advanced, humble and loving Tibetan brothers whose father felt it necessary to escape the genocide and culture-destroying Chinese invasion. He his wife, the two boys, and two daughters fled to India. The trip took them three years. They were captured twice - in their own country, mind you - and managed to escape both times; but all three women died in the process. The only comment I ever heard about the actual ordeal was "There were times that felt like a nightmare" -- making one have to wonder what was done to the mother and girls. And this was not an atypical situation, AT ALL.

Tibet is the source of fully half the WORLD'S water... and it has been said that water is the New Oil. So as much as China has put up with from horrid western powers, they are nowhere near innocent and blameless themselves.

Recently some yahoo in a comment section said he'd heard that Tibetans engaged in slavery - the idiotic implication being, they deserve whatever they got. GRRR. All one has to do is visit them and see the incredible purity-of-heart -- something that's culture wide there and barely exists, if at all, in ANY developed country -- to know that assertion is sheer insanity and horrid bullshit.

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Arrgh, so frustrating when words used correctly are changed by android.

First, I wrote that HHDL has clearly been "propagandized" by [Western influencers]; my phone changes that to "propagandists."

Second, HHDL says he has never had an experience of advanced RIGPA, not "repair." [It's usually translated as enlightenment.]

And I wish I knew why Substack allows me to edit my comments in some threads and not others.

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Something I find hard to defend is that Chiang caused 400k-893K chinese casualties by flooding the yellow river in 1938.

It slowed down the Japanese as intended but at a terrible price.

But otherwise I think Chiang Kai Shek's thinking must be seen from the perspective of his time.

He succeeded in unifying the warlords who before that lived up to the expression 'Byzantine Generals'. I.e they were not consistent and were likely to alter alliances and so forth.

That unification was important for the aim to lead China in a constructive manner.

Further Chiang was dependent on foreign support.

That made him listen to those foreigners and to try to be acceptable to them.

At the time, did Chiang even realise that actually both the British and even the americans actually had a mindset that made them support both sides.

Both communism and fascism.

Did he even have the vaguest idea about the British having significantly supported both the february revolution and then more covertly having continued supporting the bolsheviks as well?

Even today leftists usually are in denial about both the US having directly and the UK indirectly supported the bolsheviks.

That in the case of the US army's role, it was even confirmed by the NYT doesnt seem to even wake them (the leftists) up a bit.

And I assume Chiang knew even less about the Skull and Bones Hegelian adherents.

From his own understanding he must have thought that all support would depend on him being lojal to capitalist economy.

I dont mind being corrected if anybody provides some evidence but so far I havent seen any.

I think Sun Yat Sen had been studying in the Philipines where he absorbed some of the facts well known to the Larouche circle but not wellknown in wider circles.

While Chiang was influenced by the Japanese.

And that was towards the end of the Meiji period. At the time Japan had learnt from the americans because Britain temporarily wanted them to become a strong battering ram against Russia.

Thus in those decades Japan learned about the american system of economy in the national interest and learned western science as much as they could absorb.

(In that period, of the late Victorian era, like Michael Hudson has mentioned, the US had come around actually following the american system Alexander Hamilton had aimed for, but unfortunately the US didnt seem to want other nations to follw that example. Excepting Japan because it was to play a role in Britains Great Game.)

It may have made a positive impression on Chiang that Japan during the Meiji period had been opening up to learn from the US. Positive impression of the US as well.

But probably not the kind of learning the americans had offered Sun Yat Sen, thus Chiang wasnt necessarily as wary about the nature of Britain that Sun was familiar with.

In addition Important parts of Suns life works of several volumes were lost in a fire before having become available.

I dont know the extent to which Sun transferred his insights to Chiang, maybe there wasnt enough


The negative official view of communism presented by the US/UK must have seemed credible by Chiang.

Thus towards the end when George's C Marshal withheld his weapons and let Mao take them it was too late to wise up and become aware of the doublefaced nature of the empire.

If he ever did.

My guess is Chiang never realised what the west stands for.

In that light he would do whatever it took to battle the evil communists.

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Hmm, war with China?

What if China, in the fullness of time, was blamed for leaking an 'engineered' corona virus weapon?

It would solve two problems:

1: China could be made to be the belligerent and any ,military action against it would be justified.

2: The DoD actions of classing the jabs as military countermeasures hence not needing any safety testing or quality control would have been 'justified' because they were responding to a military threat.

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Great read, thanks Cynthia. Did the British maintain their alliance with Japan after WW1, up to the start of WW2, and push Japan to invade Manchuria in 1931? Finally got clarity on Sri Lanka's debt situation

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Hello! Great read and very eye opening. I thank you for that. Can you elaborate on the Epoch Times being a CIA asset?

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I remember seeing videos they put out during the HK color-op that were designed to make it look like youth were being snatched off the street by police at random and taken away screaming. When in fact, it was clear they were antifa-like hired (by NED) agents provocateurs being gently led away from a potentially violent scene they themselves had no doubt started.

More recently, they're responsible for a slew of gawd-awful videos where parents lie to their toddlers, shaming them in one way or another only to have the child respond in an impressively wise and compassionate manner. It's literally sickening that 99% of responses are about how cute the child is, and almost no one points out that the parents' manipulative behavior is abhorrent.

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"They are so fearful to travel into the unknown (which can become rather quickly known if one informs themselves)"

Did it occurs to you that they might have informed themselves?

Not everybody wants to live in a dystopian collectivist hive.

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Oh yes Anonymous I very much agree with you. I would much rather be a liberal zombie who thinks I am an individual and free to make my own choices when in reality I don't have a single original thought in my own head that wasn't put there by our cultural zeitgeist. I would also much rather be on the side that pushes for armageddon on a global scale and have been literally blaming other countries for my crappy country's failures for close to 100 years. Also did you see the Grammy's, OMG, I am so happy that we can now finally embrace Satanism without any judgement, and you can see, SOOOO many people were into it all of these years but were just too afraid to let it all out. Also did you know that it is wrong to judge pedophilia as a crime? We should be wording it as people who love and have intimate relations with "little people". I mean, why can't children decide for themselves whether they have sexual intercourse with an adult, am I right??? Also, did you see the latest Balenciaga campaign advocating child S&M outfits! I am so happy to be alive in the free West where we no longer make such judgements on things anymore. Really anything goes at this point and it is FABULOUS! Now we can finally be ourselves! Who wouldn't want to be just like us, just like us, kill non-us, kill non-us, kill-non-us........

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ok, I will contact you.

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