Excellent history lesson and a timely reminder. Thank you Ms. Chung. Well done.

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Que artículo más fantástico, Cynthia!

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It's just a prequel or brief sub-chapter of the control of energy resources whole epic saga, but about the time OPEC was founded, Enrico Mattei, the founder of ENI, the Italian state-owned energy company, confidently stood up to the Seven Sisters, i.e. the most powerful oil companies in the world at the time (Exxon, Shell, BP, Mobil, Chevron, Gulf Oil and Texaco.)

He died in a plane crash, not long after, probably because somebody placed an infernal machine, a timed explosive device, on his plane.


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They are so *añy *I6 if you wañt to call it Chatha* House us SouthA*ericañs ebeñ if *y 8 great grañdpareñts oñly 2 habe Spañish asceñdañcy the rest Irish-Scott plañters & pure Scott pure Dañish añd half pure Irish + pure Deboñiañ. I speñt *y iñfañcy+adolesceñce fightiñg with *y graññy

about how Spañiards añd criollos threw the Brit Bueños Aires Iñbatioñ iñ 1806 discoberiñg later

through geñealogy that Beresford was a political relatibe. tried it 3 ti*es fiñally decided to buy

criollo & Spañish beca*iñg *asoñs añd ebeñ so they ñeeded brits forces to i*pose ober iñdigeñous forces faithful to the Spañish Kiñg.

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The sad history of international politics shows a determination to stamp out freedom whenever and wherever it arises. Evil perpetuates evil. “Peaceful slavery” desired over “dangerous freedom.”

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The Shah was murdered by Brezenski.

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