May 21Liked by Cynthia Chung

The whole rise of Lego creepsters and now it is an actual subject in higher education. Plastic, fixed, and you can't build anything using any other material. Game theory exactly the same. They set the the limits, provide the sad little tools you get to use and it is all just like the recycling circle they show you, the WEF circle, so many of these PR images are circular and no off ramps for thinking outside their box.

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Horse Pucky, and Beaver Biscuits!

The premise is that there is in fact global warming. That is patently false.

The entire Global Warming SCAM is designed to control, reduce and impoverish humanity. It encourages people to choose to commit suicide because their use of things given by GOD are the cause of global warming. One must remember that the agenda for humanity is depopulation as is stated many many times by several 'scientists' who confirm the concept without the necessary proof to back up their claims. There is a consensus of opinion that Global Warming is a scam. Point here is that science is not a consensus of opinion, it is verifiable repeatable proof. Climate models were created by humans with basic instructions that contain the agenda to produce the required results, confirming the premise that global warming is a problem and will become worse over time. History has proven that to be completely false.

1. Fossil Fuel is a misnomer. No science has ever been able to create oil products (petroleum) from biological materials.

2. CO2 is GOOD FOR PLANTS. Plants thrive when there is abundant CO2. Constricting the amount of CO2 will reduce the earths ability to feed itself. Animals need plants to thrive. Humans need plants and animals to thrive. Reducing Vitamin D will reduce the ability of humanity to sustain itself. See Dr Tony Heller, and Tom Harris.

3. Blocking the sun will contribute to Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is only available from the sun. Plants and animals use sunlight to create Vitamin D and humanity eats those products in order to obtain Vitamin D. Vitamin D is so necessary to life that the body can create its own. Sunlight is required to do that job. Reducing sunlight and/or its intensity will cause severe disease, injury and death in humanity, plants and animals.

4. Crude oil is a replenishing natural resource. Several wells in the world are replenishing themselves.


Global Warming Would Save Lives Gregory Wrightstone 13-Dec-2023


Is Climate Change Really Happening - Tom Harris (Canadian Geologist)


Are We Running Out of Oil?


The Fossil Fuel Scarcity HOAX!!


Abiotic Oil a Theory Worth Exploring


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DAVY Udal the series is not based on the premise that there is in fact global warming. Where did you get this from? Why did you list your points as if this has anything to do with the content of our series? How about you actually watch the content before commenting on it. We put a lot of work into this not to just have some loud mouth reaction that has nothing to do with our actual content.

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I watched all three episodes. YES you do imply that you believe that global warming is a BAD thing and that it is caused by humans. That concept is ENTIRELY INCORRECT.

Global warming is all there is between you and total starvation. Please follow the SCIENCE and not the opinion.

Many farmers have produced superior crops with the addition of copious amounts of CO2. Please check the science.

Global Warming is a HOAX designed to depopulate the earth of animals and humans especially. GET WITH THE REAL PROGRAM!

What can be done with the radioactive materials left after being used as fuel for nuclear reactors? It lasts for 1000's of years and is capable of causing serious radiation disease and sickness during that entire time.

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DAVY Udal I do not actually believe in global warming so it would be rather strange to be promoting that concept would it not? The series is titled "A Journey Out of Our Green Delusion", how could that possibly sound like a promotion of global warming? I seriously doubt you actually watched our content, otherwise you clearly have problems following what is being discussed. Ep. 1 in fact criticizes climate catastrophising and also includes a graph discussing oil reserves as increasing not decreasing so there was never any promotion of the idea that oil is a limited resource, Ep. 2 discusses why there is no scarcity in resources and that the world is not overpopulated and Ep. 3 discusses how renewable energy is not feasible and the policies that are being put forward to meet carbon neutral goals by 2030 and 2050 are in fact being made to create further poverty and also premature death in the world. Not sure what series you were watching. Or do you just start barking whenever you see a word you disagree with, without actually looking at the context in which it is being discussed.

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I watched all three episodes and several times and you made reference to CO2 emissions. It was not clear that you were not in favour of the move to reduce emissions. In fact at first watch I seriously thought you were condoning the reduction of CO2. After watching all three episodes two more times you do in fact say something to the effect that global warming is not a problem associated with CO2. That point is not clear and should be said more forcefully in future videos.

Perhaps a chapter relegated directly to the fact that CO2 is NOT A PROBLEM. It only becomes a problem if there is not enough of it. Perhaps mention that CO2 is necessary for life, and life flourished billions of years ago when CO2 was more than 12 times what it is today.

I would also suggest you include some mention of blocking the sun. Reducing sunlight will reduce the availability of vitamin D. Even though the human body can manufacture vitamin D it requires sunlight somewhere along the way either through plants which animals eat or through animals that eat the plants both of which humans eat gaining vitamin D.

Your section on using DC power in lieu of AC power transmission is not feasible because of the cost of conversion back to AC once power has been transmitted. I have no idea where you got the idea that DC lines have to be bare wire. I am an electrician and I have never come across that concept in 50 years of experience. Another problem is the heat created from DC is greater than from AC. Heat is a result of energy transmission caused by the movement of energy within the wire. That heat is a loss to transmission and the distance as well as the resistance of the wire are factors in the power loss of the cable/wire. Power loss is calculated by multiplying the total resistance of the wire times the square of the current. This is then multiplied by a factor relating to the length and size of wire being used. DC line loss is generally greater than AC for the same power transmission. 120VAC will have less line losses than 120VDC for any given length of wire. That is the very reason why power is currently being transmitted with AC.

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As for your response to AC vs DC the references are included in the video. You seem to be entirely unfamiliar with what is actually being constructed in the United States. Believe it or not, but I do consider my time somewhat valuable and if you are going to just blabber things in the comment section without actually doing a bit of work, like looking at the numerous references included in the video you will indeed be blocked since you are just wasting everyone's time including mine.

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DAVY Udal the entire point of this series is to change the mind of people who have previously bought into the climate change lies and are now questioning the policies, this means it requires a process not just a listing of the facts that you personally feel strongly about. You have admitted if not at least half heartedly that you were not really listening to the actually message since the language was not strong enough for you personally. Well that was done explicitly since it is not to cater to a crowd who has already come to the conclusion that we have been lied to over climate policy but rather to convince those who are ready but are still confused that we have indeed been lied to. The series will continue to be more hard hitting but of course, if the purpose is to get people to watch to change their minds it is a process that is not instantaneous. You should not be so ready to attack and in such a blind manner in terms of the overall direction of the content. which, I repeat, is going to become increasingly direct as the series progresses however has already been clear as to the overall direction of where this series is going which is certainly not in support of global warming policies.

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Col. Fletcher Prouty on renewable, abiotic oil (1994) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSff0pwc1Xc&t=17s

complete interview (2 hr) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkJqraXqKLU

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May 24·edited May 24Author

mary-lou I hope you realise that DAVY Udal's comment is what is patently false in terms of the content to our series.

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May 24Liked by Cynthia Chung

your series 'Energy Wars' is really much appreciated, but here in the comment section I only meant to forward a source (Prouty) on the subject of abiotic, renewable oil and which goes against the grain of the official Rockefellers' narrative. unless I've seriously missed something, I think some of Prouty's viewpoints are very informative (which is why I included a reference for the complete 1994 interview). my bad if I've misunderstood!

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I completely agree with you mary-lou on Prouty's comments on renewable oil, no problems there. Glad to hear you liked Ep. 3. :)

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Abiotic is the correct term. Atopic is a misprint.

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looks awesome…….. or is it frightening?

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