Thanks Cynthia, this is great research. This needs to be spread everywhere. I am doing my best to do so.

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Shared this one all over the globe.

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I just got an email from YouTube informing me that I’m now “ permanently banned” from YouTube ( for posting this all over that platform . )

I sent them an email back saying “ piss off”.


I have LOTS of other ways and means.

Keep up the stellar work Cynthia!

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Sorry but this is an important alert for Canadians . Just trying to get it out where Canadians will see it

The federal government has quietly begun the creation of Personal Information Banks (PIB) to collect and store data on Canadians. We were not consulted nor informed about the creation or existence of these databases and they are being collected without our permission or knowledge. Categories of information include biometrics (DNA, blood type, eye/facial scan, fingerprints, etc), personal biography, medical history, financial history, credit information, opinions or views of or about individuals, and much more.

Here is a link to the government website describing the PIBs. Scroll to the last section for Categories of Information:


The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has quietly added it to their Privacy Terms so that in order to submit an application for benefits, such as the One-Time Housing Top Up they started offering in December, you must click that you agree to terms including "...being described in Personal Information Bank (under development)" in order to submit your application. It is also a term in the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) application. It quite likely will be a term for submitting income tax .

The federal government is using the federal health transfers to bribe the premiers to adopt a Big Tech-style data-for-services health care system. This means that our personal health records that used to be private and confidential between people and their doctor will now be entered into the PIBs to be shared between the federal government, their stakeholders, and whoever else they decide can have access to it.

They lay it all out in their Departmental Plan for Health Canada 2022/23. There is no mention of hiring health care workers. It's all data, digitization, AI, vaccines and so on.


I will NOT be filing a tax return.

They do not have the right to just start stealing our personal information and using our own tax dollars to bribe us into compliance. What they do have is a lot of nerve!

NO. Will NOT comply with this gross manipulation and grotesque government violations of fundamental human rights. Disgusted.

Alert all Canadians. Send emails and letters to allMps, senators, premiers, and Rev Canada. If you are not in a position to withhold filing taxes, then cross out those conditions,( file by paper not online, online you can only ‘select’ that agreement) and put a note that you do not agree to this privacy abuse.

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Amazing data Donna.

Would you mind if I copy your comment and post it elsewhere?

I think a few Canadian blog and substack writers should be made aware.


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Share widely!

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Trying to get the message out.

Made a few edits to your post which didn't alter your warning message.

Click on my Substack: First article.

Am posting and linking far & wide.

Thanks again. ❤

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Excellent. Well done! Every bit helps!

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I enjoyed your responses, but have you seen the many, many exchanges you induced below, mainly in March? It sorta seems resolved with new opinions coming in at the end from new people.

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Small quibble: the steel helm (Der Stahlhelm) was hardly a small unit. At 1.5 million members it was one of the major players in the low-level civil war during the Weimar Republic. Other players were of course the SA and the Rote Frontkämpferbund (red union of combat veterans), rechristened as Antifaschistische Aktion in 1929 (yes, that AntiFa).

Also, the KSK ‘plot’ is even more risible than the J6 thumb sucker.

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Thrilled to read Evans documented history of the imagined “European Values” and what is actually the truth.

It makes perfect sense giving reasons for the death , misery the world has found itself in again.

It appears their minds are solely a product of hereditary strains like a kept , bred animal has to suffer with.

Civil war in Germany against these monsters of social deceit?

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Superb. Compelling.

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Fantastic work. Thank you! Sharing!

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The German 68'ers main complaint: refurbished Nazis. Wasn't it. And, AFAIK, they are still pissed off at Axel Springer.

Not a bad article, there are better ones out there though.


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Incredible that such a family history has been kept so much out of public awareness.

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Fascinating! Thank you!

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Great research, good re-post.

Did she not also utter that a discussion to rescind the Nuremberg code should be initiated? She should have been tossed out of office just for that comment.

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Thank you for sharing this article!

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Very, very interesting, had no idea but suspicions of course. They are the same families over and aover again to promote the wars and enrich themselves.....

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Trying to tweet the article on Twitter but it keeps Rejecting the tweet. I alm afraid the website is blocked from Twitter. Is there any other way to post the article on Twitter?

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Register with Mega.nz; upload the article there, and provide public link to it. All and sundry will be able to download it. Twitter circumvented (hopefully).

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