An extraordinary piece of writing that clarifies and illumines our present situation. Thank you for this remarkable exposition. It provided an epiphany to a grateful reader who has been deeply befuddled by world events.

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undead British Empire?


truly a SoulLess Zombie still moving forward only due to the accumulation of momentum

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Thank you! Everything makes so much more sense now.

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Cynthia you say:

"This system had also influenced Sun Yat-sen the father of the Republic of China in his “The Three Principles of the People” which was a direct reference to Lincoln/Henry C. Carey’s economic program

Three Principles of the People was also heavily influenced by Henry George's land value tax proposals in his masterwork Progress and Poverty. If you want details I have them.

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Sure Alanna, you can share the details in this thread if you like.

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Hello Cynthia,

Wow! What an incredible pleasure it has been to discover your work today for the first time.

I have just read this fascinating article about the assassination of Japan's PM, which I have since it happened suspected it was orchestrated by the group of globalists, which I like to call the GFA-the Global Fascism Alliance, which as you illustrate in your book, which I will be buying soon - (I read chapter 2 on the link) - is made up of the descendants of the Roman Empire's families, institutions and fascists.

I am only 3 years into researching and thinking about this global fascism project, and was motivated by the COVID-terrorism that threw my life under a bus, destroyed the lives of many of my friends and family, and I saw from early on that it was going to destroy the lives of billions. My first major wake up moment was when I heard the fascist tool Bill Gates say "We can't trade GDP for lives" - and I knew he was lying and misleading the public. At this stage I knew nothing. But that started an obsessive investigation which has been going on since March 2020.

And I had come to the conclusion that there was a global alliance for global fascism and so I called them the GFA until uncovering endless layers of duplicity and deceit I realized how ancient this agenda is.

And your essay today is the first that I have come across that connects the dots so well.

And I look forward to working my way through the rest of your essays.

Well done, an keep up the great work - it is only in the pursuit of truth that we can reveal the real agenda, motivations and evil that is assaulting humanity and the true existential threat to us all.


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Thank you Ivan, that is a very touching message. I hope you continue to find further clarity on your journey in the pursuit of Truth. And I hope you find my book helpful in this. Feel free to keep in touch. All the best, Cynthia.

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And thank you too Cynthia for your appreciation. of my message. I am sure your book will be helpful - and look forward to reading it. I'd like to staay in touch and if you'd like to stay in touch by email send me an email on ivanpaton@hotmail.com - otherwise Substack works great. All the best back to you, Ivan

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On page 145 of my award winning book The Earth Belongs to Everyone is this quote from Dr. Sun Yat-Sen - "The {land tax} as the only means of supporting the government is an infinitely just, reasonable and equitably distributed tax, and on it we will found a new system. The centuries of heavy and irregular taxation for the benefit of the Manchus have shown China the injustice of any other system of taxation."

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An extremely well set out explanation of the dynamics behind this appalling push towards subjugation and domination that has been accelerating as the groundwork preparation phase is set in Europe. The assassination of Abe can realistically only be explained with the reasons and logic that you set out; Abe’s security detail on the day of his nemesis was minimal, and I agree with your description of a Rubicon-crossing event.

Let us hope that the inevitability of the final endgame is not yet cast in stone and can be averted by shining the light of truth everywhere on this blackest of intrigue by western imperialist interests.

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Incredible work! 👏👏👏

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Appreciate your perspective on the "nuts-and-bolts" mechanisms used by transnational looters and the psychopaths who love them.

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from the Abstract of: Sun Yat-Sen and Henry George = The Essential Role of Land Policy in Their Doctrines by Sein Lin - "Of Sun Yat-Sen's Three Principles of the People, the third principle, namely the People's Livelihood, forms the ultimate goal for social welfare. In this principle Dr. Sn tried to syncretize the economic theories of the West and adapt them within the Chinese context. The equalization of land ownership through taxation of self-assessed land values, and the land value increment tax are the most essential ingredients of the third principle. Underlying Dr. Sun's concept of equalization of land ownership is the unearned increment theory of Henry George.

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Your depiction of Abe would also conform to Trump and MAGA. An almost fanatical patriotism combined with willingness to "work with" other sovereigns.

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I am now reading Cynthia Chung's outstanding essays and am in full accord. My name is Richard Cook, I am a former US government analyst and whistleblower, and will soon be publishing my book "Our Country, Then and Now" on Clarity Press. On Sunday, September 17, I will be giving a presentation on Matthew Ehret 's channel where I summarize my book. I provide a 450 page overview of US history and it's takeover by the globalists. I call for a return to sanity through monetary reform with a modern version of Lincoln's Greenbacks. I have Native American heritage and include content on their rich history and modern day importance. I may be reached on monetaryreform@gmail.com.

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Hi Cynthia, I’m Tiger from Taiwan and currently living in Taiwan (Beijing previously for 8 years).

I just published a new piece that referenced this great article of yours here. My blog here originally was only meant for a handful of western friends who are also into geopolitics, the oligarchs’ conspiracies and ecomomies. I thought this new piece I wrote which is related to both Taiwan and Ukraine might include some info of interest to both you and Matt. Here it is below. Feel free to let me know if you need more input related to Taiwan and China. Thanks and keep up the good work!


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Excellent read and insightful info. on Abe and perspectives about Japan.

One thought. It's mentioned in the article that the earliest idea of a 'pan-European' confederation dates back to the Crusades at the earliest. I believe, from what I recall from my readings, it may even go further back with Charlemagne. Derived from the acrimonious ashes following the fall of Rome, the Holy Roman Empire under his command was essentially an attempt to unite all of Europe pitting it in a death embrace with Christianity and the Vatican.

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Excellent review of today's strategies of the globalists and their deep state hidden actors.

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