We living in America, descendants of earliest European and native peoples, can testify to the pure unadulterated evil of our current government. They work hard to lower the jack boots on our necks. It is only a matter of time before all of our energy sources are restricted also. These people are anti-human. They are international Fascists. Look beyond the US alone. Many nations are involved.

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Living on the Dutch German border and having been involved in politics for many years I can assure you that only a complete catastrophe could break Germany (and the even more loyal Netherlands) away from the US. They are sheep, and Washington is in charge of the sheep dogs.

The US and the internationalists have done a very thorough job inbedding the fast majority of the European policy makers firmly into transatlantic institutions one way or another. It has been frighteningly effective. As a result these people are utterly incapable to think outside of any US led neo-liberal framework.

What is more - every European politician knows that when they inevitable have to leave office, in order to get a comfy and well paying job at one of the internationalist institutions like the UN or the IMF/World Bank, they must have a perfect trackrecord of playing by the US rules based order.

There is a lot of resentment here in Europe and things are rapidly deteriorating but is it enough for a radical change of direction?

Not yet.

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Washington unfortunately carries too much influence in the world. Over us Americans also. These psychopathic kleptocrats have systematically worked to destroy us Americans also. America is pitted against their own government and against the international alliances which support it. Important for Americans and the world to understand who is pulling the strings.

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I don't know who blew up the 2 pipelines but one person to rule out would be Putin. I can't believe he would sabotage his own pipelines.

One day the truth will out.

This administration does not represent the majority of Americans. I can't believe that either.

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Mexican cartel won’t let “cash” go dry per the Globalists. Putin was correct to call out the real criminal cabal is based in USD. Let’s see how “cash” fairs?

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I only wonder whether Germany even wants to break free from the empire.

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Ask them that question next spring after this cold hard deadly winter takes its toll on them...

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When is a terrorist not a terrorist? When the terrorism is committed repeatedly by the North Atlantic Terrorist Oligarchy of the UK and USA.

They would have no power if the World ostracised them.

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As long as the German government held fast to shutting down NS2, the US could afford to wait. As soon as it became apparent that the German people would mobilize to force the opening of NS2 and that perhaps the government was wavering, the Deep State decided to take the risk of permanently alienating the German people and take "kinetic" action,

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Germany is a Colony of the Great American Empire. Like a Fly in the Spider`s Web, it is trapped , by a 60,000 Troop, US Garrison ; a Supply Chain from Ramstein to Kiev of Weapons for Testing in Combat Conditions. The Cutting of the Nordstream Pipelines will Wreck German Industry. Biden has his Boots on Germany`s Neck.

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It really, really sucks, being a citizen of a country that has completely rotted at the top and is bringing down on so many innocent citizens of the world the kind of hell that should never have been thought of, much less activated... The US is in thrall to the psychopath Venetians of the City of London, who don't give a toss about millions of deaths, and in fact WANT it. The Evil is unspeakable and needs to be stopped. I just hope the American PEOPLE, so many of whom are just lost in the whirlwind of LIES being fed to us, can somehow awaken and turn this ship around before we're all reduced to ashes.

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No doubt in my mind that Germany and Europe without England will continue to engage with the East to achieve a creative prosperity . No social future with Gangsters of the Anglo-American axis rebirthing socially the worst of the 17 th century by using violence as the only way to generate wealth.

Peter the Great of Russia after all married Catherine , a German princess who had intelligence.

Imagine the unelected Eurocrats will be forcibly removed from office if needed, and the EU reconfigured back to its original meaning of a different Europe than before as it learned from its past mistakes of generating WW wars.

Thank goodness for the Polish Sikorsky thanking the USA for blowing up the gas lines to Germany.

It’s will be a popcorn show soon ad one drinks German beer to what happens as the NATO/Uk/USA axis disintegrates.

It just shot itself in the cerebral cortex fatality with its violent sociality as a means to acquire wealth at the commons expense. Cold wintering , thinking about what the American Military did to tenforce its financial hegemony will perform wonders for our sanity.

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Sep 30, 2022
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Who believes anything from Biden? He’s a ruthless plagiarist, a psychopathic kleptocrat, a likely a pedophile.

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