Will be purchasing the magazine. How long to time of delivery- I live in the US.

Most Americans are completely ignorant about their own countries history let alone understanding even an iota of Chinese or Russian history.

The entire narrative around the "China virus" or "CCP this" or "CCP that" is illustrative of this. The entire story that has been swallowed about China during these past three years is propaganda mainly churned out by the National Endowment for Democracy. Individuals like Michael Senger are about as wrong on this as it gets. Steve Bannon is worse. The likes of Naomi Wolf that parrot this narrative have no business in these discussions as she is illiterate when it comes to US/UK/Chinese history.

It's just warmed over "yellow peril" BS just as the Russia bashing is the post-modern version of "The Red Scare."

The Covid Operation is one of Western multinational organizations (WHO, NATO, IMF, World Bank, GAVI, US-AID, NED, etc.) attempting to halt the dissolution of the US and allies as global cop and to maintain dollar hegemony/petrodollar as the world's currency.

BTW the staged performance of the "falling dead on street from Covid Wuhan guy" was an NED production. As phony as Saddam's troops throwing babies from incubators.

You got the right-wing reactionaries answering the call of the "yellow peril" dog whistle and the retarded liberal wokesters supporting Nazis in the Ukraine.

America is a certified nuthouse.

And too many US citizens still haven't figured out that they are being shafted every minute of the day not by Pootin or Xi but by a bunch of English speaking bureaucrats that live right here in the DC swampland and the technocrats from Brussels and London.

That both Russia and China have their countries encircled by another nation's military, a nation (the US) that has a history of unremitting bloodshed against people of the world over the past century and more should be an obvious clue.

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OBVIOUS is the correct comment here.... I just came back from China... OBVIOUS is my conclusion.. China is a noble peaceful country.. so OBVIOUS when you go there..!

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Hi Andree,

Can you talk a bit more about your experience?

What part of China were you in and for how long?

What were the day to day conditions like where you were?

How prevalent (or not) are restrictions/social credit requirements etc?

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Well.. I’m very lucky to have a son working there a few years I was drinen around Shenzhen to Guizhou Chonqing Chengdu Kunming. There are no STOP signs in China NO COPS in cars or with guns anywhere except at airport n train station in KUNMING ( because of horrible knife murder of 50 people by Xinjiang rebels a few rears ago you can do u turns anywhere you can drive without a permit which I did a lot.. If you run a red light you et 6 points off your 12, park illegally you get a fine.. it’s all done in email. The people are happy n friendly I was the only « guo lai (white devil ) » around Here in our wonderful democracy there iss lots of useless rules n regulations and we have CREDIT RATINGS.. the banks make sure u can’t rent a place get phone n hydro or a decent loan if you are on THA LIST.. so who has the « SOCIAL RATING SYSTEM «  ? Really it’s OBVIOUS...STI

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Just got it on Amazon kindle. 👍🙋‍♂️

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While I believe you have some definite points in moving beyond nationalism there is still the matter of the international governing forces (World Economic Forum) which holds China as their ideal nation state. We need to question as to whether China - As the CCP - has managed to create a peaceful slave environment at the expense of dangerous freedom. There are many reasonable questions here.


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A good argument for nationalism, or at least for sovereign states, is that you have a multiplicity of what are effectively experiments in methods of social organization, as opposed to the 'one size fits all' program of the Globalist world government agenda.

As the experiment proceeds, we witness the effects of this or that policy as applied to the needs of the people within each sovereign state. Some may succeed, others may fail. The point is, as sovereign nations we can observe the success or failure of other nation's policies, and adopt, reject or modify our own national programs on that basis.

A good example is the rise of Japan as a modern state. Basically a medieval society when first contact with the west was made, Japan subsequently adopted western practices and technologies that advanced their national interests, while simultaneously resisting foreign influences that could undermine that, such as strict limits on immigration, a policy which survives to this day even after defeat in a major war.

It's no mistake that Korea and later China followed Japan's example of protecting their internal markets while simultaneously becoming major exporting nations. They saw what had worked for Japan and sought to emulate them.

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So glad that someone is pushing back against the "China is evil" narrative. This is so necessary. Will you be publishing anything in response to these claims of election interference?

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Hi William

We just produced a documentary which showcases the true hand behind the 2020 election interference which is the same beast that has been working tirelessly to destroy both Russia and China as well as the USA. You can get that here: https://rumble.com/v2a5pde-how-china-banned-soros-in-1989-a-canadian-patriot-press-film.html

to dig into the Anglo-intelligence hand behind the 2020 coup in the USA more fully, you may wish to check out my 2 part series: https://canadianpatriot.org/2020/12/10/the-british-hand-behind-americas-colour-revolution-soros-and-lord-malloch-brown/ and this: https://canadianpatriot.org/2020/11/13/hammer-and-scorecard-big-techs-drive-to-end-democracy/

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Thanks Matthew! I watched the first video on Soros. It was very good!

I'll also check out the two part series as well.

I guess my question is more specific with regards to the allegations of election interference in the Canadian federal elections of 2019 and 2021. As you probably know, this has been dominating the news cycle in Canada for the last week. I just wonder why there hasn't been any pushback from the Chinese government in response to these claims.

I was curious as to whether you had any thoughts regarding these allegations? My instinct is to believe that these claims are grossly exaggerated but I have nothing to back this up.

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Oh I understand now. Yes it's impossible to refute things that anglo-Canadian intelligence simply makes up. It's like asserting as an apriori "fact" that "Matt Ehret is a cannibal" and you draw on anonymous sources saying this is a fact. I can certainly say, "that's not true", but if people want to believe the slander because "anything Matt says is propaganda and can't be believed anyway", then there's not much I can do about that. All that to say, your gut instinct is absolutely correct. The Chinese have made various statements in response to the countless allegations of western manipulation promoted by canadian and american intelligence and corporate press (same beast), but you'd have to go to CGTN or Global Times to see those responses sadly since it always blocked or twisted out of context for a western audience

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This whole foreign interference story has literally turned into a witch hunt. Just this afternoon, another story broke about how a Chinese- Canadian MPP is "allegedly" part of this "alleged" foreign interference network.


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As an investor and cultural anthropologist, I study trends. Here's an obvious one that most people seem to have missed:

THEN: China, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, USSR, East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Yugoslavia, Albania, Cuba, and a handful of African nations.

NOW: China, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cuba.

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If we're to make any progress at all, we have to move beyond Hegelian Dialectics. Dialectics in its simplest and most common form offers us only two choices, such as communism vs capitalism, religious faith vs atheism, state vs private enterprise, universal medicare vs. private practice, public vs private schooling, and so forth.

What began as an analytical method attributed to Socrates and later incorporated into 19th Century philosophy is today the principle mechanism used to divide and rule us. It's influence is pervasive and invisible to most people, and is used by both sides in conflict to promote their own views rather to arrive at a synthesis, which was the original Socratic intent.

The method is simple. We're presented with only two choices, along with an argument for one vs. the other, thus effectively eliminating any alternatives. The most glaring example is the Left vs. Right division in American politics, but the method and its results are present at all levels of society in every nation on Earth.

The point I'm making is that we're using outdated tools to analyze the challenges of modern civilization, and that those tools, which may have served us in less complicated times, are today not merely an impediment, but a weapon that has been turned against us.

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"Anglo-Venetian oligarchy"

What the hell is that? Secret code for Zionism?

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I tried all the links to order a PDF (to avoid Amazon) but never found an order form.

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