Since people tend to not read very carefully these days and react emotionally after reading a title, to be absolutely clear, WE ARE NOT CALLING FOR A REBIRTH, IT IS BRET WHO REFERENCED TO THIS in his speech to the Rescue the Republic rally where he said we needed to "PHOENIX THE REPUBLIC". This video is a critique of this and exposes a more broad agenda. I am not calling for a rebirth. This is made crystal clear in the description of this video as well as within the film itself. Comments blindly reacting without having clearly having bothered to read anything or watch the actual film will be deleted, I think the reason should be pretty clear why. Thank you.

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Thank you for the insightful video.

I didn't know about the Jesuit role in the ghost dance movement, or the parallels to today.

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Thank you Tommy. Glad you found the information useful.

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Thank you Cynthia for this beautifully moving composition! Though there is much tragedy, those who become aware of these machinations are better equipped on the battlefield of ideas. Thank you for the work that you and Matt do! Many blessings.

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I haven't seen any of these comments, but after watching the video, I'd say it's pretty clear that those commenters were likely agents provocateur, or bots. This video is incredible, but this is really dangerous to the group of people in the crosshairs. You hit the target right square in the middle. Wow.

I'm going to watch this multiple times. I'll try to get some honest folks I know to watch it, but a lot of people just don't want to see...

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This is a beautiful exposition of malignant ideas perverting public discourse. I feel very cozy knowing beautiful people like Cynthia and Matt are in opposition to the public brain rape. Much love from Germany. Very much appreciate your minds and work. Blessings

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Excellent documentary, as always! Thank you so much!

For those who are there for the first time, I also recommend reading Cynthia's articles about all these topics. And buy the book!

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Wow, thank you so much! In my estimation the importance of the light you guys are shedding cannot be overstated. Excellent work!

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Stunning distillation.

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Wow Cynthia, watched and watch again!

Amazing threads you put together here!

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Thank you Cynthia another great one.

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Free maGik ghost dance T., shirt with every injection. Feel safe and effective.

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Much good content here, but some of the attributions/interpretations of Bret's work is drawing a long bow that I don't believe can be substantiated if you're a long time listener to Dark Horse as I am. Brett is not calling for a cataclysm as you said in your final paragraph, he is long spoken about avoiding one. He has long spoken about the corruption in our institutions to the point that most of them produce or gate-keep the opposite of what they're meant to produce and instead protect what he calls Goliath (which others refer to as the Deep State). He says the institutions need to be reclaimed, reformed to their original commission, but will Goliath allow it to happen without creating absolute havoc and bring in an emergency state that will shut down democratic processes. Reform the Republic was intended to action this idea of creating forward movement to this end. As a long time listener of his I sincerely believe he is genuine, and am astounded at some of the things people say about him that is out of character for him. I like much of your work but occasionally I feel it overreaches.

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He said he wanted to phoenix the republic. That means literally burn it all down. That's exactly what he read from a laptop because he apparently couldn't be arsed to learn his own speech before going onstage. This was to a crowd of around one thousand people at his weinstock festival where he expected half a million to show up.

Are you seriously trying to pretend this didn't happen? I can give you a reminder if you're still in denial.

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I think you misunderstand - he is saying the republic IS being burnt down (by Goliath) and that it needs to arise from it's current breaking down state. I don't think it's a perfect analogy as the phoenix arises from the ashes, and it's not yet at the point of the ashes, but the republics destruction which appears to have been decades in the making is nearing some kind of end point that he is wanting to avert.

Nothing wrong with reading from notes btw - not everyone has the ability to adlib without redundancy.

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That's how I interpreted it as well.

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Right. Let me quote a section from Bret's speech which Cynthia uses in this film, "A mystical bird that instead of making chicks lights its nest ablaze and raises anew from the ashes. Watching the modern West burn, I believe it is no accident that this story points us to a hidden solution, a remedy for which we just so happen to have the ingredients.". He later on goes to say "What we must deliver is a Republic if we can Phoenix it." There is no nuance here. You can hold your breath all you want and interpret that Bret is preaching peace on earth and good will to all as he says the Phoenix lights its nest ablaze and that we need to Phoenix the Republic. If someone had said those exact same words that you did not have warm and fuzzy feelings for, I think you would not have an issue. However, people have convinced themselves that if they have spent hours listening to someone on their podcast that that is akin to knowing them. By the way this is not the only disturbing quote from Bret, there are many others that I would say are even worst and are not in metaphorical language. Cynthia actually goes through this in her recent interview with Courtenay Turner which people should check out here: https://courtenayturner.substack.com/p/ep458-a-republic-if-you-can-keep

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I did listen to the Courtenay Turner podcast, but what Cynthia was surmising doesn't square with the weekly Dark Horse conversations I have listened to since the summer of 2020. I have only listened to one podcast with Cynthia so I do have a bias. Were the Chinese camp inhabitants laborers or were they traveling to the U.S.? I don't think anyone knows that answer for sure.

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Are you now saying that what Cynthia is quoting from Bret's own statements in an interview he did are also irrelevant since they do not gel with your idea of him on the Dark Horse Podcast?!? Bret did this interview five years ago with The Big Conversation Christian Radio you can view the whole discussion or excerpts of it on youtube, here is one excerpt where Bret talks about why God is a hack and sounds very much like Yuval Harari: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-umIZzwjNQ You are clearly in denial at this point since it is now NOT a debate as to whether Bret meant this or that, he makes very clear statements in this interview to which Cynthia quotes from and discusses in her interview with Courtenay. And you want to dimiss it, not even bothering to listen to the interview yourself because they don't gel with your emotional connection with Bret??? You clearly want to believe what you want to believe at this point and are not assessing the facts of the matter.

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Usury has consolidated everything, so the rulers need technocracy to maintain control. That much is clear. They've known and planned that for decades, maybe generations.

The three letter agencies are the undertakers. The censored press, the bought legislators and the criminal corporations are the symptoms. Usury is the disease.

There are cracks in the edifice. We are getting to the point where the samizdat is more believable for many people than the official press, and that's the point at which the thing collapses. The pathocrats know that, and so you see desperation here and there. We are getting close to being believed, and that's why WW3, the Samson option, is being waved around, but I think they are bluffing.

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A wealthcap @ 1 B p/Person makes sense and gives incentive to not burn things down

and move to postscarcity instead.


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The Usury Problem Remains


Limit interest rates, end compound interest, and never let interest exceed the principal.

HR 2990


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from Trump cabinet picks it looks really pro-zionist which could men war in ME which the people don;t want

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