Hi Cynthia,

One area the US had gotten hit - that no one seems to be discussing - is infiltration in Universities and Corporate (employment of US citizens) by India and Pakistan which are both British Commonwealths. The university infiltration has been happening since 1980’s and Corp since 1990’s but accelerated on 2000’s.

They are financially decimating and financially terrorizing US Citizens (and Western Europe too) via Student Loans (private schools too) and project based bidding of jobs.

Note: Roosevelt Hotel that houses migrants is owned by a Pakistani company. Pakistanis ran computers for Congress under Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who threatened Capitol Police during the Seth Rich investigation.

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In one of Matt's posts, I noticed that esteemed Canadian clinical psychologist Jordan B. Peterson is pictured alongside people like the Weinstein brothers, whom you allegedly portray as the orchestrators of the mass invasion of North America and Europe by illegal immigration. I always felt that Jordan Peterson was honest—not as brilliant as Albert Bandura, another Canadian clinical psychologist, but an honest man. What has he done wrong to be photographed alongside the Weinsteins?

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