What a wonderful article. Thank you for your references to Anton Chaitkin's work. I've not read his books but will do so in the near future. Unfortunately, most Americans don't have a clue who really runs their country. They have been dumbed down by the public educational system which has cleansed their mind of all imagination and curios…
What a wonderful article. Thank you for your references to Anton Chaitkin's work. I've not read his books but will do so in the near future. Unfortunately, most Americans don't have a clue who really runs their country. They have been dumbed down by the public educational system which has cleansed their mind of all imagination and curiosity. It is very sad. They are in for a rude awakening very soon and I think it will be devastating. I love your work. Thank you.
What a wonderful article. Thank you for your references to Anton Chaitkin's work. I've not read his books but will do so in the near future. Unfortunately, most Americans don't have a clue who really runs their country. They have been dumbed down by the public educational system which has cleansed their mind of all imagination and curiosity. It is very sad. They are in for a rude awakening very soon and I think it will be devastating. I love your work. Thank you.
Bayne Bacon