What a wonderful article. Thank you for your references to Anton Chaitkin's work. I've not read his books but will do so in the near future. Unfortunately, most Americans don't have a clue who really runs their country. They have been dumbed down by the public educational system which has cleansed their mind of all imagination and curiosity. It is very sad. They are in for a rude awakening very soon and I think it will be devastating. I love your work. Thank you.

Bayne Bacon

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Knowing what we now know about the corruption of the intelligence services, Watergate looks more and more like a setup. Most of the “plumbers” had ties to the CIA, and Nixon’s taped conversation with then-CIA director Richard Helms about how “they both know who killed John” and how it would be a shame if someone, not Nixon of course but someone else, revealed the existence of the CIA’s dirty tricks department to the public totally sounds like he knows he is being set up and threatening Helms to get him to back off. As Napoleon said (paraphrased) history is mostly a bunch of lies that people collectively have decided to pretend are true.

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Interesting! Thank you. I have never heard this ‘full inscription’: ““Know Thyself, Nothing to Excess, Surety Brings Ruin””.

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Socrates said, Know Thyself and "In all things, Moderation". I would add, "control your addictions, needs and desires".

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It seems that at some level - perhaps unconsciously - the only thing Americans fear more than the latest foreign "bogey man" - is admitting to themselves the complete ethical and moral rot at the heart of our own institutional structures.

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OMG Cynthia, another superb expose’ of the malignant corruption which has infected(and very much still exists in) the USA. You lay bare all the intrigues and manipulation of the evil people who permeate Government.

Although much of your denouement refers to far history it explains so much that I always struggled to understand.

You are a real heroine of our time and I wish you so well: I had lost the art of reading until I came across your heroic output 👏

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Wow, that has to be one of my top favourite comments, thank you for that. :)

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Oh Wow Cynthia! I’m honoured…but it’s true, you are worth every bit of admiration from me and I am sure many others. I find it incredible that you are able to deliver such an output. Keep up the good work! 🦸‍♀️

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Are you familiar with Allen Dulles' fascinating book Secret Surrender? He recounts his visit with FDR one day before he died on April 12 1945. Dulles had flown to Washington to persuade Roosevelt to agree to the secret agreement with Hitler's SS in Switzerland ending the war in Europe. The Wehrmacht was left out of the pact and FDR was fiercely opposed to a deal with SS officers -

The day after the meeting in Bethesda, Roosevelt died of a mysterious stroke and Dulles flew back to Switzerland and signed the armistice with the Nazis.

I'm going by memory but it's a great book that partially explains Operation Paperclip

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Thanks that is useful to know. I will definitely take a look at it at some point soon.

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Thanks for the concise but thorough work in this article. Going back to the beginning, though, I have a couple of questions, the second one being the most nagging. First, has the Scottish rite taken over Freemasonry completely? Secondly, was Freemasonry more, ah, innocent in the 18th century? I very much want to exonerate George Washington. Even in his own letters he exalts Jesus Christ. How, then, could he do this if he’s secretly worshipping Baphomet or Lucifer or whatever name they would choose in order to call Darkness, Light, and Light, Darkness? Or is it that despite their (perhaps benign?) membership in the Lodge, the majority of our Founding Fathers were truly rebelling not just against the City of London, but against the personalities controlling the Lodge at the time, hence Benjamin Franklin’s famous quote, ‘If we do not all hang separately, we will most certainly will all hang together’? On top of this, you’ve got D.C. laid out according to some mystical plan and the whole pyramid with the 3rd eye on the back of the dollar. I guess I’m saying that the elimination of the three-letter agencies wouldn’t be enough; all this stuff goes a lot deeper.

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Cynthia Chung also does an excellent overview of this in her paper The Shaping of a World Religion: From Jesuits, Freemasons & Anthropologists to MK Ultra & the Counter-Culture Movement PART III https://cynthiachung.substack.com/p/the-shaping-of-a-world-religion-from-6bd

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The Scotish Rite emerged out of a British Freemasonic intelligence hub in Carolina in 1801, and won a massive victory over competing lodges during the (Scottish rite directed) Anti-Freemasonic movement of the USA launched in the mid 1820s until the mid 1840s. The purge of the anti-oligarchist lodges (which were used by the patriotic intelligentsia such as Henry Clay) during that period was very destructive and Albert Pike celebrated it during his 1871 Morals and Dogma. Continental Freemasonry had many more moral expressions than British imperial masonic traditions (speculative, York Rite, and Martinist) which were pretty much in constant war during the 18th-19th centuries. Where one was animated by a spirit of de-mystifying things like sacred geometry, and elevating culture based on the presumption that all humankind had a divine seed of genius that could only be awoken under conditions of freedom and culture, the other network of Freemasonry wished to keep knowledge and culture obscured and useable only by an initiated elite to lord over the masses as gods. There is a good essay from 1978 written by Lyndon LaRouche titled 'The Secrets Known Only to the Inner Elite' which is highly valuable on this point... it was recently re-printed and can be purchased on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Known-Only-Inner-Elites/dp/1520498268 seriously invest the $25 bucks. Highly worth the investment

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The Founding Fathers were open-minded, free thinkers viz. Franklin, Washington, Adams, Hamilton et.al. They understood the intellectual size and scope of the British Oligarchy: "The Empire of the Mind".

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Awesome work! I sent out many on rumble and all were blocked. My device is in Miami, Fl and the Apple tech on the phone assisting me to recover my account, when I told her that the police were on my phone and it should be reported. She giggled and giggled. And so I am their pasty but not willingly. I do believe their souls are in jeopardy and one day I will be graduated to His great Kingdom. He knows my heart. It’s much like you two’s. Only not as educated. This life is vapor compared to eternity.

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Crazy “magicians”. God Bless!!!

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The story from Herodotos about Kroisos is always truncated (I wonder why?):

1. Herodotus writes that the oracle was always correct in its predictions.

2. Kroisos tested the different oracles and chose the best one (Delphi) because it found out perfectly what Kroisos did on a certain day (some cooking nobody does normally).

3. After the los war, Kroisos was saved from burning by the Persion king by the God of Delphi, Apollon.

4. Kroisos asked the Oracle afterwards why he lost his kingdom, and the answer was a ancestrial guilt (or karma in other words), and because he was faithful to Delphi/Apollon, he remained alive and also governor of his now province (instead of king).

I really recommend to read Herodotos, it is revealing and fun.

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Excellent article, the people have been dumbed down by the education system and the complicit Media industrial complex, ruled by the Multinational Corporate Complex of money masters. Who hide their crimes against humanity, and their criminal take over of the government of the United States of America and incorporating the Government without any authority nor jurisdiction to do so. It's beyond time for Americans to educate themselves to the real truth and all of the lies they were told by the Criminal Money Masters!!! The biggest problem facing We The People is educating the masses to the fact that everything they were taught is based on lies, and is in fact Fear Based Propaganda. Designed to keep the public in a low stage of fight or flight so they can be easily manipulated by a trauma based incident to go along with the lies and increase their open air prison they have been contained within.. Heaven forbid we all throw off our cognitive dissonance and see the truth that has been hidden by the Media Industrial Complex... We are headed toward that time through our traverse of this section of the galaxy!!! Soon all truth shall be revealed and they won't be able to walk down the streets... We will intuitively see their intention which will mark them as the enemy of the peaceful people..... Peace...

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I don't completely agree with you. Given the tools of state control, particularly what we call the Deep State, you can have people realize what's going on without being able to do anything about it. The trick is to work into the apparatus of power, formal or informal, which will release the strangle hold on the population. Right now, under the Biden administration, the DOJ doesn't even pretend to be concerned with the law. The entire District of Columbia court region has been captured by the Deep State bureaucrats. It's not impossible to fight, but knowledge alone is not sufficient.

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I partially agree with you, you need to read my Substack on LAW, and a few others to really get a grip on where we are as a society. For starters, Who won the Revolutionary War? Second, what law does the Declaration of Independence require for We The People and who's Laws do you follow??? Understand that history is written by the winners of the wars. Every war since Napoleon have been funded on both sides by the same bankers!!! Our revolutionary war was after Napoleon!!! Our court system is controlled by the Crown of England through the BAR association... BAR=British Accreditation Registry!!! You tell me who won the war!! I will leave you to figure out what Law the Declaration of Independence requires for we the people... A hint it's in the first paragraph!!! Peace...

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Is the 112 years reference referring back to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913?

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Hi Ivan, no it is in reference to the official date for the founding of the FBI (at the time that I wrote the article it was 112 years ago, now it is 116 which I updated.)

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Thanks for that Cynthia,

By sheer coincidence I digested your Feb 29th article "The Enemy Within" today.

Brilliant article. I'll have to take in the rest in that series.

It's shocking how the global deep state has taken over almost all points of control, or as Prince Charles called it when he launched the Great Reset in mid-2020, "use all the levers at our disposal" - which as the head of Freemasonry the British monarchy is in a key position to do so.

I have now started calling the head of the beast the Zion Imperial Cult, the monarchies, bankers, and billionaires, all using the symbols of Zion - with most, even Trump, flying the Lion of Judah in their logos, or the 12 stars on the shield, with the eagle on top of the Federal Reserve logo, which is what the American police and military badges say 'To Protect and Serve + the eagle' - whereas in the British empire and its still enslaved colonies, like Australia and Canada, it is simply more in our face 'To protect and serve + the Crown."

You can't get more obvious than that can you!

When you add in all the useful idiots, in all the organizations, all the secret societies, NGOs, think tanks, international institutions, and communist parties, then to explain who is the winning faction of 3,000+ years of the wars between the Monarchy Imperial Cults of the Crown Monarchy System, then we can see that it is the Zion Imperial Empire that has won the wars, because this is who is attempting to push us into their global dystopian digital slavery system, with fake money being replaced by numbers on a screen, CBDCs, and digital currency.

The true communists are those that seek to monopolize everything - monarchies, bankers, and billionaires. And I don't see too many in those 3 classes at the top levels that are not waging war on humanity right now.

Thanks for saying hello.


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Very, very difficult to make a "nation-state" established through the most complete genocide the planet has ever seen...work for good. Europe has never lost control. Yet.

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Every nation state has its dirty laundry. The objective is not to mourn over past injustices but to institute justice from this time forward.

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