"Meanwhile, what has China been guilty of? Raising the standard of living of the low and middle class and increasing the average life expectancy ..."
I'm genuinely interested in the different perspective you present here on China. While it's obvious China is currently being presented as the boogeyman du jour, it's still difficult to see China as a country fighting the neo-feudalist hegemony. We've been led to believe that Chinese citizens are all but imprisoned by social credit scores that determine whether they can participate in society; that they are constantly monitored by CCTV to ensure cooperative behavior; that dissidents are imprisoned. In other words, that China is the forerunner for the type of neo-feudal society the technocrats hope to implement in the west.
Are these things untrue? Is China a free society? Have you written anything about how China is opposing the neo-feudal hegemony? I would like to read specifics on this.
Hi Bird's Brain, thank you for your genuine interest and request for further references. Other than what I have linked as references within this post, I know Matt has done a thorough paper on what China has achieved for the standard of living of Chinese people here: https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/brics-vs-the-wef-the-clash-of-two. If you would like other specifics let me know and I can refer you to more references.
Thanks very much! I’ll read that. If you know of any trusted sources, I’m also interested in what life is like in China, freedom wise, social credit scores etc
Even if what you say of China is true, that its citizens are not truly free to express dissident views, it does not follow that China is a military or external threat to the US or its allies. It is not the business of the US to initiate military moves against China because Chinese internal policies go against the US ideal of a representative government. US citizens should, of course, be completely free to criticize the Chinese government and Chinese system.
I think you've misunderstood my comment. I'm not saying anything is true or not about China or about whether or not that country is a threat to the US. I don't know enough to have an opinion one way or the other, as I recognize that most of what we hear is propaganda. That's why I'm asking if Cynthia has any additional information to offer.
And by the by, do you mean the ideal of representative government the US purports to stand for, or the one it actually implements in other countries when it covertly removes leaders and sees them replaced by ones it approves of?
OK. So you weren't expressing an opinion one way or another on whether the US was justified in acting against China simply because the US defines the Chinese government as internally repressive. I accept that. In the same manner, I was not expressing an opinion on whether the US system of foreign relations genuinely pushed internal democracy for other countries.
One trend to modern computer devices that I dislike, is that they seem to be increasingly designed for consumers, rather than producers.
People talk about digital divides, perhaps the real significant one is the shrinking availability of devices which cater to human creative productive capabilities, rather than mere consumption enhancement, tracking, and behavior modification portals, all marketed under the guise of convenience.
The computer should evolve to serve man, not serve him up to oligarchs.
Okay, I'm back, after doing some digging on Chinese mining in Congo. This dossier is from mainly Congolese and other African researchers and writers, and China comes out comparatively well, in terms of benefits to Congolese. China's entry into Congo's cobalt mining arena allowed Congo space to renegotiate deals with foreign companies, at a better rate of return for Gecamines, Congo's state-owned mining company, and, furthermore, Chinese products made from Congolese mining are used by Congolese and the Chinese seemed to favor local manufacturing and purification of metals rather than simply for export, as well as paving roads in the country. This dossier also compiles evidence of Western sabotaging of China's interest in Congo, to the detriment of Congolese, in an attempt to try and re-enslave them to IMF terms. It also explains the current violence and destabilization in terms of this Western sabotage.
This makes me feel better, and arms me with more knowledge to answer China's critics. I post the link to the dossier here for public consumption:
Contrast that to Knightsbridge Strategic, a UK intelligence dossier on the subject, and you will see language filled with game theory, with a heavy anti-China bias that mirrors that of Steve Bannon, but in not-so-populist language. I post this here for intelligence purposes, because it offers some perspective on the West's current Anti-China crusade. In short: it involves monopolization of minerals used for semiconducting, and illustrates "strategic minerals" as chokepoints for control worldwide.
Very interesting essay. I agree that AI is currently simply the tool of its programming. However, if one is a materialist in the broad sense, it seems obvious that sooner or later a non-organic "machine" will be created that will equal human intelligence. It will surpass human intelligence when it meets the criteria that Ashton Forbes states: it can create an ability for itself that it did not begin with.
I completely agree that the determination to go to war with China (or Russia) is insane. You and Matt have given an excellent framework for viewing economic activity: a cooperative competition. A country, even a superpower, actually is most prosperous in a network of countries themselves economically and technically advanced. The opportunity for oligarchy is thereby reduced, which may account for the hostility of the elite political class.
There is something of a contradiction in the stated benefits of protective tariffs. If each country protects its own manufacturing capabilities and minimizes its dependence on exporting raw materials and labor, then at the logical extreme, you will get no international trade at all. Yet, a country to defend itself must be able to manufacture all necessary components to fight a war. Trump rightly insists that manufacturing capability be imported from places like Mexico and
Taiwan to the US, but where does that leave Mexico and Taiwan? How do they develop their own capabilities?
The classic model of imperialism is there is one superpower at the center of an industrial network. The superpower controls the manufacturing while importing cheap materials from its colonies and exporting manufactured goods at a profit back to them.
You can debate Bannon's apparent contradictions, but I can guarantee you that you're misinterpreting his comments on the struggle future parents will have around whether to "chip the kids" as an apparent endorsement of transhumanism.
For Bannon - transhumanism is the existential challenge and crisis of our age. He is in no way endorsing it when he's describes the temptation and calculus near-future people will have to wrestle with with regarding these choices.
Excellent piece! You make a great point. I want to also add that in longer history, China has NEVER maintained an overseas colonial empire EVEN WHEN THEY EASILY HAD THE ABILITY TO DO SO (I was on a cruise of San Diego harbor with a ship replica captain driving a replica of Columbus' Santa Maria and I was asking him about ship development through the middle ages and ship technology in general during that time period. He told me that Chinese ships in the 1300's-1400's were far in advance of European ships).
I have a question for you, though, and I was wondering if you can clear this up. And it is about Congo/Rwanda. We are told, in the West, that Congo's war is about minerals for semiconducting and that the entire semiconducting revolution is around minerals like columbite and tantalum. We are also told that "China has a near monopoly of rare earths within its geographical domain." We are also told, constantly, that "China wants to exploit Congo's minerals just like the West does." Or, I am told that by Republicans in my family and Right-leaning Cold Warriors.
My question is: "Is China getting its semiconductor materials from Congo? Or is it using rare earths from within its OWN territory for this?" Because, if China can use its own rare earths from inside its own country to fuel its semiconductor industry, then there would not be any need for China to get it from Congo and this would be just projection from the West, which is the prime agent guilty of this (which I happen to believe, by the way.)
#2: If China IS getting minerals from Congo, is it doing so in a way that favors equal exchange of value, trying to foster mutual win-win cooperation? And this being the reason why the West is so adamant about preaching that "China is trying to exploit Congo's minerals?"
#3: But it is TAIWAN that is still leading the semiconductor with Mainland China "catching up," and Taiwan is still under a lot of influence from the United States. So is it in fact the United States/West/IMF that is getting all the minerals from Congo, selling them to Taiwan, and being converted into chips in Taiwan? And thus, is the reason why Mainland China is still not caught up to Taiwan yet is because China just does not have as much access to Congo's semiconductor minerals? And nor does it want to do so, in keeping with them not wanting to maintain an overseas colonial extraction system? (By the way, I am leaning toward THIS hypothesis, namely, that it is the WEST that is most exploitative of Congo's minerals and that the material Taiwan gets for its chips comes from WESTERN dominance over the Eastern DRC/Rwanda area and that the reason why China has not caught up is because of this...Or that China is still trying to find workarounds with more common materials that are not gotten through exploitative extraction.)
Your input/answers would be greatly appreciated. Or perhaps even an article would be great. Thanks!
Hi again Towards 2141, I read your following post where you included some references on China's work in Congo which appears to be beneficial to the Congolese and to which the West has been attempting to sabotage. I absolutely agree that this should become an article and will address your questions as best I can. I also plan on doing an article on the history overviewing some of the major economic attacks launched by the US/IMF/World Bank and how this compares with China's economic actions domestically and internationally as well. Thanks again for this and if you ever come across other references you think useful please do share! Many thanks!
That owned Bannon bloke right, has got his head so far up the plantation owners a**e all he can see is the script given him to read. Anywho!
It is beyond rude, arrogant, full of yourself to be propagating such poison. There is a saying 'do not poke the bear'. The cult's bully the USA war machine would be the only machine that still has the might so they aren't gonna send someone like 'the Ukraine Beggar' to talk fight talk now would they?
China's rulers are NOT fully under the control of the self-appointed powers that be though, they are still in there (China) and neither is Russia. They need the bogie-men to continue the assault on humanity.
Could this be viewed as tales of the Open vs Closed system war?
The are itching for a war since they are well on their way to dis-placing (shaking-off) those people from that land (over in that place) sending them to Syria and Jordon as proposed.
They need to stop or control the BRI fully or they will not be happy until then or....
I think it is necessary to consider the rising anti-China sentiment of neighboring China countries like Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam and South Korea. I agree to oppose to war3 , but can you trust China as much as the United States? In particular, I was upset, Xi Jinping met Kill Gates and he called him 老朋友 , an old friend after the terrible pandemic. He used pandemic for his political gain?
I think many Asians should read your essay because many people believe in Elon musk's myth, reading analysts report about Tesla stock.
Personally, I don't believe China is different about establishing neo-feudalism. Look at CCP members and their families' empire. Xi jingping's daughter graduated from the Harvard.
Elites from USA and CCP are same. I don't want to be naive as a Korean without the Pacific ocean like USA.
Park Grace Kyung I have to say that I am disappointed in your response which completely misses the points I bring up in this paper. Why is the United States trustworthy at all at this point? What promises has it kept? Vietnam has been put through a meat grinder and Orwellian police state with the Phoenix Program, and both South Korea and Japanese economies as well as tech industry have Infact been attacked and largely sabotages by the United States. See my papers that I reference in the above post on"Why Shinzo Abbe was Assassinated" and "Why the United States has Set itself up for failure in the semiconductor race for military supremacy." These papers go through South Korea and Japan's stories and how their economies went through depressions due to the actions of the United States. As for China's actions to warrant a military escalation from the US, I am sorry you are going to have to do a lot better than bringing up that Xi's daughter went to Harvard, good grief are you serious? That is proof for you that China must have the same agenda and we should go to war with China? And if you think the US is more trustworthy why are you bringing up Harvard as a bad thing, you are not even consistent in your logic. China has raised the standard of living of it s lower and middle classes this is undeniable. You need to come up with some actual facts for why a military escalation is warranted against China besides the fact that the US will not except losing its position global supremacy which has clearly not been to the benefit of Asian people.
Also there are US military bases in the Philippines and Japan. In the case of Japan there have been a lot of complaints by the Japanese people living near these military bases for the mistreatment and rape cases that occur by US military personnel. It is clear that the US thinks it is it's right to station it's military bases anywhere it pleases regardless of whether a country invites them in and regards such countries as subject nations, ie colonies. You are a real fool at this point to think that the US is your friend or that China is somehow a threat to Asian security interests.
Btw last time I checked it was the US who dropped two atomic bombs on Japan and was responsible for horrific acts during the Korean War including chemical warfare. Many US soldiers returned in fact very disturbed by their role in that war, Vietnam would take that sort of dirty war tactics to the next level. You need to wake up.
Don’t underestimate Asians. Korean presidents have known America very well since Korean war. President Lee opposed cease fire for the unification of Koreas. President Park tried developing nuclear weapons and was killed by that action. Many South Koreans also want nuke, too. We are not slaves or fools. We don’t trust USA, China, Japan, or Russia…We only believe in us! We are ready to prepare after the leaving of USA armies…making our own military arms and having our own techs. USA’s threat of leaving USA armies started from Nixon…We just calculate our readiness, money and China and North Korea’s threat. so American soldiers are staying. many Korean people make living with their stay. It is not a good and evil problem.
Even North Korean Kim jung il said…”100 years enemy Japan, 1,000 years enemy China”
why not see CCP’s fraud, spying activity like USA fascists? Didn’t you see how CCP attacked Chineses and lied during the pandemic??? you are watching the situation with an one eye. CCP are making their young ultra Nationalists as little NAZIs..they despise Korean, Japanese…most South East Asians. Ask them…
I already knew Zelensky’s scam…but he said one good point. USA has a beautiful ocean..but Korean, Japan and Ukraine don’t have the Pacific like Canada or USA. We are not naive. We are cautious about China’s aggressive approach for neighboring countries. CCP Mao sabotaged our unification chance during Korean war!!!! you say multipolar world can solve all problems but I don’t thinks so.
Look China’s inner problems and corruption. China is a military driven country. Deng Xia ping , Xi jinping chosen by military leaders.
Is it not a kind of fascism???? I just want a balance of your thought.
You have said a lot which views China as equivalent to the Us destructive forces, again what is the specific basis of this? What exactly are you are addressing of China which is a national security threat to South Korea?
You are really naive..you need to wake up first. Koreans lived and fought with China for a long time. Korean and Japanese just let USA military stay for our foreign policy. If they leave, we will have our nuke against China. Japan already prepared concentrated nukes. Chineses lie their history, steal technology, deceive others. and they are poud of them. I don't want to repeat their threat here. you can easily find their atrocity. They also banned on Korean culture and products. Do you know 陳雲 Chen yun? research him he said China is the princelings's own. our sons and daughters should rule China. That is called Feudalism!!!!!
"Meanwhile, what has China been guilty of? Raising the standard of living of the low and middle class and increasing the average life expectancy ..."
I'm genuinely interested in the different perspective you present here on China. While it's obvious China is currently being presented as the boogeyman du jour, it's still difficult to see China as a country fighting the neo-feudalist hegemony. We've been led to believe that Chinese citizens are all but imprisoned by social credit scores that determine whether they can participate in society; that they are constantly monitored by CCTV to ensure cooperative behavior; that dissidents are imprisoned. In other words, that China is the forerunner for the type of neo-feudal society the technocrats hope to implement in the west.
Are these things untrue? Is China a free society? Have you written anything about how China is opposing the neo-feudal hegemony? I would like to read specifics on this.
Hi Bird's Brain, thank you for your genuine interest and request for further references. Other than what I have linked as references within this post, I know Matt has done a thorough paper on what China has achieved for the standard of living of Chinese people here: https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/brics-vs-the-wef-the-clash-of-two. If you would like other specifics let me know and I can refer you to more references.
Thanks very much! I’ll read that. If you know of any trusted sources, I’m also interested in what life is like in China, freedom wise, social credit scores etc
Even if what you say of China is true, that its citizens are not truly free to express dissident views, it does not follow that China is a military or external threat to the US or its allies. It is not the business of the US to initiate military moves against China because Chinese internal policies go against the US ideal of a representative government. US citizens should, of course, be completely free to criticize the Chinese government and Chinese system.
I think you've misunderstood my comment. I'm not saying anything is true or not about China or about whether or not that country is a threat to the US. I don't know enough to have an opinion one way or the other, as I recognize that most of what we hear is propaganda. That's why I'm asking if Cynthia has any additional information to offer.
And by the by, do you mean the ideal of representative government the US purports to stand for, or the one it actually implements in other countries when it covertly removes leaders and sees them replaced by ones it approves of?
OK. So you weren't expressing an opinion one way or another on whether the US was justified in acting against China simply because the US defines the Chinese government as internally repressive. I accept that. In the same manner, I was not expressing an opinion on whether the US system of foreign relations genuinely pushed internal democracy for other countries.
Agreed. The difference is that I didn't say you were. I asked which way you meant it.
One trend to modern computer devices that I dislike, is that they seem to be increasingly designed for consumers, rather than producers.
People talk about digital divides, perhaps the real significant one is the shrinking availability of devices which cater to human creative productive capabilities, rather than mere consumption enhancement, tracking, and behavior modification portals, all marketed under the guise of convenience.
The computer should evolve to serve man, not serve him up to oligarchs.
Okay, I'm back, after doing some digging on Chinese mining in Congo. This dossier is from mainly Congolese and other African researchers and writers, and China comes out comparatively well, in terms of benefits to Congolese. China's entry into Congo's cobalt mining arena allowed Congo space to renegotiate deals with foreign companies, at a better rate of return for Gecamines, Congo's state-owned mining company, and, furthermore, Chinese products made from Congolese mining are used by Congolese and the Chinese seemed to favor local manufacturing and purification of metals rather than simply for export, as well as paving roads in the country. This dossier also compiles evidence of Western sabotaging of China's interest in Congo, to the detriment of Congolese, in an attempt to try and re-enslave them to IMF terms. It also explains the current violence and destabilization in terms of this Western sabotage.
This makes me feel better, and arms me with more knowledge to answer China's critics. I post the link to the dossier here for public consumption:
Contrast that to Knightsbridge Strategic, a UK intelligence dossier on the subject, and you will see language filled with game theory, with a heavy anti-China bias that mirrors that of Steve Bannon, but in not-so-populist language. I post this here for intelligence purposes, because it offers some perspective on the West's current Anti-China crusade. In short: it involves monopolization of minerals used for semiconducting, and illustrates "strategic minerals" as chokepoints for control worldwide.
Thank for this Toward 2141. I will definitely take a look at your references and include them in an upcoming paper.
Really thought provoking work challenging modern US hero’s. Thank you!
"goodly outside", I like that!
Very interesting essay. I agree that AI is currently simply the tool of its programming. However, if one is a materialist in the broad sense, it seems obvious that sooner or later a non-organic "machine" will be created that will equal human intelligence. It will surpass human intelligence when it meets the criteria that Ashton Forbes states: it can create an ability for itself that it did not begin with.
I completely agree that the determination to go to war with China (or Russia) is insane. You and Matt have given an excellent framework for viewing economic activity: a cooperative competition. A country, even a superpower, actually is most prosperous in a network of countries themselves economically and technically advanced. The opportunity for oligarchy is thereby reduced, which may account for the hostility of the elite political class.
There is something of a contradiction in the stated benefits of protective tariffs. If each country protects its own manufacturing capabilities and minimizes its dependence on exporting raw materials and labor, then at the logical extreme, you will get no international trade at all. Yet, a country to defend itself must be able to manufacture all necessary components to fight a war. Trump rightly insists that manufacturing capability be imported from places like Mexico and
Taiwan to the US, but where does that leave Mexico and Taiwan? How do they develop their own capabilities?
The classic model of imperialism is there is one superpower at the center of an industrial network. The superpower controls the manufacturing while importing cheap materials from its colonies and exporting manufactured goods at a profit back to them.
Cynthia, you rock! Matt's a lucky son of a gun.
You can debate Bannon's apparent contradictions, but I can guarantee you that you're misinterpreting his comments on the struggle future parents will have around whether to "chip the kids" as an apparent endorsement of transhumanism.
For Bannon - transhumanism is the existential challenge and crisis of our age. He is in no way endorsing it when he's describes the temptation and calculus near-future people will have to wrestle with with regarding these choices.
Excellent piece! You make a great point. I want to also add that in longer history, China has NEVER maintained an overseas colonial empire EVEN WHEN THEY EASILY HAD THE ABILITY TO DO SO (I was on a cruise of San Diego harbor with a ship replica captain driving a replica of Columbus' Santa Maria and I was asking him about ship development through the middle ages and ship technology in general during that time period. He told me that Chinese ships in the 1300's-1400's were far in advance of European ships).
I have a question for you, though, and I was wondering if you can clear this up. And it is about Congo/Rwanda. We are told, in the West, that Congo's war is about minerals for semiconducting and that the entire semiconducting revolution is around minerals like columbite and tantalum. We are also told that "China has a near monopoly of rare earths within its geographical domain." We are also told, constantly, that "China wants to exploit Congo's minerals just like the West does." Or, I am told that by Republicans in my family and Right-leaning Cold Warriors.
My question is: "Is China getting its semiconductor materials from Congo? Or is it using rare earths from within its OWN territory for this?" Because, if China can use its own rare earths from inside its own country to fuel its semiconductor industry, then there would not be any need for China to get it from Congo and this would be just projection from the West, which is the prime agent guilty of this (which I happen to believe, by the way.)
#2: If China IS getting minerals from Congo, is it doing so in a way that favors equal exchange of value, trying to foster mutual win-win cooperation? And this being the reason why the West is so adamant about preaching that "China is trying to exploit Congo's minerals?"
#3: But it is TAIWAN that is still leading the semiconductor with Mainland China "catching up," and Taiwan is still under a lot of influence from the United States. So is it in fact the United States/West/IMF that is getting all the minerals from Congo, selling them to Taiwan, and being converted into chips in Taiwan? And thus, is the reason why Mainland China is still not caught up to Taiwan yet is because China just does not have as much access to Congo's semiconductor minerals? And nor does it want to do so, in keeping with them not wanting to maintain an overseas colonial extraction system? (By the way, I am leaning toward THIS hypothesis, namely, that it is the WEST that is most exploitative of Congo's minerals and that the material Taiwan gets for its chips comes from WESTERN dominance over the Eastern DRC/Rwanda area and that the reason why China has not caught up is because of this...Or that China is still trying to find workarounds with more common materials that are not gotten through exploitative extraction.)
Your input/answers would be greatly appreciated. Or perhaps even an article would be great. Thanks!
Hi again Towards 2141, I read your following post where you included some references on China's work in Congo which appears to be beneficial to the Congolese and to which the West has been attempting to sabotage. I absolutely agree that this should become an article and will address your questions as best I can. I also plan on doing an article on the history overviewing some of the major economic attacks launched by the US/IMF/World Bank and how this compares with China's economic actions domestically and internationally as well. Thanks again for this and if you ever come across other references you think useful please do share! Many thanks!
That owned Bannon bloke right, has got his head so far up the plantation owners a**e all he can see is the script given him to read. Anywho!
It is beyond rude, arrogant, full of yourself to be propagating such poison. There is a saying 'do not poke the bear'. The cult's bully the USA war machine would be the only machine that still has the might so they aren't gonna send someone like 'the Ukraine Beggar' to talk fight talk now would they?
China's rulers are NOT fully under the control of the self-appointed powers that be though, they are still in there (China) and neither is Russia. They need the bogie-men to continue the assault on humanity.
Could this be viewed as tales of the Open vs Closed system war?
The are itching for a war since they are well on their way to dis-placing (shaking-off) those people from that land (over in that place) sending them to Syria and Jordon as proposed.
They need to stop or control the BRI fully or they will not be happy until then or....
I think it is necessary to consider the rising anti-China sentiment of neighboring China countries like Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam and South Korea. I agree to oppose to war3 , but can you trust China as much as the United States? In particular, I was upset, Xi Jinping met Kill Gates and he called him 老朋友 , an old friend after the terrible pandemic. He used pandemic for his political gain?
I think many Asians should read your essay because many people believe in Elon musk's myth, reading analysts report about Tesla stock.
Personally, I don't believe China is different about establishing neo-feudalism. Look at CCP members and their families' empire. Xi jingping's daughter graduated from the Harvard.
Elites from USA and CCP are same. I don't want to be naive as a Korean without the Pacific ocean like USA.
Park Grace Kyung I have to say that I am disappointed in your response which completely misses the points I bring up in this paper. Why is the United States trustworthy at all at this point? What promises has it kept? Vietnam has been put through a meat grinder and Orwellian police state with the Phoenix Program, and both South Korea and Japanese economies as well as tech industry have Infact been attacked and largely sabotages by the United States. See my papers that I reference in the above post on"Why Shinzo Abbe was Assassinated" and "Why the United States has Set itself up for failure in the semiconductor race for military supremacy." These papers go through South Korea and Japan's stories and how their economies went through depressions due to the actions of the United States. As for China's actions to warrant a military escalation from the US, I am sorry you are going to have to do a lot better than bringing up that Xi's daughter went to Harvard, good grief are you serious? That is proof for you that China must have the same agenda and we should go to war with China? And if you think the US is more trustworthy why are you bringing up Harvard as a bad thing, you are not even consistent in your logic. China has raised the standard of living of it s lower and middle classes this is undeniable. You need to come up with some actual facts for why a military escalation is warranted against China besides the fact that the US will not except losing its position global supremacy which has clearly not been to the benefit of Asian people.
Also there are US military bases in the Philippines and Japan. In the case of Japan there have been a lot of complaints by the Japanese people living near these military bases for the mistreatment and rape cases that occur by US military personnel. It is clear that the US thinks it is it's right to station it's military bases anywhere it pleases regardless of whether a country invites them in and regards such countries as subject nations, ie colonies. You are a real fool at this point to think that the US is your friend or that China is somehow a threat to Asian security interests.
Btw last time I checked it was the US who dropped two atomic bombs on Japan and was responsible for horrific acts during the Korean War including chemical warfare. Many US soldiers returned in fact very disturbed by their role in that war, Vietnam would take that sort of dirty war tactics to the next level. You need to wake up.
Don’t underestimate Asians. Korean presidents have known America very well since Korean war. President Lee opposed cease fire for the unification of Koreas. President Park tried developing nuclear weapons and was killed by that action. Many South Koreans also want nuke, too. We are not slaves or fools. We don’t trust USA, China, Japan, or Russia…We only believe in us! We are ready to prepare after the leaving of USA armies…making our own military arms and having our own techs. USA’s threat of leaving USA armies started from Nixon…We just calculate our readiness, money and China and North Korea’s threat. so American soldiers are staying. many Korean people make living with their stay. It is not a good and evil problem.
Even North Korean Kim jung il said…”100 years enemy Japan, 1,000 years enemy China”
why not see CCP’s fraud, spying activity like USA fascists? Didn’t you see how CCP attacked Chineses and lied during the pandemic??? you are watching the situation with an one eye. CCP are making their young ultra Nationalists as little NAZIs..they despise Korean, Japanese…most South East Asians. Ask them…
I already knew Zelensky’s scam…but he said one good point. USA has a beautiful ocean..but Korean, Japan and Ukraine don’t have the Pacific like Canada or USA. We are not naive. We are cautious about China’s aggressive approach for neighboring countries. CCP Mao sabotaged our unification chance during Korean war!!!! you say multipolar world can solve all problems but I don’t thinks so.
Look China’s inner problems and corruption. China is a military driven country. Deng Xia ping , Xi jinping chosen by military leaders.
Is it not a kind of fascism???? I just want a balance of your thought.
You have said a lot which views China as equivalent to the Us destructive forces, again what is the specific basis of this? What exactly are you are addressing of China which is a national security threat to South Korea?
You are really naive..you need to wake up first. Koreans lived and fought with China for a long time. Korean and Japanese just let USA military stay for our foreign policy. If they leave, we will have our nuke against China. Japan already prepared concentrated nukes. Chineses lie their history, steal technology, deceive others. and they are poud of them. I don't want to repeat their threat here. you can easily find their atrocity. They also banned on Korean culture and products. Do you know 陳雲 Chen yun? research him he said China is the princelings's own. our sons and daughters should rule China. That is called Feudalism!!!!!