NATO has become a fools paradise, too many pretensions, too little reality. Too many moribund leaders betraying their populations.

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Interesting times. I imagine the British decision makers will be particularly piqued by this disclosure as it removes the veneer of plausible deniability that they previously hid behind. It will be much harder now to express indignation at any retaliatory move by Russia now the World knows how the game is played.

The redoubtable George Galloway has just been returned to Parliament so I shouldn’t wonder if the British populace even hear this discussed in the Commons - they are, of course, unlikely to hear about it in their media.

Yes, I rather think Galloway’s return to politics will set the cat among the establishment pigeons in regards to both Ukraine and Palestine.

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Galloway is the leader to be watched and followed!

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For the West and especially the US, the Ukraine war has from Day 1 been a giant money laundering operation. This is Crony Fascism on a global scale. What the people will never know is where and who all the billions are going to. Fifth generation warfare’s largest components are smokeless. The artillery is money. It buys minds, it buys hearts, it buys alliances and dark agreements.

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This is an excellent summary of where things stand and the possible path forward (or should I say, backwards). With so much state inflicted death and destruction all around us it seems this needless escalation is all part of the plan.

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The media here in my Netherlands is oddly reluctant to entertain the topic of sending European forces into Ukraine. I guess we feel that sending one outgoing prime minster to lead NATO is enough for now.

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Great job, Cynthia. This article is a perfect synthesis of the Ukrainians mess. We need to toss aside the chimera that has been blinding us. This article is one remedy!

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All wars are bankers wars and they want both Russia and China's assets so they can have their global debt plantation/panopticon. They hollowed out the western satellites believing that a proxy and 5th/6th columnists were sufficient, but miscalculated so will throw others under bus. Up to using their puppets to launch nuclear weapons. Voting won't stop that.

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The Empire of Lies should get ready for their day if reckoning. After all, it has been building toward this climax since the Dulles boys and their CIA cronies moved in on the Kennedys to create their Militarist Empire for Perfidious Albion.

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Not forgetting that "88" ( Achtundachtzig ) is a Nazicode in interactions in Germany and elsewhere. Why? Because 8 is the eighty letter of the?German alphabeth which in turn is the first letter of Hitler's name as well as the first letter if the Nazi salute.

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Insane psychopaths are capable of anything. The farmers uprising is not just about climate issues as our lamestream media broadcasts! I hope the europopulation wakes up to their (and our) immensely perilous situation. Canada needs to stop supporting this.However, unfortunately recent conservative statements by Mr. Poliveir echo the same line as the Trudeau government. Supporting democracy in Ukraine is joke and misleading at best.

Thankyou for your great insights and efforts 👌

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